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Topics - JCS

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New to Storage Auctions? / Washers & Dryers and Bedding
« on: February 03, 2012, 12:24:56 PM »
Hello all,

I live in Atlanta and have bought three units so far. I have been watching, lurking around since August and been to 12-15 auctions and bought the first on in December; I have made a few bucks. I have also kept some stuff because there were things in the units I needed; the rest I have sold and taken to Goodwill.  Had I known about this stuff 25-30 years ago I would have been all over it as my father was into cars and went to auction all the time and when he moved away from that because of what he was into he would have been all over this back then. 20/20 hindsight.

Half to a third of the units I see have a Washer & Dryer and/or Bedding (Box Springs and Mattress) or multiple bedding items.

I am willing to drive stuff limited distances if I can make some money back on the items. If people repair and resell I know there can be money in that. I spoke to a few people at the auctions regarding reselling and they told me they are selling pairs for $150-350 depending on condition, age and model.

Now reading back other post people have said they will not sell a used mattress because who knows what can be lurking in it or other things that have soaked into the padding. Some stated the rip the padding off, throw it away and sell the metal for scrap. Some say they just dump it. Some said they may find buyers for the stuff if still wrapped in plastic.

So my question is for the Atlanta environment based on previous experience. Other than the outlets or CL, Flea markets etc. does anyone have contacts that just buy this kind of stuff; either to repair and resell or scrap?


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