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Craigslist email etiquette ????

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Craigslist email etiquette ????
« on: January 09, 2012, 05:08:11 AM »
With the Auction Scene a little slow here in our are have been staying on top of CL. Find a good score and respond by email. They give no phone #. I copy the email address and compose straight from my email account.  Does not work to just click on the ad.

I am not getting responses.  Is it the sellers or my email?

Found a bed for $10 emailed no reply Oh well A week later same add comes up, Email again finally get a response get the bed. ( nice antique youth bed ).  Spoke to the seller and told her I had emailed her on the first ad. Trying to get some feed back on why she did not respond. She was no help.  ::)

Another free bed emailed as soon as I saw the post and it was gone, Did get an email saying that.  :)

Found two nice dressers, two different adds. emailed both on Friday evening (moving fast good deal). Get a response on Sat morning @ 11:30 AM. We were out. Said both dressers were still available, and she had a lot of interest, and that the weekends were better for her. So I responded and said we could come right now. No response.  >:(

These adds have no phone #'s to call and I respond with my # even posted it is a local cell #.

When I bought our rabbits and cages took 4 emails to get the ladies #.

I will admit when I am responding I try to make it not look like spam. Copy the ad header and put in the subject line, but then I am short and sweet in the body.
Maybe to short  ???

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2012, 12:53:50 PM »
I don't post my phone # in CL list.  Get enough spam phone calls as it is, spam email is easier to block.

Anyways - for me I know I am bad about posting CL stuff late at night and then going to bed.  Don't see the replies till the next morning.  I then respond to emails in the order that I got them.  That said - I can almost tell you now which are fishing emails for active email accounts and which are legit buyers.  If they include a phone # - I respond with a call.  If they just ask if it is still up for grabs I answer even though 1/2 time these are fishing emails.  Now if they just click on the email link and copy the post I don't bother with a reply.

It really works both ways.  I've replied to several emails from so called buyers and never heard anything again.  Or I get the "I'm sorry can't get it right now as my car broke down.  But luckly I just landed this job doing XYZ.  If you are interested also in XYZ .........."

I have found a few emails in my spam box before.  If they just copy the header from CL many times now it goes to spam.  If they change the title it is more "eye catching".  When I respond to an ad I try and do the following:

Subject: Metal Bed Frame - CL post from 1/9/12

Body: I saw your post on Craigslist from 1/9/12.  I am interested in the metal bed frame that you have for sale.  If it is still available please give me a call or text at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Then "sign" it and see if I get any response.

I have the same type issue with google phone #s.  I've called and called some #s for items I see in the local trade mag or CL and never get a response no matter how many VMs I leave. 

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2012, 06:44:49 PM »
Thanks Craigslist

Think it has been my delivery.  Husband found a barter and got a reply first thing this morning. So read his email he sent. Was much better than mine.
Guess not using proper etiquette, in just being polite and personal in an email.

Sent one out Husband told me what to say (Shocker the man got to tell the woman what to say LOL)

Got a response right away will go and look at it tomorrow after Auction in the morning.

Guess after looking through all the adds I am thinking to much about when can I go get it, how low will they go ect. and it comes across in my email.

Thanks for the subject line that will help.

Think also get caught in the I really will love having that and then turn around and sell it.

Honesty will get me, and sometimes my husband. I have no poker face.

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 12:21:40 AM »
Good luck tomorrow!

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 03:46:31 AM »
Good luck tomorrow!

Thanks, hope the Auction is good but I doubt it. the big caravan for us has been cancelled for this month. So expect all the regulars and who knows how many Noobies.

On the CL find. We were suppose to go yesterday evening, could not get there so called and told her it would be today. She said no problem we have been the only people interested.  ;D

It is a 5pcs. kids bedroom set. Dresser w/mirror. chest of drawers, night stand and matching desk. It is the off white color with gold trim,from the 50's, ugly. But it will sell. She is asking $100. We have the heads up we are the only ones interested so sure we can get her down on the price.

 Found another good deal last night will call them this morning after the auction. It is on our way home from the other find.

