Storage Auctions Auctions Off a Unit 5 Days Before Date in Legal Notice

Offline Travis

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I'll have to break this down so that I don't miss anything.

I understand you are trying to bash Storage Battles in order to make your new personal online self storage auction site look better than what it is, but I would appreciate if you did not construct lies.

James, #1 I don't lie. Lying could get me sued. If it wasn't true, I would have already received a cease and desist letter from your attorney along with a demand for a retraction. Reporting the facts keeps me out of trouble. It's too late for damage control so quit trying to spin this. It happened. Exactly like I said it did. And if need be, I will post all of the documentation right here so everyone can see it. 

I find it ironic that you contacted Storage Battles numerous times in the past 12 months acting very interested in the online industry and expressed the need to blog and write about it to promote how all auctions are heading this way. Storage Battles gave you accurate and honest information for the past 12 months.

Yes, this is true. We exchanged numerous emails (most of which were made public on this forum) in which I voiced my disagreement with your site allowing online only storage auctions in states where the lien laws do not permit them. My conversations with you did have a motive. I was trying to find out if you were aware of a loophole or whether you were just turning a blind eye to the law. Obviously, there was no loophole.

You have been full of lies from day one trying to get a quick buck creating a platform that you do not have any experience in other than you being a blogger/writer.

1. What have I lied about? If anything, you're the liar for trying to hide the truth from storage facilities.
2. is completely free.
3. I have plenty of experience as a storage auction buyer and reseller. I also own 2 of the top 5 websites in the storage auction niche. Once Virtual Storage Auction takes off, I'll add another notch to my belt. I have numerous contacts throughout this industry and experience in every aspect of creating and managing websites.

Storage Battles held ONE auction on April 10th, 2013, which was not the facility mentioned in your blog. I also find it ironic that Storage Battles only held ONE auction the day you had lied about the illegal post, when Storage Battles has 10-30 auctions ending every day.

It seems like you're contradicting yourself with what you just said. Be that as it may, on April 10th, at 1:00 PM CST, Storage Battles auctioned off two units for a self storage facility in McKinney, TX. The auction date listed in the legal notice was April 15th. Only one tenant was listed in the legal notice and two units were sold. I have documentation to prove it. As much as you turn a blind eye, it doesn't surprise me that you were unaware of this. 

Travis, the sentence below is what you had stated. Why do you find it necessary to construct lies to make your site more appealing?
Oh, and they even sold another unit which belonged to a female tenant which was not even listed in the legal notice.

First of all, this has nothing to do with my site and everything to do with a major blunder that took place on your site. The fact is, a tenant's unit, which was not listed in the legal notice, was sold that day. Once again, I have documentation. 

I would hope if you actually believed in your concept/website then you wouldn't find it necessary to bash the competitors in order to get ahead.

How is reporting the facts bashing your company? If I wanted to bash your company, I would talk about all of the coding errors on your website.

Do you believe that when buyers/facilities are exposed to your lies that it will increase your business? I only wish you were a real man of integrity as you falsely portray yourself.

This is basically the same question as the last two so I won't justify myself again. So, just because I report on something that negatively effects you, my integrity is in question?

Why fight with your competitor on a concept that is just being introduced in the industry?

As seen in an earlier post:
Let me start off by saying that I wasn't trying to start a fight with Storage Battles by posting this thread...if I had intended to start a fight, I wouldn't have put "In all fairness, Storage Battles had no way of knowing about these errors" at the bottom of the post.

I don't have a problem with the "concept," I have a problem your concept. You knowingly mislead storage facilities into breaking their own lien laws so you can make a profit. If you truly wanted to help establish online storage auctions as a legitimate business, you would inform your clients that online storage auctions do not currently comply lien laws in more than half of the states in our country. not only informs our clients about the risk, but also offers a legal alternative to storage facilities located in states where online storage auctions are questionable.

Lastly, Storage Battles would appreciate it if you would discontinue sending private emails to all the facilities that you gain from Your strategy in stealing facilities oppose to actually selling your concept only exemplifies the type of business you are running.

As seen in an earlier post:
What you just said makes a lot of sense.  ::)  That's like asking DirecTV to stop marketing to cable customers. It's not going to happen. If you had cable television and DirecTV offered you free satellite television, you would make the switch right? Well, once your customers hear that our service is free, they'll make the switch to

I realize that Virtual Storage Auction has you guys over at Storage Battles in a panic. As it should. But perhaps you should spend less time worrying about what we're doing and more time getting your bankruptcy paperwork in order.

Offline bwd111

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Well storagebattles or storage bullys wont last with prices going sky high! A person cant make that big of a profit buying like this. Plus they revamped there website and its so hard to nav through there hopes and there pic nav is a mess. They are a joke and I will never support them again and will tell all my friends not to suppot them! Whats the old saying you get good service you tell one or two people you get bad service you tell 100's and 100.

What should I include in my legal notice?

Started by Travis

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Last post September 03, 2014, 01:23:45 PM
by Travis
What do you think the average number of units advertised per legal notice is?

Started by Travis

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Last post July 16, 2014, 09:59:43 PM
by UdyRegan
Do the contents listed in the legal notice effect your decision to attend?

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Tenant Publishes Fake Legal Notice To Recover Personal Belongings

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