Storage Auctions

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Messages - CubanDave

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Stories about Storage Auctions / Not being lazy paid off.
« on: September 24, 2012, 12:52:47 AM »
    Ive been to over a dozen auctions now, having a blast. The last one I purchased was a 10'x20'. It was trashed. It looked like someone worked on cars in it. paper everywhere, oil cans, nuts bolts etc. It was a mess. But not to bad. The auction started off at $5. Everyone started to leave...
    As I looked into the unit, I noticed a self jumper for car batteries... those retail for $60+. I also noticed in the back a box that I could see say "Walt." I was almost certain it was DeWalt... and it was. No one wanted to bid because no one likes to clean trash. Well, I said $1, the guy said screw it, sold, lets move on. $1 to see if the jumper works? Cha Ching. It does. I was also right on the DeWalt. I found a battery and charger, a power sander, a professional paint sprayer with all the nozzles and acces, and of course my jumper. Luckily there was a broom in the corner (which I didnt see.) I threw everything in a box, and swept the unit clean in 20 minutes.
   I went to go pay for the unit, and only having $100's I asked to make change. The guy behind me just gave me a $1 bill, so in return I gave him a $5 Starbucks card (which I got free.) So all in all, I got the locker for free! (I did find a quarter in there too, so I made cash as well. I now have $200 of tools because no one wanted to spend 20 minutes cleaning.... Oh Well.  :-)

I will try to keep this short and sweet. I am a newbie here... and I wont lie, the show brought me into the business.

The other day I bought my first locker for $280. There were briefcases, car stuff, and womens exotic lingerie hanging, which made me think this was someone who was hiding things in this unit from people. So I thought... what does he have to hide? Its mine!

Well, lets just say the unit was a complete loss. However, as I was cleaning out my locker, is started to put the pieces together. It was a unit that belonged to someone who was shot and killed. Come to find out, his mother had been paying for the unit to hang on to personal things of his. However, after speaking to the employee there, they informed me that the mother recently lost her job, hence why the unit went for auction. After cleaning out the locker, I collected two briefcases of photos, last will, death certs etc and returned it to the mother.

She thought those items were lost for good. I took a hit on this unit, but at the same time, I'll pay $280 any day for a mother to have the last of her sons things...

I felt good about what I did, and didnt write it off as a complete loss.... but I'm just getting started!

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