Storage Auctions

Stupid in Seattle!

Stupid in Seattle!
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:19:27 PM »
So tonight at 5:00 PM was a Pod style auction.  These were containers from a moving company, small boxes full of household goods that for whatever reason, the owners did not pay the bill and they are getting auctioned off (just like the storage lockers).  Well, this company decided to spam their auction all over craigslist.  Here is the body of the ad they were running:

You've seen it on cable TV's "Storage Wars" and "Auction Hunters". Now see it live in Seattle. Abandoned Storage Auction: Hansen Bros./PortaBox is auctioning off approximately 20 units of abandoned/delinquent storage. Each vault can contain up to 2000 lbs of storage. Customers usually store general household items including furniture, clothing, tools, collectibles and kitchen items. Lots of unusual items. We'll cut the locks off and open the doors before bidding begins on each vault. Entire contents (excluding pads) of the vault of storage are auctioned off for one price. Arrangements can be made for delivery of the container.

Sounds pretty good, huh?  BS!  Over 100 treasure hunters showed up, as well as one of the local TV stations and local newspaper.  1800-2200 prices for multiple units that happened to belong to the same person.  Stupid and a waste of time.  There was pushing and shoving and a bunch of idiot's wanting to be on tv.  What a bunch of crap!  Oh well, tomorrow is another day. 

Re: Stupid in Seattle!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 11:57:58 AM »
I saw that news stroy.  They made it look to easy it will hurt the business again just when the unreality shows impact was stabilizing to.

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