Storage Auctions

Taking Credit Card Payments

Taking Credit Card Payments
« on: November 22, 2011, 07:57:09 PM »
Was looking at the black friday ads and saw the credit card reader plugin & app for sale for 9.99.  Has anyone ever thought about accepting CCs at a yard sale or flea market to increase sales?  Even with the % the company takes for themselves would it be worth it?

I'm gun shy about something like this.  Just to afraid people would buy the items and then dispute the charge later.  Even with signatures and maybe a picture of the transaction I would think it's more trouble then worth.


Re: Taking Credit Card Payments
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2011, 08:53:58 PM »
Get Square.....highly recommended! I think this topic was covered somewhere else, but I use this in my store, garage sales, just about anywhere.  My friend used it all year at his fruit's awesome.  I do set a $10 minimum sale for credit use, so a lot of times they'll actually go back and pick out more is worth taking credit cards!

Oh, and they do take about 2.75% of the sale, but everything you need to run this on your smart phone or ipad is FREE!

Re: Taking Credit Card Payments
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2011, 11:59:52 PM »
On the topic of chargebacks, as long as you can present the signature to the credit card company, they will take the hit, not you.

We used to run into this from time to time at the store I worked at. All we did was fax the signature to the credit card company and we got paid. It's a pain, but usually not going to take money out of your pocket.

As for the ap, someone may know more than I, but I'm thinking if a signature is taken on the device, that may be transmitted with the transaction information. Someone help out with this?

Re: Taking Credit Card Payments
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2011, 07:14:16 AM »
It was Square that I saw advertised for 9.99.  Guess my question is how do you get the signature or do you run it as a "no sig" or "online" type sale?  I myself would have them sign a seperate piece of paper w/ the amount and transaction #.  Use a receipt book for it.  Just something I was keeping in mind if I find higher priced items to take with me to the flea.  Or for yardsales come spring.

Re: Taking Credit Card Payments
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 09:34:08 PM »
A box pops up and you have the customer sign in the box with their finger.  We use it with an ipad, but it works with most smart phones too. 

Then, you can email or text a receipt right to the customer, or give them a register receipt.  It's pretty quick and easy!

Re: Taking Credit Card Payments
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2011, 09:43:14 PM »
Being able to capture the signature makes it go from "cool" to "totally freakin' awesome"   ;)

Seriously, though. That takes away a lot of the risk of accepting CCs.

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