Storage Auctions

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Messages - Travis

Pages: 1 ... 344 345 [346] 347 348 ... 351
Craigslist / What I put on Craigslist.
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:05:07 PM »
I generally will put anything that I think I can get more than $20 for on Craigslist. If you have the item priced right it will sell quickly.

South West / Re: Storage Wars
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:45:58 PM »
I have a reality show to suggest.  "Storage Wars the Aftermath" ... Our story begins with professional storage auction buyers being foreclosed on, their cars are being repossessed and they are searching for employment in a recession. In the season finale, they make one final desperate attempt to purchase a storage unit....will they make a profit or will they overpay?  Well, we know how the story ends.

Just thought I would bring this thread back from the grave...It's quite entertaining just looking at the difference 5 months can make.  8)

Just wondering if anyone has been to Newport Consignment Gallery or Rags to Riches Thrift Store?
I used to live in Laguna Beach and in Costa Mesa, but I have never seen either of these places. The consignment gallery looks huge on their website.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Philco 10664 Antique Radio
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:40:15 PM »
Do you have a year on it? The cover over the speaker dates it to the 1950's. Philco was known for their televisions. Good news is that radios are more collectible than televisions. Pre 1949 radios are even more collectible. You might be able to get $75-$100 for really depends on the quality of the restoration. I love old radios and & radio collecting is still fairly inexpensive....give it another 20 years and you will see some real appreciation. Some people are even removing the tubes from the old tv's and replacing them with modern screens and audio systems. Old look with new technology.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Staged Units have me Pissed Off
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:25:01 PM »
Damn, someone has their panties in a wad. Chicks vent dude.
I was just making a comment and you go off on sound like my ex.

[attachment deleted by admin]

That's hilarious! But no, Drew has better taste than that.

My point is that there are several individuals here that promote their business. The posts that I made may have referenced my business but the content was always conformed to the topic in the thread.

It makes no difference whether you do it once or a thousand times. I personally don't even find your advertisement for the network marketing that offensive, I just used it as an example to point out how there are a lot of different agendas here. I have stopped putting a link in my text unless absolutely necessary.


The "Other" Job / Re: My full time "other job" is
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:27:17 AM »
I made a decent living buying and reselling things that I purchased at auctions for quite some time. It was my full time job and I was a volume buyer. I was putting in 80-90 hours a week though. I didn't get rich but I was able to pay my bills and have a little left over to play with.

I have not been to an auction since January 15th. I created Houston Texas Storage Auctions and it has consumed most of my time ever since. The business is getting easier to manage now that we have our systems in place. I am looking forward to attending auctions again in the next month or so but this time I will be buying for fun instead of necessity.

You said that "the storage auction business has it's problems and the last thing we need is more problems". Perhaps his website will be part of the solution.  In the early 1900's people mocked the Wright brothers and their "flying machines". Look where we are at now, our entire world is accessible in hours. At one point in time, people said that cars would never catch on because they were to expensive for the average worker. If all people thought like you we would still be riding horses. There is nothing wrong with trying something new and I applaud your creativity.

The Lounge / Re: Its 1am in Houston......where's everybody?
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:56:34 AM »

The Lounge / Re: Take me! works perfectly
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:48:17 AM »
One mans trash is another's treasure. I try to run everything through a couple of garage sales before I give anything away. In our area, we have a lot of donation drop boxes. This is another great way to get rid of reusable items that you don't want or can't sell. Some donation dropoffs won't take certain items but the donation drop boxes can't tell you no.

The Lounge / Re: Almost at 1000
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:42:24 AM »
I would expect our industry will grow steadily for the next few years. Since "Storage Wars" is recruiting for other major cities, it will most likely be around for a while. Due to the exposure of our our business to the masses, I don't ever see the number of buyers attending auctions ever getting back to the levels they were at (Pre-Storage Auction Reality Shows).

The Lounge / Re: Just saw a movie that reminded me of our business
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:01:46 AM »
Well, if you are suggesting that we nuke the cast of storage wars & auction hunters,....give me some plutonium. LOL

How about setting a booby trap with a hand grenade on a storage unit door. The door goes up which pulls the pin, all the newbies rush in to gawk, then 10 seconds later....less competition. Plus, I bet the unit full shrapnel & flesh sells for a lower price.

Just kidding....I know some of you mentally unstable individuals are like that is a great idea and are already on you way to your local underground arms dealer to purchase a hand grenade. Please don't hurt anyone. LOL

The Lounge / Re: To refinish or not????
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:50:19 AM »
Rule of thumb. If it is old, try not to touch it. If it is in fair to average condition, leave it alone. There are a lot of interior designers who want furniture that shows age. But, if it is in horrible cosmetic condition, refinishing it is your only option, especially if you plan to resell it.

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