Storage Auctions

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Topics - newguy13

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Stories about Storage Auctions / First Auction and Locker
« on: December 09, 2011, 10:30:53 PM »
Went to an auction in Memphis the other day.  It was a decent neighborhood which sparked the interest.  There were six lockers up for bid with about 17 bidders.  A buddy and I pooled resources in case we came across something.  We have a variety of experience between us, he has auto body and mechanical skills, I have been in the military and grew up traveling the world as a military brat.  The best part is that the money we pooled was just mad money that we really did not care if we lost or not.  The lockers ran the gamut of variety, one was a commercial HVAC locker, one was general household, a couple were just trash with miscellaneous household items.  We got our feet wet on the last locker of the bunch it was a straightforward locker with four factory ford chrome 2004+ truck rims.  Thanks to my friend he quickly spotted the six bolt pattern and said we could get our 50 dollars back.  The television and wood frame for a single bed were claimed before we made it home.  It may take a month to get rid of the rims but we had a great time and will take a bigger truck next time. 

Thanks again for the tips and advice everyone shares on this forum.  It is much appreciated.

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Newbie From N.E. Arkansas
« on: December 08, 2011, 06:37:17 PM »
I have been a looky loo here on the forum for about a week.  A good friend and I have been talking up and reading about storage auctions in our area.  I appreciate the time people have taken to share their experiences and pictures relating to auctions.

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