Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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Picker's Paradise / Re: Got "stung" picking today
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:48:26 AM »
If it's all stainless, there's probably 15 bucks worth of scrap in that thing if you can't get it working! 

Craigslist / Re: Craigslist Scammers - Texting the scam
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:13:40 PM »
Craigslist is thick with scammers.  One of the new things I've noticed now is they send you an email wanting you to verify you own the item you are selling......usually misspelled and using something like "esquire" in their

The Lounge / Re: Spike Orders Four Unscripted Series
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:23:19 PM »
Repo Games is kind of fun.......I like the few episodes I've seen.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:24:38 AM »
One large national change I won't mention by name that has lot's of orange doors has had a lot of break ins around the Everett area.  I know at least four of their facilities that have had a consistent problem with theft.  One facility had somebody come in overnight and cut a lock on one locker, then they cut out some drywall and crawled around in the ceiling kicking out drywall over a number of units and they ended up stealing a lot of stuff.

They have also had multiple problems with people cutting through the fence and cutting the hasps off lockers.  Those thick locks don't help you a whole lot because the smart thieves cut the thin way easier to cut hasp.  Also, those cylinder locks that they like to sell you at an inflated price because they are supposed to be super secure are a joke.  I've drilled a number of them (legitimately I might add!) and with a battery operated drill and a sharp 1/4" bit, you drill through until you hear the little locking plate drop off and they pull straight out......takes less than a minute.

Stores / Re: Home Interior Consignment Stores
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:01:20 PM »
I haven't used any so I don't know how fast the stuff sells, but they typically charge 45% of the sales price as a fee, so you basically are only getting $55 out of every $100 in sales. 

2nd picture of sauna

Complete Sauna set up with seating and heater............

Heatilator three sided fireplace......

Fun stuff......Entire kitchen cabinet set.....all new with all trim.......

Suggestion Center / Re: Down Time
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:30:47 PM »
I was wondering what was going on............

The Lounge / Re: The Pope Resigns
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:59:54 PM »
Maybe some supreme court judges or congressman can take a hint...............

Donations & Taxes / Re: Tax write off as business owner
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:58:35 PM »
You guys are giving me a headache! :-[

I have been working on my taxes all day trying to get them ready to take to the accountant this week.  I have added up all my vehicle and fuel costs, office supplies, building maintenance, rent, utilities, labor cost, cost of lockers, purchases from various other types of auctions and purchases from places other than auctions. 

I've added up all my sales, and split them out between taxable and non and figured out my sales tax.  By doing all that an breaking everything down by category, it saves me a ton of money on bookkeeping fees.  I hate tax time!  It's a lot of work and I hate all the damn paperwork! 

Anyway, if you are asking these questions, get your stuff all together and actually see a tax preparer.....don't just guess and get yourself an it right!

We used to have an awesome flea out at the site of the Puget Park Drive In.  It was awesome, it was there for 40 years or better. 

Just like everywhere else though, the price of the land it was sitting on lead to it being bought up and a small hospital and emergency room was build on the site. 

Great location too......a big chunk of it fronted I-5 between Everett and Lynnwood......I miss that one.  The people that ran that one tried another location for a while, but it wasn't ever as successful.  There are a couple of others around but so far none of those have had the success of the original. 

Picker's Paradise / Re: Picking at estate sales
« on: February 17, 2013, 05:53:05 PM »
I've picked up a few items lately, but it seems like the majority of the people doing sales lately have been watching too much Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Rick's Restorations, Barter Kings, Storage Wars, etc, and they have unrealistic expectations of the value of their junk!

If you try to educate them, they think you are trying to rip them off.  Most of them think they are expert negotiators too....and hold firm to their outrageous prices!  I can't believe how many call me up after the sale offering me a bunch of picked over crap for about three times retail. 

I had a guy earlier this week......he had some decent furniture, and I would have been comfortable buying it at $800.....maybe a grand, and I could have turned it quick for around $2k.  After his estate sale was over and he didn't sell a single piece, he told me that after discussing it with his wife, he would sell if to me for the "sacrifice" price of only $4K! 

I didn't even bother calling him back.....we're too far is worth around 2k......but I can't pay that and make 4k, we're too far about to even mess with it.

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