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Spring Festival / Yard sale

Offline money4nothing

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Spring Festival / Yard sale
« on: March 17, 2012, 06:48:32 PM »
Our Little town had a Festival / yard sale event today at the local community center.

Think our best day ever. Drove about 6 miles to get there sooooo that a big plus to start.
$10 for a space.

Very low crowd but sold what we do at the Flea miles away. Had live music all day.  ;D

Also picked up a wicker rocking chair for $2. Looks shabby can defiantly resale it for a lot more. But I really like it nice and comfy.

So all in all a good day. Saw the only thrift store owner there selling. She said she is having to go to auctions because she has no donations. She runs an SOS out reach.

Not sure how much she is doing for the community but looked a little fishy to me.

Did realize though that if she is my competition if we did open a store there was none.  ;)

Oh and Happy St Patrick's Day !!! We did wear green.

Re: Spring Festival / Yard sale
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2012, 07:48:07 PM »
Very nice Money - think I'd of paid for 3 spots and taken 1/2 or 3/4 of all my stuff to display.  At only 6 miles from house would 2 roundtrips back and forth to = one way to my flea.

I plan to hit our community mega yardsale at the fair grounds this year depends on the price for spots.  It's not until the fall however.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Spring Festival / Yard sale
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 04:59:55 AM »
Well we did not even empty the van. Trying the less is more theory.  ;D

Took the rabbits too. Nice attention getter only sold one.

Trying to sell the first litter of rabbits (no hasenpfeffer stew yet). If we sell this first litter get back our total investment in the rabbits, cages, food,everything. So not bad.

Not a lot of vendors customers were asking what happened, place usually full. think there were 8 of us. Might be why we did well. No one haggled prices just paid what we were asking.

Did have one lady pull one over a .50 purse. Husband caught it but let it go, if you have to rip off .50 you are sad. Reminded me of your oriental lady that you run off.  ;)

On the down side spent more than I do at the flea markets.  ::) Bought the chair, a plant, and two t-shirts. the plant being the most expensive. Lady was selling them like crazy.

Have been selling stuffed animals only put out one or two if they are big, three or four if small sell for $1 and they just walk away.  Oh and sold some beanie babies LOL 

Re: Spring Festival / Yard sale
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 04:20:20 PM »
Dang Money - I need to just send you 1/2 my crap then that don't sell.  I may sell 1 Care Bear or other stuff animal in 4 months for $1.  I donated 90% of everything I had to Goodwill.  Only have a few easter rabbits right now I'm taking to the flea to try and sell.

Glad you did good.  Think the rabbits would of done been dinner for me.  Those suckers bite!!!!

Offline money4nothing

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Re: Spring Festival / Yard sale
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 04:57:51 PM »
Less is more.
 I set the cute little teddy bear up against something or hang arms over something make it look all cute and it sells.

Sold a large nemo stuff animal at our yard sale for $5. LOL

Oh have Easter  baskets have not sold a one.  ::)

When I sort I organize everything all pots and pans together, electronics, appliances ect. Learning that is ok but when we go to sell don't load up that whole box of pots and pans take a set our a few and they sell take them all and can't sell any.  have not perfected it yet, but this weekend set up some glass ware sold some went to van and refreshed it. (actually forgot it was in the van)  ;D but it worked.

We still have 4 baby rabbits left so still hope for stew. Mother is bread again so not to long we will have more.

"Those suckers bite!!!!" was reading how to trim their nails said don't cut to short rabbit will bite the living HE77 out of you. LOL

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