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Messages - the teacher

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Craigslist / Re: Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, got married today.
« on: December 26, 2012, 10:08:40 PM », but right when I read that I was in the middle of posting some craigslist ads! 

The Lounge / Re: Worst Christmas Gift of 2012
« on: December 26, 2012, 09:40:06 PM »
Wow, don't you make me feel like a jerk.  I gave my 19 year old daughter a new flat screen tv, a bluray player, a food processer, and a gift certificate for fifteen bucks to, of all places, Subway  :-[ and another one to Starbucks.  I was feeling like I spoiled her, but now I'm thinking I should have left out the Subway card! ???

Craigslist / Re: Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, got married today.
« on: December 26, 2012, 09:33:49 PM »
Casual*l submissive............ :)

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Craziest finds of 2012
« on: December 26, 2012, 09:31:26 PM »
For me it was probably the gas mask that was adapted to use with a b* was so cool, I almost thought about buying some w*ed and trying it out! :D

The Lounge / Re: NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:56:28 PM »
Sporting arms?  Ak-47s and similar weapons aren't used for hunting deer.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.

First, a "true" AK-47 is fully automatic, so by definition, there aren't that many even in this country, and the few lucky fellows that do own one have had to go through a very thorough background check by the BATFE and pay the tax. 

Second, the common 7.62 x 39 cartridge that it is chambered for is actually a very common hunting round, very similar to the ultimate deer gun cartridge, the .30-30. 

Third, so what?  Except in just a few states, a .22 long rifle isn't used for hunting deer either.  Does that mean there is no need for that?  I'd say there are a ton of firearms and calibers that people shoot for recreation every day, but are not used for hunting.  Does that mean we shouldn't have those either?

And, what about the argument that nobody needs a 30 round magazine?  So if somebody went into a school and only shot 10 kids because he only had a 10 round magazine, would that be acceptable?  HELL NO! 

I'm not saying I have all the answers, but with all the emotion over little kids getting killed, too many people want something done, even if it's just a "feel good" law and will actually accomplish nothing.  There are so many firearms in this country, that even if they enact an ill conceived ban tomorrow, I don't believe it would have much of a deterrent effect on whack jobs intent on hurting innocent people. 

Obama himself has contributed to the best years the gun industry have ever had.  When he was elected to his first term, everybody was afraid he was going to try to pass a ban.  So called "Assault Weapons" and "High Capacity Clips (which are actually called "Magazines")", as well as 9mm, .40 s&w, .45 acp, 22 LR, .223, .308, and 7.63 x 39 ammo, along with most other ammo, was almost impossible to find for his first two years in office.  Sales were brisk the whole time, and upon his re-election, started escalating again. 

I firmly believe he was going to attempt some kind of restriction this time around....after all, he has nothing to lose.  But as sad and despicable as the school shooting is, the liberal's are dancing in the blood of innocent little children, because now they have an opportunity to ramrod through the reinstatement of the AWB and restrictions on hi capacity magazines.  Too many people are willing to give up just a little more freedom for a feel good law that will have no practical effect. 

Just my opinion by the way.  I'm not a whack job and I own no "assault rifles", and only a couple hi cap mags for one of my pistols.  But it seems like more and more laws that serve no practical purpose are being made all the time just so people can "feel good".  Look at all of the restrictions and inconvenience at the airports these days....just so everybody can "feel good" that "something" is being done......but at what price?

The Lounge / Re: What's the deal with Honey Boo Boo ?
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:12:05 PM »
I don't get it myself.......but then again, I don't get half the new shows on tv these days.  I guess my age is showing......

The Lounge / Re: Travis Lane Net Worth
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:49:11 PM »
Well, if you really must know....

My net worth is somewhere around 250,000 ....empty beer cans which I plan to recycle one day.

I ride a bike to the public library where I can use their computers to post on this forum.

I mainly buy storage units for discarded food, clean clothes and temporary shelter.   :D

I am kidding of course.

