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Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode

Offline MovieMan

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Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:12:29 AM »
OK, I give up. I thought there would be a huge presence of online auctions in Dallas, TX with all the hoopla about how great online auctions are. The results I got were overwhelmingly unimpressive. Granted, this is for one day in one month of a 365 day, 12 month year and this is not a scientific investigation. It's just what Joe Sixpack would find if he did this search on this day in this month of this year. Your results may be different, later today, tomorrow, etc.

Here are the results at 8 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, 10/10/2013:

Search on Storage Battles for zipcode in Dallas, 75001 (doesn't seem to matter as I tried several zipcodes).

With a 25 mile radius:

Three towns listed ... Arlington, Allen, Wylie.  Total of 6 auctions.

With a 100 mile radius (includes Ft. Worth):

Same Results!


Am I missing something? Did I do an insufficient search?

Given the parameters I set up in the first paragraph here (one day, not every day of a 365 day year)I REALLY don't see the big deal about online auctions now. They look like a non-player even on Storage Battles.   What's the big interest ?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2013, 10:26:05 AM »
I expanded my search on the Dallas zipcode to 500 miles:

Cities that had auctions in that range included:

Midland, TX
Fort Worth

Gulfport, LA
Jackson, MS
Memphis, TN

That was a total of SEVEN, count 'em SEVEN cities in a 500 miles radius of Dallas, TX.


A WHOPPING 55 auctions.


Sorry, but I think the "next big thing in storage auctions" (any online storage auction service)has a LONG WAY to go and will be fighting a decline in the interest in storage auctions in general.  Time to hook the wagon to a different shooting star. But maybe I'm not seeing the big picture.  ;D

Offline Travis

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Re: Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2013, 11:08:39 AM »
You're just searching at the wrong time of the month. You'll find more auctions listed in the next few weeks.

You're right though, both services have a long way to go. When I started VSA, I knew it would take years for it to reach it's potential.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2013, 08:37:02 PM »
The online auctions don't seem to be gaining a lot of ground right now, but I wouldn't discount the creeping trend of technology entering the industry. It might be one of those things that slowly one by one all the facilities move to and maybe 10-15 years from now live on-site auctions will be a thing of the past. It might take longer, but somehow computer technology will take over the storage auction process, I mean within our lifetime of doing storage auctions.

Re: Online Auctions In Dallas Zipcode
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2013, 10:41:24 AM »
There are not that many online storage auctions in Dallas.  There have been a couple of big ones but usually just a handful a week.

You are not missing anything search wise.  Its so new and your average storage manager are pretty old school.  The couple at Advantage Storage in Irving love it though and they are the only ones I have had a real conversation about online stuff with.

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