The auction has ended and all I can say is the idiots came out in full force. The last few minutes before every auction ended, bids went up 40-50% of their already inflated prices. See the following unit that sold for $600. ended up winning two units (the only two that will resell for a profit). The first unit had a couple of great lamps, a dryer, a computer with all accessories & monitor, a cheap modern computer desk, a nice boom box, a large oak coffee table, 4 cheap rod iron chairs and something large underneath a blanket...probably the glass table for the chairs. Bought it for $106 + tax + 10% buyers premium.
Second unit was my recliner unit. Bids stayed at $65 until the last minute and then a couple people ran me up to $150, which was still the bargain unit of the day. This unit has a almost brand new brown leather recliner, a nice modern solid wood dresser & end table, a modern metal coffee table, and a full size mattress in good condition. I should be able to sell a few things in the unit, get my money back and then take a nap in my new recliner.

The main reason I chronicled this experience was to help others that have never used Sealed Online Bids before. All in all, it was on okay experience. Registration was fairly simple. The bidding seems to be on the up and up, I mean I don't think they have anything rigged because both of the units I bought sold below my max proxy bid. I was disappointed that the other units sold for as high as they did; the people who bought them will definitely lose money.
I wish I could say that it was a rip off and to not waste your time, but I did get two units, one at a reasonable price and the other was a steal. My advice, take your time looking at everything in the photos, set a max bid in advance and stick with it. If the unit exceeds your max bid, walk away.