Storage Auctions

What are some of your best picks ?

Offline MovieMan

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What are some of your best picks ?
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:13:27 AM »
I recently sold the last two of 16 aluminum walking sticks that I had picked at one of the "low end" flea markets in my area.

I got 16 of them for $1 each. The seller said he thought they all needed repair as he couldn't get them to tighten up properly. This is the kind that has 3 sections allowing for length adjustment. They all worked fine, he just didn't know how to work them. Some had "baskets" some didn't.

They were prominently marked Swiss and were either red or blue in color.  I sold them for $15 each or a pair for $25 and anyone who had looked at them online or a REI thought that was a good deal as depending on brand they often go for $40 each. A nice money maker. I had hiking books displayed with them as well and those sold..or didn't, but was a way of marketing each item.


So...the best of your picks?

Offline Alias300

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Re: What are some of your best picks ?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 10:21:05 AM »
 I picked up a dozen brand new laptop backpacks right before school started for $5/ea.  Retailed at $60.  Sold for $25/ea.

Set of end tables off of Craigslist free, sold for $250.

Got a box of fishing apparel for $20 at an estate sale.  High end stuff.  Can't remember total profit but sold boot insulators or $20 and coat shell for $40.  Gave a bunch in swap for deep sea fishing excursion.
Which I then swap'd for a mechanic to do about $600 of work.

I'd say these were my best picks, not because of profit but, because I flipped them in under 24 hours. (Except the back packs.  They were "claimed" but took a couple days to actually meet up with CL buyers)

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