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Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 11:25:31 AM »
TC, get a life. People can request auctions for their city or state and they will be posted. No sense in updating 50 states daily if people aren't reading them.

Also, this site is free so it takes a whole 90 seconds of your time to browse an additional source for some auctions, and best of all, it costs NOTHING.

I'm not on these boards begging people to subscribe, there's about 25 subscribers, if you wanna subscribe great, if not don't.

I was questioning your idea of focusing on one city but its none of my business so I havn't said anything.

Your only doing Houston. Guess what, someoen may subscribe to your site for one month, they then start networking, get on lists and they no longer need you so after a relatively short time your going to burn through your whole client base.

You advertise that you have 25,000 auctions or whatever it is. Do you think anyone has that much time to attend 25,000 auctions per month lol. People generally are going to stock to a handful of auctioneers or a handful of nearby cities so you can advertise you have millions of auctions but it wont mattter to most.

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Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 11:28:06 AM »
I'm opening a steakhouse, we provide you with 15 pounds of steak for your meal. Who cares, I'll be lucky if I eat one pound of steak so your not offering me anything additional or great by offering me 15 pounds of steak.

Not sure what your deal is tc. I've never taken jabbs at you or your site so not sure why you feel the need to take unrelated jabs at me in every post you post lately.

I think I commented on one thread about how I dont feel lists are necessary but have actually stuck up for you guys selling lists in saying that if people have a problem with price or anythign else don't buy it, no need to hate on you guys for trying to make a buck or offer a service.

What some peopel started picking on you for pestering people to buy your lists so now you wanna pick on someone too. I'm done with the back and forth with you tc, your not worth my time.

Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 07:41:04 AM »
I think it is great what you do rulesforrebels.

And i agree with you 100%, TC is only doing this to milk the market for a certain time and thats it.
When the storage auction hype is gone, he will no longer be doing it.

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Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2011, 09:03:27 PM »
Not likely, we have been open 3 months and were 180 members strong. We're moving into the Dallas market now and if that is as successful, we just going to keep growing. Our business strategy is a winner and were not going anywhere anytime soon.

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Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2011, 10:46:44 PM »
I'm opening a steakhouse, we provide you with 15 pounds of steak for your meal. Who cares, I'll be lucky if I eat one pound of steak so your not offering me anything additional or great by offering me 15 pounds of steak.

Not sure what your deal is tc. I've never taken jabbs at you or your site so not sure why you feel the need to take unrelated jabs at me in every post you post lately.

I think I commented on one thread about how I dont feel lists are necessary but have actually stuck up for you guys selling lists in saying that if people have a problem with price or anythign else don't buy it, no need to hate on you guys for trying to make a buck or offer a service.

What some peopel started picking on you for pestering people to buy your lists so now you wanna pick on someone too. I'm done with the back and forth with you tc, your not worth my time.

What a difference 19 days makes !

Offline Travis

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Re: Some Upcomming Auctions California, Colorado, New Mexico
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 07:12:58 AM »
Yeah, time heals all wounds. It was really no big deal between us anyway, just a misunderstanding.

I think I deleted all of my posts between us bickering, I'm surprised that the posts above still here. I guess Rules hasn't noticed them yet.

I still think the kid on the left is giving the kid on the right a wedgy.

For those of you in Minnesota - Here's some upcomming auctions for you...

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