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How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?

Offline MovieMan

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How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« on: February 18, 2013, 09:08:08 AM »
Yep, a picture IS worth a thousand words.

In both my eBay and Clist ads I use 10 plus pictures when warranted. A few items only need 5 to 6.

I use html to put pictures right in the text rather use the picture block options offered by the two carriers.
This allows me to use bigger more detailed pictures. It requires a little learning bout html but is worth it to me.

Early on when eBay charged 15 cents per picture this was also a dollar saver though now it seems that not only are listings pretty much free but so are pictures.

eBay recently made a nod to "mobile" users and suggests using their multiple picture option  so that all the pictures will show up on mobile devices.  When I first started using my iPad for research out at sales locations, it didn't matter that my pics were in html at eBay. I looked at MY listings on the iPad and all the pics were available.

When they started their push for multiple pic pubishing for mobile users my listings now only show one pic on my iPad, but not a biggie I guess. I wonder how many people actually make purchases from a mobile device. I would think it would be small.

Some people also use Auctiva.

So, how many pics to you use, and what technique (if any) for displayig them?

Offline Alias300

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Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 12:10:35 PM »
I only know one guy that *doesnt* use his mobile to buy off eBay....cause he doesnt have one.
Almost everyone use phone or iPad.   Or at least bid.  Maybe final transacting on laptop/pc.  But very few.

For pictures.....

I tend to do four on CL.   Haven't run into needing more than that to many times.
Do have a table I'm almost done with.   That will need eight. 

I'm with you.  The more pictures the better.    Just with smalls I find four gets it all and the rest are not showing much that case I don't give them more distractions.  Focus pic on good points, leave at that.

Offline alloro

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Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 12:51:15 PM »
It varies from 1 to 8 on CL and 1 to 12 on eBay. Some items only need that one picture, while others need more. I have no set amount, I adapt to whatever I'm listing.

Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 08:46:27 AM »
I'm with alloro that most of my pictures are 1 to many pictures depending on the item.  Mostly my ebay list have 2-4 pictures depending on what it is.  I use the ebay picture software.  I may change that - tired of dumping down the quality and size of my pictures to fit their limits.

I also offer to send additional pictures or take more pictures if people just ask.  Only ever had 1 person ask me to do that in a CL listing.

Offline alloro

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Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 10:29:14 AM »
I use the ebay picture software.  I may change that - tired of dumping down the quality and size of my pictures to fit their limits.

It must've been a while since you've posted new pictures. Several months back eBay significantly increase the maximum picture resolution and dimensions. In fact, many time when I upload pictures now I get a warning message telling me that I should upload a larger and higher resolution image.

Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2013, 08:19:28 AM »
As a top rated plus power seller I always put this in my descriptions " I took a ton of photos ,so please see ALL the PHOTOS as part of the description and to determine condition."...this really helps with condition questions and gives you backup when someone wants to return items.
As for the number of photos I use Seller Source Book ( to present my items, allowing me from 1 to 60 pics on a nice background template ( over 1,000 to choose from) ...costs about $7.00 a month.
For Craigslist I use this FREE  template provider ( ).

I always take upwards of 30 photos for ebay ( and select the best ones),It takes an extra 2 minutes when photographing an item, my logic is 30 pics = THIRTY THOUSAND WORDS

Re: How many pictures do you put in your eBay/Clist ads?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2013, 01:58:38 PM »
between 1 and 20-30 pictures depending on what i feel the item calls for, i upload one to ebay and the rest are in the html with photobucket

if im selling something decent Ill take a video of it working and throw that in there too

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