Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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I think he gets away with it because he has all those videos and people watch those and think he must have some super secret info that they will learn by buying his overpriced book.  Gotta hand it to the guy though......he's probably one of the few still making good money off the storage auctions.....and he doesn't have to deal with the crowds or dig through the crap!

I put up a treadmill and recumbent bike machine up on craigslist and they both sold in less than a day.  I specifically waited until after the holidays were over....and it worked for me........

The Lounge / Re: Ralphie May
« on: January 13, 2013, 01:08:55 AM »
That sucks!  Hope you had some comped tickets and didn't actually have to spend your hard earned cash!

The Lounge / Re: Ralphie May
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:09:27 PM »
He's pretty damn funny.....he was on last comic standing a few years back and I've seen him on a few things since then. 

Garage Sales / Re: Ever had your garage sale ad flagged on Craigslist?
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:06:32 PM »
I've had EVERY kind of ad flagged on craigslist!  I think some people get off on flagging you just because they can, even if there was nothing wrong in your ad.  Oh well, it keeps it at the top I guess. 

The Lounge / Re: Desperate Living: Life In a Storage Unit
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:39:11 PM »
See it a lot, but probably the most elaborate was a Public Storage unit in downtown Seattle that the guy had set up with a full queen size bed set up, a rope across to hang up all his clothes, a tv/vcr set up, a dresser with more clothes, an extra pair of shoes next to the bed, a throw rug, a night stand with light, and he even had a large plastic plant to make it homey!  It was on like the third or fourth floor of an all inside building, and he would get in every night before they locked up.   Alas, poor fellow got arrested and didn't pay his bill, so some LUCKY bidder got to buy his crap!

I think I only bought around 14 or so for all of 2012....WAY down from 2011, which was WAY WAY down from 2010. 

I'm with Fred.......... between picking and the commercial auctions I do, the storage auctions are kind of a bust.  I won't even waste my time on a Public Storage run anymore.  Too many idiots and I'm just tired of waiting in line all day just so everybody can get a peak at the unit before they spend too much money!

I have a few places I will continue to go to, but I'm being very selective about which storage auctions I attend now, not like before when I wanted to hit them all. 

Picker's Paradise / Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:45:41 PM »
I was just digging one out when I clicked on this thread.....oh, wait, wrong pick! :)

Not long ago, I found a guy that was selling some Hobart bowls and mixer stuff on CL.....he was asking $500.  I emailed him and asked if he'd be interested in a 10/22 in trade instead.   He asked me to send him a couple of pictures and I did and he emailed me back and said, "Yeah, let's do the deal". 

So, I drove down and met him and picked up a couple of 80 quart mixing bowls, some adapters, dough hook, paddles, etc.  So far I have put $700 back in my pocket and I still have three items left (estimate I will net another 225-300).  Not a bad trade for a rifle I only paid $249 for brand new.  I wanted to get rid of that one anyway to get the new take down model.

Also bought a signed copy of Larry Hagmans autobiography for $5.....had a certificate of authenticity and all......10 days later, poor old JR kicks the bucket.  I put it up on $73 for it......not huge, but timing is everything!

Bought a candy vending machine, a 25 slot one with dollar changer.  I paid $275 for it.  Put it up on cl, sold for $900 a week later.

Anyway, could go on and on with examples, just in the last month or two, but don't want to bore the crowd......

Good Job with the just saved me an hour out of my life that I don't need to waste on that show now! :-*

I guess I'd only need the "how to make boxes of cash" book.......if I could do that, I wouldn't have to worry about the rest!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Carpooling to the auctions
« on: December 29, 2012, 10:32:02 AM »
If your too damn poor to afford gas to go to auctions find another line of work.. ::)

I do it because some of those long runs are boring as hell!  I usually end up driving and paying for gas anyway, but at least you have somebody along to talk to.....and as someone else mentioned, you have help pulling a few things out of a locker you just bought.  I always try to grab the little items that have a higher value right away, just in case.........

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: What do you do with your totes?
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:07:10 PM »
I keep them to store flea market, yard sale, & seasonal inventory. When they get beat up from use (broken lids, holes puched in them, etc.) they get filled with stuff for Goodwill and left there. Sometimes I sell them or throw them in when bulk purchases are made at the flea market.

This is exactly what I do with mine.  Every once in a while if I get some extras in really good condition, I will sell them for $4-$5 each. 

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Carpooling to the auctions
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:04:58 PM »
I do it frequently, especially on some of the longer Public Storage runs.  Did it this one time, and a big locker came up that we were both interested in.  The other bidders couldn't believe it when the two of us who had ridden together got in a bidding war.  I ended up letting him have it for $800, and he lost his as*!  Whew! 

Apparently some people turned in a anti-tank rocket launcher and a grenade launcher at California's gun buyback event.

Now that's what I call "home defense!"  :D

Didn't you ever see "Death Wish 3"?  Apparently, an at home rocket launcher is a popular item!

Eventually, just about every jurisdiction will have to change their laws.  How many more years are newspapers actually going to be around?  As the population ages, more and more of their customers are dying off every year, and the younger generations are used to getting their news on an electronic, tablets, computers, etc. 

I don't even remember the last time I actually bought a newspaper.  I can read all the local news online for free and I don't have a big mess to clean up after!  You don't even need them for the coupons anymore because you can just find what you need online and print it out, or some of them you can even download to your phone.

Besides that, it's a big expense that the storage places shouldn't have to pay for.  Newspaper advertising is so expensive, especially in the bigger city newspapers.  Why publish ads in the local newspaper when you can run as many ads as you want on craigslist for free? 

Having said all that.....I still do run ads for about three days in my local paper running up to any large garage sales or especially estate sales I'm having........that same group of people that are dying off are the same people that have a tendency to bring large amounts of money to estate sales, and they're still reading the newspaper!

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