Oh, so what you are saying then is that you are more successful at this occupation than 95% of the other buyers! :-*

The Lounge / Re: Gun Control
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:46:39 PM »
Made a major blunder and have no one to blame but myself.  After our exalted leader got re-elected, I was going to purchase 100 of the 30 round P-mags for AR15 and hang onto them.  Could have bought them 10 days ago for a grand.  I watched with tears in my eyes last night as those same 100 mags sold for $7500 on Gunbroker!  Who couldn't use an extra $6500......give or take a few bucks for shipping!  :'(

So if you are up in the Seattle area and end up with a locker that has some good furniture I would be interested (by "good", I mean NOT particle board and not broken or missing drawers or ripped up, etc.....some scuffs and scratches are okay). 

I have a truck and trailer and could pick it up if you have a fair amount.  We could also make arrangements to pick up just a piece or two if we can be flexible, I'm not going to make a 60 mile trip to pick up a single chair for example, but if I can combine it with another trip and have to be down there anyway, why not? 

I would prefer between Bellingham and Lynnwood, perhaps as far as Seattle for a trailer load of good stuff.  Thanks.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a couple decent units today
« on: December 17, 2012, 11:12:01 AM »
It's just going to be a lot of work posting all of the small miscellaneous stuff.

If it was easy, EVERYBODY would be doing it!   ;)

Craigslist / Re: Craigslist buyers - no shows and backouts
« on: December 16, 2012, 01:30:40 AM »
There's a reason they call them "craigslist flakes"! 

But, I have over 100 ads on right now for a couple of my businesses and another business I list for.  Name any other advertising you can get for the price that brings you that kind of business!  You just learn to weed out the flakes over time and ignore them. 

Something that helps is never give them your address or meeting place ahead of time.  Tell them when they are ready to leave, call you and you will give them your address or a place you can meet.  If they do that, they are usually on the way, and if they don't call back to set up the appointment, then you aren't stuck sitting around waiting for them.  Following those rules, you won't have that many "no shows". 

The Public Storage facilities in the Seattle area used to give you a gate code and some extra time to clean out lockers.  But for the last three months or so, they expect you to have it cleaned out in 48 hours, AND they do not give you a gate are expected to have it done during office hours!  As a result, some of the guys have had to cut back on the number of lockers they buy because it just is not physically possible to move that many lockers under those restrictions.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: "You never know"
« on: December 02, 2012, 11:43:30 AM »
I hear that way too often.  Along with "it's less than I'd spend at the casino Friday night". 

And then there's the hopeful......yesterday, guy buys a glass top dining table with metal and cloth chairs (looked almost borderline for what even Goodwill will accept) and a busted tv stand for 85 bucks.  As we're walking away, he tells me he'll get $150 out of the table and chairs.  REALLY?  Pfffft!

I have gone as far as 150 miles for what I thought would be a great auction.  It doesn't take long to realize that the whales, noobies, gamblers, and treasure hunters are at every facility, near or far.  And to make it worse, if you buy a locker that is going to take more than one doesn't take long for the profit to fly out the window.

I'll go as far as 50 miles now, but only a couple that I'll even do that.....most no farther than 30.  And, I have started skipping a number of runs....such as Public Storage.  Sure, they have a lot of lockers in a day at a number of facilities, but they also have a large crowd, the quality of the lockers has gone down, and it's turned into an all day waste of time and fuel.  Every once in a while, I'll hear of somebody that got a deal, but it's pure luck.  Anything that shows value goes for way too much!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #12...December, 2012
« on: December 01, 2012, 07:27:56 PM »
I went to a POD style auction Wednesday morning.  It was kind of a weird combination auction....they had some pods full of household goods, and they sold some "by the box" lots also.  The company had gone out of business, so they also sold off some moving equipment, a couple of trucks, and a bunch of their office equipment.  I did fairly well there, it was unusual, but there were some bargains to be had!

I went to a regular old storage auction this morning.  40-50 mph wind gusts, short periods of driving rain, and a pretty big crowd.  Prices actually weren't that bad, but out of 10 lockers up for auction, there was only one locker worth buying, and instead of bidding the guy up, I let a thrift store owner I know have it for $350, which was probably a fair deal. 

The holidays are here and I don't usually attend as many auctions this time of year anyway.  I've got plenty to do, and I have a fair amount of inventory at the moment.  Picking has been going VERY well and craigslist is still on fire......I'm enjoying that while it lasts......because if I've learned anything, I know it won't!

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