Storage Auctions

Moving to Sea-Tac area

Moving to Sea-Tac area
« on: August 29, 2011, 02:22:48 PM »
Hey everyone, I'm going to be moving to Bonney Lake in a couple weeks, so I thought I'd introduce myself.  I currently reside in Chicago, but haven't bought a locker for quite some time now (saving up for the move, getting my masters, insane price raising due to those damn TV shows, etc) but I'd like to get back into it eventually. 

It won't be for a couple months at the earliest, as I have to get settled in, and stable, but I figured I'd at least start going to some auctions again, to at least see how it goes down and whatnot. you know, scouting the area/bidders/etc.

I won't be buying for business/profit, more for collectibles/furnishing for the house so my bids will end up being few and far between (just like in the past).

I guess I'm just posting to say "hi" and to see how you guys find your auctions.  Here in Chicago, I was friends with someone who worked with an auctioneer, and they would let me know when auctions were coming up, so naturally, i'm going to be fairly out of the loop in Seattle.

Also, from reading the posts here, I noticed that you guys were feeling the inflation of prices that I also experienced in Chicago, are you guys still experiencing that?  If so I guess it'll be even longer before I bid on another unit.


Re: Moving to Sea-Tac area
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 09:39:15 PM »
Welcome to the rainy Northwest.  FYI there is a town here called SeaTac so at first I thought that was where you were from. I live in Seatac it is the area around Seatac airport. 

Re: Moving to Sea-Tac area
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 02:12:51 PM »
Welcome to the rainy Northwest.  FYI there is a town here called SeaTac so at first I thought that was where you were from. I live in Seatac it is the area around Seatac airport. 
thanks for the welcome! lol, yeah, i used to live in the area (went to highschool in Auburn before heading off to university in Canada) and I used to work at the airport during the summer :D  It'll be nice to be back home.  Maybe I'll see you around the auctions.  I think I've found my means of locating the auctions;  a simple google search and I'm on my way (though I prefered it when my friend would just call me to let me know).

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