well, chicagoland is my home turf so I would be quite interested to know what facilities to avoid for shady practices. I'm also a little curious if I have bid at any of your auctions. There is no great shortcut to the time and money, trial and error method of learning this business. Buy a locker or two, then don't come back until you have sold just about everything you found in them. By the time you come back you will have a better understanding of what selling avenues are open to you, what you can and can't sell, and how much to bid. You will also avoid the scenario where you live atop a mountain of other peoples garbage. To be clear, for example, you can place your nose in antique books all day and find a locker full of them, but the book prices will mean noting to the place you market them. There is no written recourse to go by because the situation will be tailored to how and where you sell what you find, and as you are in my area, those are tips I'm not sharing