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Do Your Customers Receive Automated Emails From Paypal with Tracking Numbers?

Offline rulesforrebels

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I was under the impression Paypal should be sending out automated emails upon us as sellers processing labels it used to automatically generate an email to the customer saying your item shipped here is your tracking. I'm always bombarded with requests for did my package ship or tracking. It's hard to tell whether people don't get these, whether they go in spam, or whetehr people just don't check the email associated with their paypal account. Not sure if Paypal isn't sending these or my custoemrs just dont check. Was curious if all your customers get these automated emails with tracking info.

Offline MovieMan

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Was curious if all your customers get these automated emails with tracking info.

I'm assuming they do as I receive copies of them directly from should be too I would think if you checked a radio button to do so. Of course you may not WANT to receive that many.

Once in a rare while I'll get an email from someone who has immediately paid saying "please send me the tracking number"...this is before I've packed it and eBay/PayPal has had the opportunity to send one to them.

Offline rulesforrebels

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I'm assuming they do as I receive copies of them directly from should be too I would think if you checked a radio button to do so. Of course you may not WANT to receive that many.

Once in a rare while I'll get an email from someone who has immediately paid saying "please send me the tracking number"...this is before I've packed it and eBay/PayPal has had the opportunity to send one to them.

thanks. yeah i believe i turned off the feature where i get them as i have too much junk mail comming in as it is clogging up my inbox and making important things get lost. im shocked by how many "have my items shipped" "whats my tracking number" emails I get. I would say at least 2-3 a day.

i always tell people they should have gotten an email. i think many times it either goes in spam or people have a paypal email but only use the paypal and dont really use the email attached to it. i also always tell people to do the click my ebay then purchased items thing and they can check for themself vs emailing me with every purchase.

Does anyone know what the purpose of seal Id numbers is?

Started by Travis

4 Replies
Last post March 09, 2013, 05:55:37 AM
by fredgsanford
Spam emails...not from Clist

Started by MovieMan

1 Replies
Last post March 17, 2013, 07:37:12 PM
by Travis
xx <-- If you send emails you need to read this.

Started by luke

2 Replies
Last post March 17, 2014, 03:40:51 PM
by luke
Do you get more text messages than calls or emails?

Started by Travis

4 Replies
Last post November 05, 2013, 09:31:54 AM
by HomeGrownPromos