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Messages - the teacher

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Well, at least you should be able to crowd in there and see all the good stuff close to the floor! ;D

Sometimes spending nothing is the right approach.

I totally agree!  The way things have been price wise, I think some of the biggest winners have been the ones that haven't bought a locker!

The Treasure Chest / Re: FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:30:59 PM »
OK, I know you can't handle all that good stuff yourself, so here's the deal:

I'll give you $1100 for half of it and YOU get to decide which half I get !  ;D

I had a guy offer me 2k for it as soon as I paid.  I turned it down.  One guy I know did not show up today, and he heard about it through the grapevine and told me the only way I would have got it if he had been there was if we had decided to split it!  LOL.

Sounds like a damn good unit!  I know a lot of guys don't like the large units, but I love 'em!

The Treasure Chest / Re: FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:24:01 PM »
we have quite a bit of the silent auctions in my area.  do you prefer silect auctions over regular auctions?  I think they may both have there pros and cons.  Nicely done beating them by $20 as well. 

Usually, I like the live auctions.  But, with the way things have been, the silent auctions have been pretty good for me.  It keeps the emotion out of the bidding.  And as far as beating them by 20 bucks.......I was LUCKY! 

The Treasure Chest / Re: FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:48:24 PM »
Really nice, may I ask what you paid for everything?

Yeah, this one I got for $1150, and I beat the next two highest bidders by 20 bucks!

The Treasure Chest / FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:33:02 PM »
It's been slow going the last couple of months.  Only been getting a few mediocre units here and there, but nothing of any real note........until today!

I bought two lockers at a silent bid auction.  First unit, I'm not even sure what I got yet.  I know it has some clothes, small kitchen appliances, leather couch and chair, and some cd's and dvd's.  Only gave $100 for it, so I'm sure I'll do fine.  I'll get around to checking it out in a day or two.

But, the other one.......Wooo Hoooo!  I got a 1962 Chevy Truck (with all the paperwork for a clear title!) that has a new (rebuilt I'm sure) hot rodded motor.  This thing has been in the facility for 10 years!  Anyway, the motor has a brand new Edelbrock Performer carb on an Edelbrock manifold, and all kinds of new parts.  It's in the truck but everything hasn't even been hooked up yet.  I am still undecided on whether to pull the motor and sell separately or sell as a package.  Truck also has new tires and there are boxes and boxes of new parts for it.

And, that's not all!  Like I said, the previous owner has had this locker at this facility for at least the past 10 years, and he set up some shelving and storage in the rafters.  There is a 12' Sea Nymph aluminum boat, and a Honda outboard motor!  Up there with the boat was about 7 fishing poles, a Scotty downrigger, and a nice set of oars.

That's the big stuff, and I'm pretty happy with just that.  Here is a partial list of some of the other stuff in this units:

Welding Torch set up, with bottles and gauges
Sears Craftsman Air Compressor
Brand new Engine Hoist and Engine Stand
Propane Tanks (new and shiny with propane!)
Big Roll a Way tool box, chock full of various engine building tools
Very large pop rivet gun, used for pop riveting subframes and other stuff
Lot's of air tools (grinder, impact gun, nibbler, cut off tool, etc)
cb radios and antennas
chain hoist
tackle boxes full of tackle
3 lanterns.......two really old
four old Lionel train cars
double element propane heater that attaches to top of propane tank
some ammunition (no gun yet, dang it!)
A whole bunch of gun cleaning equipment
three cool knives
250 amp Dayton Welder
microwave and two tvs

Anyway, there is some other stuff way up high that I can't reach until I get the truck out of the way and get some other stuff moved.  While I was in the office paying, the customer called and they were asking for a couple of very specific things back, so I am assuming that those are hidden up top.   There is some interesting suitcases and boxes that are way up in the rafters stuffed clear to the back with other stuff piled in front of them, so maybe I'll get lucky and there will be something really good in there too! 

Here's a picture of the engine.  I was so pumped I got a picture of it and dove into the unit, so don't have any other pics right now.

[attachment deleted by admin]

The Lounge / Re: Boxing Ring for Mr. A & Movieman
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:39:03 AM »
C'mon, you have to admit, that was pretty funny!

I don't know about the legality question, but if you type "cigarettes" or "cigars" into the search window on craigslist, quite a few postings come up.  The majority of them seem to be for the electronic cigarettes, but I found a lot of packs of Marlboro's being sold for 5 bucks a pack, so there must be a market for that kind of stuff.  I can't imagine the stuff would still be listed if it was illegal to sell.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Got a unit on Friday
« on: April 24, 2011, 08:01:59 PM »
That was a nice score!  I'd love to find a locker that nice for that price right now!  A friend of mine bought a similar one last week, but he paid over $1400!  GOOD JOB!

I once found a person's collection of geriatric porn...I really wanted to give that back.

Probably after you thumbed through it, of course!   ;D

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Auctions in bad weather?
« on: April 24, 2011, 07:56:24 PM »
They are hoping to get one in a locker.  ;D

I've got a couple behind the seat of my truck I have found in lockers.  They are kind of a pain though........everybody is crowding in trying to see the locker, and one guy with an umbrella is poking everybody else as he tries to get his look, and two guys with umbrellas go in at the same time and run into each other and smack others in the head.  It can be comical!

Never needed one.  Once you get yourself set up on a number of lists and get to know people, you'll end up with more auctions than you'll even want to go to.  Now I have my favorites and unless I'm really needing a locker or I'm just bored, I skip a bunch of the others. 

eBay / Re: Do you leave feedback immediately upon recieving payment?
« on: April 21, 2011, 11:10:38 PM »
I wait until they leave feedback for me before I leave them any.  I used to leave it a week later, after I knew they had their stuff, and I would send them an email saying:  Thank you for your purchase.  I just left you some good feedback and would appreciate the same.  Thank you. 

It worked pretty good.  Now I just don't care!  I have almost 400, and it's still 100%.....although every time I sell something I feel like it's a crap shoot!  It's only a matter of time before some idiot screws it up!  Ebay has ruined the site for the sellers, the buyers have all the power now.

Whenever I am in contact with a former lkr owner it is because they have contacted the locker property mgrs and have given them their phone number. The locker mgrs call me and let me know about that call. I then call the former lkr owner from a blocked number.

That's how I do it too.  I don't give them my number at all.  I call from a blocked number, and if they want to think about what they want or how much they are willing (or able) to pay, I give them a time I'll call them back.  Too much jacking around and they can forget it.  Also, I will go through the locker before I call them.  Two is to make sure there isn't something super valuable in there that they are trying to get back for cheap, and the second is you will usually find something that tells you what kind of person they might be.  Like a couple of months ago when this guy wanted me to call him, but I found a bunch of papers where he has had multiple restraining orders and been in jail for assault.  No thanks, I'll pass on meeting him!

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