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2012, 05:39:43 PM »
Well got the 5 pc set. Think we paid to much but will make money on it. Also got a free dresser there.

Next stop. We did really good Antique buffet tall, lady was using as a dresser. And a 27 inch DVD/VHS TV (they sell like hot cakes here)  $50. and an Antique child table and two antique children's chairs. $10  and a small console stereo Free 

Oh and she threw in a 2 X 4... LOL they were moving back to Ohio. We cleaned them out, Think it helped we had the trailer with us.  ;D

Never know about people. On the prowl again.

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2012, 08:17:17 PM »
Thanks for the help doing better on it. We have picked up some goodies the past couple of days.

The antique the lady was using as a dresser is a side board.
Found on identical to the one we got for sale on local classified for $2000.
Called the thrift and said don't sell, we had it priced at $100. (which I thought was to low) will try and sell it else ware would be happy at $400. Ours is missing a top mirrored piece which looks gaudy to me.

The small kids table already sold.  :D

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2012, 09:47:35 PM »
The antique the lady was using as a dresser is a side board.
Found on identical to the one we got for sale on local classified for $2000.

Is this the freebie that they threw in?? If so, then that is awesome.

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 05:37:01 AM »
Is this the freebie that they threw in?? If so, then that is awesome.

I wished. Paid $50 for it and a TV. The TV for sale for $40. So almost free. Could say paid $25 for it.

So still I nice score.

The freebie was the console radio. Turn table with 8 track.  Thrift has it playing in the store. Let her price it think she wants to much, will let it stay for a month to see if someone is that crazy. Then lower the price.

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2012, 06:35:31 PM »
Honestly, I always include my phone number in my craigs ad. Yes, I do get the occasional spam texts, have never recieved a junk call though. Skipping the whole e-mail proccess really saves time, and attracts serious buyers if they are willing to text/call on an item.

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 02:41:29 PM »
Honestly, I always include my phone number in my craigs ad. Yes, I do get the occasional spam texts, have never recieved a junk call though. Skipping the whole e-mail proccess really saves time, and attracts serious buyers if they are willing to text/call on an item.

Yes we do too. My problem was when buying and no phone # given. So have to resort to email.
We got a text last night @11:30 PM. for one of our items on CL.  >:(


Found two nice dressers, two different adds. emailed both on Friday evening (moving fast good deal). Get a response on Sat morning @ 11:30 AM. We were out. Said both dressers were still available, and she had a lot of interest, and that the weekends were better for her. So I responded and said we could come right now. No response.  >:(

Update on that one got a text message dated the end of that weekend. Problem I don't text and did not get the message until this past weekend.

What happened to just talking on the phone?

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 04:10:03 PM »
I kind of like the text message least better than email.  11:30pm might be late for most of us, but not to someone who may work 2nd shift and hops on the computer after work.  I guess we have to change with the times! I have a 20 year old, so I get used to the texting....otherwise I would never know what he was up to!

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2012, 05:56:54 PM »
Well I need a new phone been putting getting one off.

My kids are older and they know Momma does not text. LOL

Takes me to long to figure out the # for the letter.
I have a hard enough time spelling then to add the find the letter within a number. I am lost.  Might get into it if I had a real key pad.

Heck I don't even like voice mail..

Showing my age. ROTF.

Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2012, 06:07:42 PM »
I hated the idea of getting a "smart" phone....but I got one anyway. The only thing I like about it is that I can look stuff up before I buy it.  Its also saved me from buying stuff I thought for sure would sell.  I don't know if you list on eBay or not, but having the app lets me know if there's any questions that need to be answered, if something sold, etc.  So I guess it's paying for itself!

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Re: Craigslist email etiquette ????
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2012, 06:24:23 PM »
Yeah Movieman has been talking about his ipad (not a phone).

We do ebay still learning the smalls.

 I have been holding out on the "smart" phone first the decision of which one (Windows hater) and then the changing the cell phone plan. Also trying to convince my husband it is a good investment.

Gps App would be nice too.

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