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Anyone Planning On Buying Black Friday Deals & Re-Selling?

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Anyone Planning On Buying Black Friday Deals & Re-Selling?
« on: November 16, 2012, 05:27:07 PM »
Just curious if anyone is planning on hitting up the black friday deals and either re-selling on ebay, your own website or maybe the flea market,

Not a bad strategy, there are some good deals, only problem being you can only be so many places at once so the really great deals your probably limited to one. My strategy has always been go for the items others aren't going to go for. For example everyone is going for the Nintendo DS, the flat screen tv, Ipad, etc. I like to go for the DVD's and other smaller ticket items like that. Great deals, there's generally no limits on how many you canget so go clean off the shelves, and easier to resell something like that on ebay.

Also, here is the K-Mart Black Friday Ad Circular Leaked, not supposed to go out until this Sunday 11/18. Looks like some good deals on flat screen tv's, tablets, laptop, etc.

Re: Anyone Planning On Buying Black Friday Deals & Re-Selling?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 06:12:12 PM »
After doing a lot of thinking, I can make more money hitting up the thrift stores and buying items from them and going to the few yard sales that there are going to be that weekend, and be a lot less frustrated with people, than if I went to Black Friday sales. So the value just isn't there for me.

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Re: Anyone Planning On Buying Black Friday Deals & Re-Selling?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2012, 08:51:52 AM »
After doing a lot of thinking, I can make more money hitting up the thrift stores and buying items from them and going to the few yard sales that there are going to be that weekend, and be a lot less frustrated with people, than if I went to Black Friday sales. So the value just isn't there for me.

Good idea. News states Walmart, Target and Best Buys are raising their prices before Black Friday. Other stores prices are the same as last year except these three. Now, that's what the latest "News reports" stated and we know how reliable they are. ;-)

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