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Messages - the teacher

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The Lounge / Re: What do you think about Amazon Prime Air?
« on: December 05, 2013, 09:51:19 PM »
Could be super annoying......yet sporting.....

Picker's Paradise / Re: Anyone shop Goodwill Outlet stores?
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:09:01 PM »
There can be some really good deals, but it can get pretty wild.  At the one I frequent, they will take out an entire row of these really big carts...probably 10' long and 4' wide, then they parade out a bunch of freshly filled carts and put them in place.  Everybody gathers around while they lock the wheels and get them in place, and when the lady says "Okay", everybody dives's a free for all! 

Kind of fun, and I have done really well there in the past.  Clothing by the pound, and I have found some expensive clothes.....True Religion jeans, Tommy Bahama shirts, etc.  Lots of cheap appliances, winter boots, high end tennis shoes, and lots of misc. items.  I will usually hang out from around 8am until about noon, and walk out with $300-400 worth of items. 

They also have a section with some decent electronics and furniture from time to time, but you have to be there right when they open, that stuff gets scooped up right away.  You should try it at least once......if you haven't already since you posted this a month ago........

Stores / Re: Woman's touch
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:09:06 AM »
Definitely!  I'm great with buying stuff, researching, marketing, etc, but I can't set up an attractive display to save my life!  I have this semi retired lady working with me now that can make a pile of junk look appealing!  It makes a big difference and customers are always commenting on how great it looks.  I just don't have that "eye" for it......I KNOW what looks good, I just don't know HOW to make it look like that!

Craigslist / Re: Craigslist Sales Slowing
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:59:40 AM »
Not really.......just sold a $1500 sign, a $650 miter machine for making picture frames, and tons of Christmas stuff....along with some other things.......I was actually surprised, because last year at this time it was dead.

I've found the ashes of six different people in units I have bought over the years.  They ALL went back to the facility as "personals"!  My friend did stick his finger in grandma once though.  He was helping me clean out a locker and asked me why anybody would put ashes in a box.  I told him to close it up and spun it around and showed him the other end where it had her name and info on creeped him out, but we got a good laugh out of it....... :D

Storage Auctioneers / Re: Auctioneer loses facilities to other auctioneer
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:04:20 PM »
Sounds like poetic justice.

I used to be in retail sales, and my best salesman worked at a competitor down the street.  People would come in and I would show the features in my item and do my presentation.  They would ask if anybody else in the area had similar items.  I said sure, and would tell the how to get there. 

They would leave but I would say the majority of them came back.  Instead of selling the features on his product, all he did was talk about how high our prices were and bad mouth our was a real turn off to potential customers and that guy made me a LOT of money!   ;D

Craigslist / Re: Scam or real deal, opinions?
« on: November 20, 2013, 08:56:24 PM »
I'd say scam. 

You get paid 100, whether it sells or not?  Even with high end watches and electronics, that business model isn't going to pencil out for long. 

He owns a pawn shop?  The pawn guys I know are not stupid, and they would just hire a guy to post the stuff for them at their store and have total control of the process, not pay excessive fees to some random online guy. 

Also, I have found that any message I have ever received that says "regards" at the end, is a total scam! 

Having said that, I have a couple of ebay people I use that work for me on a commission basis.  I give them boxes of stuff and they take the pictures, post it up, answer any questions, and ship it when it sells.  I pay the ebay and paypal fees, and they get one third or the net (after shipping, ebay, paypal) for commission.  It works well for me, but it is not for everyone and it takes a while before you can find someone you can trust and that will actually work at it and bring in a consistent income. 

eBay / Re: The 99 Cent Start
« on: November 20, 2013, 08:37:58 PM »
I used to do the 99 cent start all the time, but in the last year or so, I do the great majority of my listings with a "buy it now", and on some items I'll add a "best offer".  It seems like more people want to just buy it and get it over with and not wait for the last minute of an auction. 

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Setup Lockers !
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:29:43 PM »
We just had a facility here that I'm pretty sure (no proof of course) had staged all the lockers.  They hadn't had an auction in a year, and they advertised and had coffee, hot chocolate, and donuts, and it was like a big party.  Every unit they opened had stuff sitting out of it's box in plain sight.  Nobody I know stores their stuff like would be one thing if it was just a single locker, but 7 lockers all by different owners...............I doubt it.......  ::)

They need to make something like that that's legal for Motorcycles in states with helmet laws.....somebody would make a lot of money!

Craigslist / Re: Paying for Craigslist
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:07:50 PM »
Good help is so hard to find.

Yeah it is!  He worked for a furniture store driving truck and delivering furniture, and he talked a good game, so I thought he would do an awesome job.......two weeks later, he just doesn't show up.  Comes by to get his check and says he doesn't want to work that hard, needs to find something easier.......and he's only 30 years old...damn!

Craigslist / Re: Paying for Craigslist
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:04:52 PM »
Weird.   I just went to post one as a test and it charges $25 per section.
Tried different categories, different areas.....$25/ea.


Okay, I just did a test too, and now it says $25.00......but I did run one last month in general labor and we hired a guy (and he quit already because he "didn't want to work that hard") and it didn't cost me anything to run that ad......don't know why?

Craigslist / Re: Paying for Craigslist
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:39:35 PM »
It's $25 to post For jobs in Seattle/Eastside.  At least as of 18 months ago.

Weird.....I just did one in Seattle/Snohomish County last month and it was free.

Craigslist / Re: Paying for Craigslist
« on: November 06, 2013, 03:49:57 PM »
I can tell you from recent personal experience that job postings in Raleigh are free.

Same goes for Seattle too.......

Nice Score!

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