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Messages - the teacher

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Oh ok well maybe they have reached all their legal obligations and rightfully own the unit now but they are willing to still work with the tenants until the last minute

Around our area (Seattle), they cut the locks and a lot of the auctioneers (and sometimes property managers) will take pictures and document what they can see from the door.  They then put their lock on it, and the owner can still pay and pull it out of the auction all the way up until it is declared sold.  One of the auctioneers does put pictures of those lockers on his website, so when I'm deciding where to go that day, I can see if there might be something that interest me or if they just look like garbage.  And technically, the tenants still own the entire contents of their locker right up until the auctioneer yells "SOLD"!

I won a locker the day before yesterday for $800 bucks.  I wanted it and another guy wanted had some cool and valuable stuff in there.  So he started at $200, I went to $300, and it went up in $50 increments until he finally stopped and I got it for $800.  I was prepared to go higher, and I found out after the auction that he had exactly $1000 to spend. 

So, was the guy "running me up?"  I mean, dang, if he wasn't going to hang in to win it all the way to the end, why didn't he let me have it for $300?  Sucker cost me an extra five bills! It cracks me up when some of these guys get all pissed because they want a certain locker, and somebody else bids against them.  I wasn't mad at the guy, it's an AUCTION, that's kind of the point!  If nobody was going to bid against me, I'd get them all for a dollar!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: getting to know auctioneers
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:28:37 AM »
You don't look for their auctions.....they call you and tell you what they have coming up, especially if they know it's your type of locker.....or so I've been told..... ;)

right. But it surprises me why people with all the notice they get. Dont take good **** out. They know well in advaance

Usually, by the time they start getting notices, their unit has already been overlocked and/or their access code has been blocked.  That's one of the reasons we can still buy an occasional locker that has good stuff left in it!

Two free tips:

1.  Pay your bill, and it won't ever be an issue!

2.  Don't pay rent on a bunch of crap in a storage locker.......get rid of that stuff!

Garage Sales / Re: Yard Sale Time
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:57:45 PM »
Glad you had a good day....rain....doesn't hit California until January usually, but sometimes we get it  Oct-Dec, but would be once every 6 weeks or so and not amount to much.

And then you have Seattle!  It doesn't rain about once every 6 weeks or so!

Well, maybe it's not all that weird, but the last unit we bought had syringes everywhere.  We found maybe 40 or so in probably 8 or 10 different places.  Fortunately they were all capped.  Used, but at least they recapped them.

I bought a locker a year or two ago and it was definitely a "tweakers" unit.  There was a nice standard airline size suitcase in it that rattled when I shook it and when I opened it up, it was completely full of used needles!  Ick!

As for valuables - I think it's still staying at the same rate.  I've yet to find gold, jewelry, or such in a unit.  I do know some weeks back one of the regulars found a .25 pistol.  Most everything else is the normal matress, cloths, furniture that makes up 80% of the units.

I don't know if it's just the "luck of the draw" or what, but I have definitely not been finding the same amount of gold that I used to find in lockers.  I still find a lot of jewelry, but it's mostly junk and not real gold and silver.  Could be I'm just on an unusual streak, but it sure is different than years past, and I've heard that from other long time buyers too. 

Ain't that the truth!  After Hester, Jarrod and Brandy are my least favorite people on SW.  Jarrod's mouth writes checks it can't cash and Brandy is about as trailer-trashy as you can get.  She treats Jarrod about the same as that Kate chick treated John on "John and Kate Plus 8".  I would guess there isn't one high school diploma between the two of them.

So, yes, if those two idiots can run a business, my guess is that any of us could certainly do better than them.

I don't know.......did you notice how much their business grew from season one to season two?  I'm thinking they are making "show money" that we aren't going to get! 

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Used TV's and computers?
« on: September 19, 2011, 11:02:08 PM »
Up here in the Seattle area, Goodwill takes all tv's for no charge.  They do limit you to five at a time max, but that's usually not an issue.  I've taken them as many as eight, and they mention the five at a time max but go ahead and take them for you "this time".  I think they have a deal with the state and they get paid a fixed amount to take each one so people aren't dumping them out on the sides of the road!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: I am beginning to think...
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:53:13 AM »
I agree with Movieman........I think the quality (and the quantity) of the lockers has actually been declining overall.  Sure, there are still those really awesome units occasionally, but I would say that in the last year or so we are paying more money for lower quality units than we ever have.

The "Shows" have been a big contributing factor for a number of reasons:
1.  Way more people showing up at the auctions, causing prices to double and triple!

2.  Renters also watch the "Shows", and have realized that, "If I don't pay my bill, they will sell my crap"!  So, I think some of them are pulling the valuable stuff before it gets overlocked, or not putting the best stuff in the locker to begin with.  How many lockers have you seen that look like they have been rummaged through and just the garbage is left? 

3.  The facilities are loving the overall higher prices, especially on the good lockers.  There is one company I am familiar with that has the managers "estimate" what the locker will go for at current auction prices.  If it's a nice locker that they think will bring, say $800, but the renter only owes say $400, they will actually pull the locker from the sale and let it ride for another month or two, under the guise that it's nice stuff and they are going to give the renter more time to come up with the money to pay.  They win either way.....either the owner comes up with the cash and they get all their money and a little extra rent, or, the locker get's sold at auction and they get to keep a couple extra months rent because now they don't have a big overage they have to send to the renter.  Damn smart from a business standpoint, but leaves the auction buyer looking at a bunch of crappy lockers on a long day of touring storage facilities on auction day!

Suggestion Center / Re: Server Issues
« on: September 11, 2011, 07:20:25 PM »
Definitely some serious issues with the site.  I keep getting the internal server error, it's super slow, and even after it's loaded it keeps acting like it's still loading (pretty sure I saw at least one other member with that issue too).  Not sure what it is, but it is taking the fun out of trying to read posts or posts new threads on the site!  Five posts a day is not good!

Suggestion Center / Re: Server Issues
« on: September 08, 2011, 09:57:34 PM »
I agree with is so slooooowww!

Suggestion Center / Re: Server Issues
« on: September 06, 2011, 08:26:40 PM »
I've been having some problems also.  It won't let you view topics or navigate through the site, and it's super slow!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 9.....September, 2011
« on: September 05, 2011, 09:42:35 PM »
I"m gonna need about 200 donuts to fill up the tank in my F350 Crew Cab Diesel though!

I don't mind all the lookers at the auctions, except that it makes a 20 minute auction take and hour and a half while everybody ambles by the door.  Makes for a long and boring day when you are on a multiple facility run!

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