Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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Other Forms of Selling / Re: How often do you have a yard/garage sale?
« on: February 17, 2013, 05:36:54 PM »
I try selling things all different ways with craigslist being my main outlet, and ebay being a fairly big outlet too.  But, I love a few garage sales a year just to get rid of a bunch of the stuff that piles up that is really not worth enough for craigslist or worth the hassle of putting it on ebay. 

I'm actually going through stuff right now and I'm shooting for a garage sale around the beginning of April if we get a nice week end.  I'm going to try something new..........I've got a full basement full of stuff an I'm going to try and "everything for a dollar" garage sale.  I'll do it on a Friday and Saturday, and everything left over will go straight to Goodwill!  I figure I've made money on all the rest, and these leftovers will just be gravy on top. 

And, I'll have all my crap cleared out and ready for new summer inventory!

Just this one.....I barely have time to be here.....if anybody is on four, they are not very busy buying and selling! :P

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Congratulations to MovieMan!
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:46:11 PM »
Congratulations to the one person responsible for Travis having to pay Drew double what he was originally asking for this site!   :-*

My dining room table and part of the laundry room never gets totally cleared off.  I bring stuff in to check ebay value (sounds like a common theme) and sometimes I don't get to it in a "timely....cough, cough" manner. 

I do try harder than I used to, but for some reason eat most of my dinners in the living  I just picked up a bunch of high school and college annuals last night at a small auction, and 17 of them piles quite nicely in my favorite dining chair! :D

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Keeping your emotions in check
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:30:26 PM »
Hell yeah!  It's my world and what right does some moron have to come along and bid up my unit?  :)

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2013
« on: February 14, 2013, 12:30:36 AM »
Went to a silent bid auction yesterday.  Ended up being nine lockers and about 30 people.   Prices were actually pretty decent, with the most expensive one going for $450.00.......and a couple going for a dollar each. 

The problem was the quality........these were some crappy looking lockers!  I didn't get any, but one I did bid on but was about $30 short on turned out to be pretty exciting.  Once the lady that won it and her dad started digging through it, it had three pipe bombs, an illegal home made silencer, and some other bomb making materials.  The cops have all that stuff in their possession now and are looking for the original owner of the locker.

Let that be a lesson......if you are going to store illegal stuff in your locker, either pay your bill or don't rent in your name!  LOL.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2013
« on: February 05, 2013, 07:23:39 PM »
This year is not looking good so far!  Went to another small single facility auction today.  Between 75 and 100 people for only four lockers.  Three of the lockers I don't know why they didn't just shove them in a dumpster and save the hassle.  Other one was a 10 x 15 with lot's of low quality looking stuff and an old looking refrigerator in the back corner.  Particle board single bed frame, mattresses, etc.  There was nothing of any real value showing and it was all thrown in there, not in any order or stacked nice.  Two ladies I had never seen before were the "winners" on that one for the low, can't lose price of only $425! 

So far, the quality of lockers I have seen this year are garbage.  Prices are cheap, but so what?  Most of the lockers I've seen this year would accrue more in dump fees than profit!  And yeah, that's before the droves of gamblers even get back their refunds......I think we're in for a bumpy ride!

That's awesome......more often than not, you're just out everything.... congratulations!

Craigslist / Re: Anyone Notice the "Smoke-Free" Ads?
« on: February 04, 2013, 08:59:44 PM »
I probably would have passed on buying that if I found wiener hair in it.............. :P

Two years later, and I still haven't seen anything that would top the Aston Martin!  There was a pretty cool 1970 Range Rover that looked to be in really good condition.  Most of the vehicles I see are either rusted out or taken apart and are just good for scrap and/or parts.  Although at one facility a guy has a 1967 Corvette that has been sitting under their covered storage for years, and I'm always hopeful that one day he won't pay his bill.........

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2013
« on: February 03, 2013, 12:23:14 PM »
February started out with a bust.  Was feeling the itch to dig through some crap, so I went to a facility in a small town about 20 minutes away from my house hoping to pick up at least one of the eleven lockers being sold.  It was a Saturday I should have known.......

There were over 100 people and the units were garbage.  First two lockers were inside units, upstairs.  They got to shuffle over 100 people upstairs through this little narrow stairway, and it was wall to wall people once we got up there.  One locker had two bald tires and a come along and and couple boxes on the floor.  That was all.  Second locker did have a Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table (although prices have dropped considerably on those compared to what they used to be) and a few chairs and some boxes and old tv's.  Tire locker sold for $130....still don't know why.....and the Duncan Phyfe locker sold for $425.  Okay, so now we know how this day is gonna go!  :-[

So, we get back downstairs and outside, and they open the door on another locker.  Two dresser right up front, both missing a drawer.  Particle board entertainment center and just crappy looking stuff.....over $400 again......great.

More lockers, more junk.  A dollar locker actually sold for.....$75!  Even one of the "new regulars" noted that the prices at this little turd facility were higher than the normally overpriced Public Storage run!

Anyway, down to two lockers and one of the regulars wanted to show me his Isuzu box truck he picked up, so we headed out to the parking lot and I checked that out....little 16' npr with lift gate and a roll up side door.....nice little rig if you are into moving other peoples garbage out of storage lockers!  I looked at his truck and then jumped in my rig and got the hell out of Dodge before the rest of the crowd flocked out.

Don't know if this was just messed up because it was Saturday, or if New York and tax season has rekindled interest in what (USED) to be a fairly lucrative business.  I have another auction Tuesday and then a bunch of them for the following week.  Guess I'll have an answer soon..........

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Human Cremains
« on: February 03, 2013, 02:33:35 AM »
What a waste of perfectly good chocolate milk mix. :(

NASTY!  LOL!  I've found six sets of cremains in lockers.  I had a friend helping me on one locker and he grabbed a box and opened one end and he's asking me why somebody would just put ashes in a box as he stuck his finger in them.  I laughed at him and told him to shut the box and look on the other was Grandma!  Had the Name, birthday, and day she died on the end flap.  Then we found her drivers license......I said, "hey, looks like she's lost some weight"!  LOL

No, but I've watched a few dumba**es sit there on the phone and describe every item in the auction to their husband and work to see if they can get permission to bid on that locker while holding everybody up! >:(

Craigslist / Re: Does anyone use the barter section on Craigslist?
« on: January 26, 2013, 08:45:54 PM »
Do you think I could turn a lawn mower into a Lambo?  ::)

Only if you have Tourettes!   :D

Craigslist / Re: Does anyone use the barter section on Craigslist?
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:33:30 PM »
I use it all the time.......usually end up with cash for my items, even though it's in that section, but get a good trade every once in a while. 

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