The second item I bought has more story to tell, so I'll start with that one.
I got this chiropractic table at a thrift store after looking it up on the iPad while sitting in one of their sofas!

You need to be licensed to sell these on eBay (according to them) so rather than take a chance on getting dinged by eBay I put it on Clist and eBayclassifieds. It was the first item in 2 years I have actually sold on eBayclassifieds.
A gal in the south saw it and emailed me. It sells new for $2,200 and the last one from a seller on eBay went for $750. I was asking $1,200 and told her to check with U-ship for possible costs from California to her location.
She got back to me and said they approximated $600 based on size, weight, distance. She indicated that would put her at $1,800 and she couldn't afford that, so I generously told her I would sell it to her for $800. She accepted and sent me a PayPal "personal, other" cost to me and I think none to her either.
Since I paid $50 for this item I was happy to make this deal. The pictures below are of the loading process (in the dark).
See notes under each picture.

The helper and I got the table to the sidewalk from my truck.

Heavier set fellow is driver and righ owner. Rig is 53 foot trailer behind semi-cab.

Looking in the back door of the trailer if you look carefully you can see the right rear
wheel of a car they are hauling.

The table I sold was loaded in the side door of the trailer but they said it wouldn't be
there as they were picking up and delivering multiples loads over the roughly 3,000 miles
they would be traveling.
She paid only $345 for the shipping so she WON too !