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Selling Direct TV equipment

Selling Direct TV equipment
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:17:51 AM »
Hello all,
Just wondering if was legal to sell Direct TV equipment that was bought in a locker?
There was a locker that was full of Top of the line Direct TV HD DVR receivers brand new in the box, dishes, stands, etc...
I believe this was a unit that belonged to a Direct TV installer. We were going to bid on it but some guy said that you cant sell them and everything in there was worthless so we did not. I dont know if this was just a mind thing or what, but the guy that said that didnt bid on the unit, (if he had then I would have also). There were probably 30 units in there plus all of the other dish equipment. It went for $250. After the auction we looked up on eBay and there were units up the in the exact same white sealed boxes as was in the unit and they were going for big bucks. We figured it up to be around a $3000 to $5000 locker if the items were sell-able.

Any information for future buys would be very welcome. 

Offline Alias300

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Re: Selling Direct TV equipment
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 04:55:22 PM »
As far as I know it's legal. My brother bought his off eBay and if eBay allows the sale then......

Where im at the tv/cable/sat companies have to by law allow you to buy your own equipment. Can't force you to buy or rent from them.

My brother also uses the direct tv equipment for other purposes. He positioned sat dish and "stuff" to get the NASA communications. All public info and legit. Not like hacking it.  He's just a geek and likes to watch that stuff.

Guess I shouldn't make fun of him. I watch the airport channel. Just people arriving. Don't know, it's entertaining to me.  :-\

Back on topic.....
Don't know of any laws against selling the equipment.

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Re: Selling Direct TV equipment
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 05:15:45 AM »
Looked it up on ebay information. Have one from a locker.

You have to plug the unit in and get a code. Call dish and see if it is leased or owned. If leased illegal to sell.

Think you have to have that code to even list it on ebay. Or something proving it does not belong to Dish.

Now it being an installer not sure if they have to buy the equipment if so could have been a good locker.

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Re: Selling Direct TV equipment
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 09:01:38 AM »
Owned equipment can be bought and sold, leased equipment cannot. Here is the eBay write-up on the subject.

Re: Selling Direct TV equipment
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 11:54:35 AM »
Most installers dont own the equipment its owned by the company ie DTV or Dish and they just install it. If its owned by the company then they have most likely billed the installer for said equipment but its still worthless to you.

Receivers you find used most of the time are useless also cause if the bill isnt paid up then DTV or Dish will never activate that receiver again.

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Re: Selling Direct TV equipment
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 03:14:26 PM »
95% of all Direct TV parts end up as scrap.

You can sell the dish, no restrictions on that (A lot of people will buy just the dish, because one person will pay for the TV package, and then give another person a box from their package)

Say MOM pays $80 a month for Directv. Then the son, buys a dish, and installs it and asks mom to rent another box at $7. So now mom pays $87 and the Son pays $0 for his TV package.  Or if the son is nice he'll pay half the total bill.

When you get a box you can call Direct TV and see if it's a lease, if it's leased, it's just scrap or parts at that point.

Most of the time, people owe money to Direct TV, and that receiver will never be able to be used until they clear the account it was attached to even if the person owned it.

The remotes, you can sell. They are common, you won't get much for them $0 to $5 each, depending on the model.  You'll get more for the batteries, on some occasions,  if they are still good.

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