Storage Auctions

Have you actually bought a lkr from an online auction?

Offline MovieMan

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Have you actually bought a lkr from an online auction?
« on: February 22, 2013, 08:02:53 AM »
If you HAVE bought an online locker, let us know what the experience was like.

If you HAVEN'T bought an online locker, let us know WHY NOT.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Have you actually bought a lkr from an online auction?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 10:48:06 AM »
If you HAVE bought an online locker, let us know what the experience was like.

If you HAVEN'T bought an online locker, let us know WHY NOT.

Out bid. Online units in my area go even higher then live auctions!  :-[

Offline Travis

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Re: Have you actually bought a lkr from an online auction?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 08:02:01 AM »
Bought 2 units online in the last month. I got them both dirt cheap but most of the units I bid on sold for double what they would have at a live auction. I even got beat out by $5 on an awesome unit.  :-[

Unit 1: Like new leather recliner, like new dresser & mirror from Ashley, Stainless steel bed & mattress from IKEA, metal and glass flat screen TV stand, metal and glass end tables and a coffee table. Won unit for $165 including tax.

Unit 2: King sleigh bed (original cost: around 2 grand), 2 marble top night stands (original cost: around a grand for the pair), sofa (broken & donated), chase lounge, love seat, 2 projection TV's (sold one, donated other), 35" tube TV (donated), Bose sub-woofers. Total cost $250

Both of these units had large objects blocking the stuff in the back. I gambled and got lucky.

Bought 2 large units at the same online auction

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