The Hart Beat covers the larger storage chains and some independent but it's nowhere near 90%. Their website claims that they publish notices for around 100 facilities. Houston has over 1400 storage facilities within a 60 miles radius. San Antonio is smaller than Houston but I would estimate that you have at least 900-1100 facilities.
Chances are that San Antonio has at least 25-30 smaller independent newspapers that storage facilities advertise in.
Lord willing, we will be moving into the San Antonio market by years end.
I compiled a list of my own on a spreadsheet. With the help of White/yellow pages, as well as the internet of every Storage Facility in San Antonio, and a few outside the area going south. I have called every single one of them, some would not comment or lied saying that dont do auctions (which later I find out they use Hart Beat, except one, they publish in a small paper on the Southside of town). Regardless, all my information is in, and like I SAID 90% OF THEM USE THE HART BEAT. I think I know what I am talking about here since I did my homework and research before I even reluctantly subscribed to the Hart Beat.
Also sad to report we dont have that many facilities, maybe half of what you expected. I have not counted them all, but I can tell you it took me 4 and a half days to call every single one of them.
As far as independent newspapers, sadly no again, we dont have that many. We have I want to say there is currently 4 or 5, one of which is I assume closing down, or has been bought out.
I have lived in both cities, it is not just size difference between Houston and San Antonio. Culture difference, meaning there are way more different cultures in Houston than here, financial economics are way different, even the way Houston values history is different than the way San Antonio does. You got to remember, Houston is what the 4th or 5th largest city right now in the USA. San Antonio does not even come close.
Dammit, now you making me miss my neigborhood in Houston. Loved that smell of coffee when I wake up and when I get home from work.