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Why does everyone complain about ebay policies and fees when Amazon is worse?

Offline rulesforrebels

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We all know people complain about ebay fees as well as ebay policies favoring the buyer but nobody seems to gripe about Amazon.

I just recently started selling on amazon. I find Amazons fee structure to be much higher and worse than ebay, plus I don't believe they give you a chance to lower them with volume or good performance like ebay does. I have yet to see Amazon offer any discounted fees or anything like ebay does routinely.

Amazon also doesn't provide guidance to sellers on how to protect themselves. Ie ebay says over $250 get a signature and you're in the clear. On the offchance an item shows delivered and buyer claims they didnt get it ebay/paypal covers your loss. Amazon doesnt tell you when to put a signaure on items nor do they give clear guidance on how and when they rule in a buyer or sellers favor. They also don't seem to accept delivery confirmation as proof of delivery.

Lastly ebay anyone can put up a listing for anything where as amazon without singing up for a monthly fee and offical selelr account you can copy other peoples existing listings but can't create origional listings of your own.

Just curuios why ebay catches so much flack and amazon doesn't?

I think partly because amazon is more professional sellers and small businesses so its not as many just random people selling out of their basement so ebay is easier for new sellers and smalltime sellers but just curious yoru thoughts?

Also if anyone has tried amazon curious to see how you think it compares to ebay?

Offline luke

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I only put things on amazon that sells for over $4 and that won't sell quickly on ebay. Since amazon doesn't charge you a listing fee, they can be listed their forever..

Offline dbr831

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I agree with all of your complaints about Amazon. Fees too high. Can't create a new listing. I imagine we don't see the complaints because fewer people on this forum are selling on Amazon. I have gotten a few storage units with massive quantities of vintage books. I will list them on Amazon if they will sell for more then $10 (I always list my books for less than the lowest already listed so if there are already copies listed for under $10 I don't bother). It's easy to list them and you don't have to take photos. Much quicker than EBAY and they stay listed indefinitely.  I used to draw the line at $7 but after fees I was only taking home $4-$5 and I just don't think it's worth my time to list, store, pack and ship something for that. I can't imagine how sellers make any money for all the books you see listed for $.01! Another thing I hate about Amazon is there is no such thing as "no returns". A buyer can return a book for any reason within 30 days so if they just want to read it they can return it and get their money back. That sucks but luckily doesn't happen often.

Offline rulesforrebels

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I agree with all of your complaints about Amazon. Fees too high. Can't create a new listing. I imagine we don't see the complaints because fewer people on this forum are selling on Amazon. I have gotten a few storage units with massive quantities of vintage books. I will list them on Amazon if they will sell for more then $10 (I always list my books for less than the lowest already listed so if there are already copies listed for under $10 I don't bother). It's easy to list them and you don't have to take photos. Much quicker than EBAY and they stay listed indefinitely.  I used to draw the line at $7 but after fees I was only taking home $4-$5 and I just don't think it's worth my time to list, store, pack and ship something for that. I can't imagine how sellers make any money for all the books you see listed for $.01! Another thing I hate about Amazon is there is no such thing as "no returns". A buyer can return a book for any reason within 30 days so if they just want to read it they can return it and get their money back. That sucks but luckily doesn't happen often.

I think you make a good point about amazon being less used than ebay, I think in large part because unless your willing to signup for a 15 a month seller plan your really limited on what you can list. You can't find some cool painting ina  storage locker and put it on amazon, it has to be things already listed which is typically new electronics, books, etc

Amazon also doesn't offer seller protection like ebay. If I ship an item with no sig and delivery shows delivered amazon is going to rule for buyer and take the money from me where as ebay would either rule in my favor or rule in buyers favor but cover the loss instead of me covering the loss. Amazon does  automatically give you like $4.49 for shipping when most items are going to be about $2 if they are first class so I guess you can use the $2 and protect yourself though I think more people pocket the $2 and hope they dont have claims and come out ahead.

Do you use the eBay business policies feature?

Started by Travis

1 Replies
Last post March 13, 2014, 07:20:53 PM
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Have you ever sold something on Amazon or Ebay to someone you know?

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Last post August 06, 2014, 01:45:18 PM
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More eBay fees?????

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Ebay Started Charging Final Value Fees On Shipping As Well

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