Storage Auctions

Pickers' Sources...order of precedence

Offline MovieMan

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Pickers' Sources...order of precedence
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:07:33 PM »
Pickers have to use a variety of sources for their goods. Here's my order of precedence...the sources that get me the most goods.

1) Flea Markets
2) Estate Sales
3) Piece by Piece Auctions
4) Yard/garage sales
5) Auction "houses"

HGP said in another thread that he had given up on estate sales because of the pricing in his area.

What sources do you use (in what order) and how do prices relate to your buying or not buying at any venue?

Offline Alias300

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Re: Pickers' Sources...order of precedence
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 05:01:22 PM »
I'm pretty much just an estate sale guy.  I'll swing in garage sales if I'm driving by but don't go seeking them out.  Mostly what I'm into isn't really what I've found at garage sales.  Yes, I'm sure I've missed out but if I hit 3-5 estates in a weekend I usually end up with some resellable items or personal use items for cheap.  Seems like I have to hit dozens of garage sales to find one item.

Flea markets haven't been good to me.  They are pretty small and so mainly just end sellers. They want retail, it's why they're there.

Swap meet is a bit better but still a bit high priced.  And both are about an hour away.

I've only been to the auction house a few times.   Some good stuff for good prices but a bit out of my price range.  Like a lot of 10 monte blanc pens went for  $750.   Total steal since one I recognized and looked up was $500-ish on eBay (actual bids not just listed at).   But I don't really have $750 to be risking on an area I know very little about.

Re: Pickers' Sources...order of precedence
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 11:34:58 AM »
I like scouting out moving sales. These people are on their way out and either can't fit their stuff in the truck or just plain don't want to take it. Good opportunity to buy cheap AND give my card to clean out after the sale. I always buy some stuff to put my best foot forward. Typically, if I don't buy anything, they don't call me back to pick up.

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