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Selling clothes

Offline Millertime

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Selling clothes
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:31:16 PM »
I have read many opinions on selling clothes from units and I wonder if this is dependant on area of the country,quality, demographics or all of the above. Just had a big yard sale with a lot of clothes for sale and did very well on them. We set up tables with .50 on everything, better quality items we priced separately. I used advice from here on old t-shirts as shop rags and sold them. Do some of you not want to deal with clothes for space, no profit or something else? Do you launder them first or sell as is? I plan to do quarterly yard sales and have space to store them. This is part time work for me and I'm hoping units full of clothes will make $.Thanks for any thoughts.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2011, 01:36:31 PM »
I personally dont do it unless it is name brand and is clean. Or is brand new with tags still on (no matter the brand then). Other wise I would have a 10x10 storage locker full of just clothes. I know there is money in them, even at 25 cents to a dollar. But for the major part of it, people dont even look at the clothes in my yard sales.

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Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2011, 06:37:10 PM »
At walmart, target, etc they sell cheap white rags meant for household cleaning or cleaning cars, nto cheap either I wanna say like $5 a pack. I sell crappy old tshirts as shop rags, get a dime or a quarter a piece but more often than not will just sell a whole box or bin for a few bucks.

Name brand stuff can be sold on ebay however even much name brand stuff doesn't sell even at 99 cents so flea markets, then garage sales.

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Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2011, 07:52:17 PM »
Not a lot of people mess with clothing, but I made some great money on things like clothing and books. Just price everything between 50 cents(T-shirts) - $2.00(blue jeans). I was averaging $300-400 in clothing sales every week, but, I was buying a lot of units.

If you don't feel like fooling with them, visit the local resale shops in your area and see how much they will pay you by the trash bag.

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Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2011, 09:32:56 AM »
A friend recently had 4 of the heavy plastic, 6' tables piled with clothes at 25 cents each. To me it seemed a waste of space and I still think it could have been used more profitably; he sold $15 (ballpark he said) which worked out to 60 pieces.

To my way of thinking, I probably would have found enough small stuff (hard goods) to fill those 4 tables and I think I would have made that $15 with somewhere between 1 and 5 items. But that's just my take on it; other people's opinions are still respected.

Offline Jedi

Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 04:25:10 PM »
here's my system for clothes:  When sorting through the contents of a locker, any clothes that are new with tag get put in a bin to be listed on Ebay.  All other clothes get stored in boxes until the next yard sale.  As part of my advertising for my yard sale, I mention 'fill a bag with clothes for $2'  At the yard sale I spread a tarp on the ground, dump all the clothes on the tarp  (I don't bother being neat about it...after 2 people go through it, it will be a mess anyway) and put a box of grocery bags by the tarp.  At the end of the yard sale, all left over clothes get donated, then the cycle starts over again.  It has worked well for me, and I feel it's worth it even if I only get $20 in sales from it.  It also depends on the clothes, around here, it seems that childrens clothes get people going though the pile much more so then adult clothes.

Offline Millertime

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Re: Selling clothes
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2011, 08:08:22 PM »
I asked this question because i know there are a lot of clothes in lockers. It seems here in Tennessee that clothes do well in yard sales if they are priced right. We did the 50 cent tables and unloaded 10 garbage bags full of clothes. Had several happy comments about our price versus other sales going on that day. Thanks for all the good ideas.

Anyone have success selling clothes on ebay?

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