Storage Auctions

New Goodwill Store in town

New Goodwill Store in town
« on: May 23, 2012, 02:05:24 PM »
Recently (last month) they closed down the UPS Store that was literally one mile from my much for convenience.   >:(

On Monday, the empty store opened as a Goodwill.   :)  Good news, it's a mile from my house - bad news, it's kinda small (30' x 100' ??)  It's in a strip-type mall building and they have a neighbor - but they are the end store, so they may have a little more room inside.  Will be checking them out for size, potential auctions, drop offs, etc.  This is pretty handy since the closest GW up to this point has been about 15 miles. 

At least they didn't open another Dollar Store..... ::)

Offline Alias300

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Re: New Goodwill Store in town
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 02:53:42 PM »
The auctions are usually only at distribution center and less noe that they sell/auction online.
You have a 50/50 chance on some good pick'n tho.
They seem to have two is to fill new stores with all the crap from other stores or they pick all the sweet stuff to stock it with to build interest.  Hopefully your in an upper middle class area. Around here those a,re the store with good stuff.....

Also found size doesn't matter much, at least here. Seems the bigger the store, the bigger the women's and children section of clothes. All other departments are about the same. 

Drop off is good for me. (tho I use value village).
I dont take the tax write off.   Instead I take the 10% voucher. Go pick.
 So close you can hit everyday!

Re: New Goodwill Store in town
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 12:53:41 AM »
I counted them up the other day for a post in another message board and I have 27 Goodwills within a 120 mile radius of me (15 of those are within 30 miles). I travel quite a bit for work so I get to hit all of them fairly regularly. I found a 30" Superman statue at one the other day and a Scooby Doo waffle iron at another. I freaking love Goodwill lol.

Re: New Goodwill Store in town
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 06:30:24 AM »
With it that close you can least keep an eye out on things to pick and have a easy drop-off point for items you don't want.  I try and hit the goodwill store when I'm in town but of late it's just a wasted trip for me.  Years ago I could get computer parts, odds n ends, etc. to sell / flip.  Now the price they want is normally more then I can sell the stuff for.

Also - get in good with the manager.  From talking with the driver of one of the donation trucks I've learned many things about the place.  Each store is very different in how they operate / run in my area.  For example one of the stores just crushes all the plastic totes they get.  Don't matter if they have tops or not.  That is $3-$5 per tote at auction they are destroying.

Re: New Goodwill Store in town
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 05:00:04 PM »
We have a *ton* of Goodwills and other types of Thrift Stores in San Antonio. We also have Salvation Army stores but I have yet to find anything I could buy there ... either it's junk or the prices are just too high.

The Goodwills here are all different. Some box up all their toys into one bin and sell it for $10. Others don't sell toys at all, don't know what they do with them. Others throw them in a messy pit for the kids to play with. Regardless, I've done OK with board games at Goodwill. I also do OK with mugs. Found a set of Puremco Dominoes (always buy these if you find them at a reasonable price) with Blue Bell advertising on it about a month ago at a Goodwill I rarely go to in the Ceramics aisle. Bought it for $2, turned it around for $30. Thrift store shopping is hit or miss here, but there's so many stores that when I do make a run, I always come home with a haul.

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Re: New Goodwill Store in town
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2012, 07:42:55 AM »
I agree, our local Salvation Army is way overpriced and the merchandise was lower quality than Goodwill.

I went to the Goodwill auctions in Houston a few times. I really got burned on some merchandise I bought at their auction. It was a pallet of candle holders that were new in the box. I later learned that almost every one of them was broken. I'm sure they knew they were broken but they chose to sell them anyway.

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