Storage Auctions

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Messages - SteveChesi

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The Lounge / Re: Who's the funniest person on the forum?
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:42:05 PM »
so I'm at this auction... two rivals ( who surprising as it may seem are TURTLES!)have just gotten into a bidding war over a unit... they're going hot and heavy,words getting louder and more irritable,,, it turns to shouting,,, then shoving..........................when the cops show up, 1st they see two overturned turtles on their back shells, trying to wriggle and rock themselves upright, still cussing & screaming .... then they see the manager ( who happens to be a SNAIL!) looking shocked ,dismayed and extremely anxious over the recent events... cops say "What Happened?"... the Snail Manager says................. "HUH?..WHU..WHAT?...uh I Dunno...really not all happened SO FAST!!!"

The Treasure Chest / Re: Not Really A Treasure But...
« on: March 30, 2013, 07:42:28 AM »
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! me no thinky....HAHAHAHA! hey where my fortune cookie????

The Treasure Chest / Re: Not Really A Treasure But...
« on: March 29, 2013, 08:05:22 AM »
excellent... nice score... it's good to see someone can actually make $ on mattress/set...

eBay / Man I love old cameras and their accessories
« on: March 24, 2013, 02:13:28 PM »
I've had really good luck with lenses,camera,accessories,etc..... with a little research,some of this stuff has turned from throw aways to BIG profit..latest find was a crown royal bag (of course,lol) with 4 pieces in it... one piece I just listed ( LEICA E. LEITZ WETZLAR SUMMARON - F=35cm 1-3.5 LENSE / LENS w CASE RARE) on far $211 bid with 4 1/2 days to go...if it gets to $320 that'll pay for my entire locker purchase.. this whole unit's turning out to be a nice buy..

The Lounge / Re: Why don't members here answer poll questions?
« on: March 24, 2013, 01:59:34 PM »
people,in general are apathetic,so unless they can see immediate benefit to them ,they don't participate... god knows they will TAKE , yet barely "give" any info..I can't tell you how many smug idiots I've met that refuse to give up any Big Secrets they may have ( which usually aren't that secretive at all).... very few grasp the concept of enlarging their network nor the benefits of "mentoring"..o well.if ya don't wanna improve your business,you're just a dumbass

Craigslist / Re: Stupid Questions From Craigslist Buyers
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:42:46 PM »
My craigslist ad said ... To view this and all my other CL items I'll be at my storage locker from 10:00 til 1:00 ,call 1st.... one morning I get an email from a guy who's really pissed..says he went buy my locker several times yesterday and I wasn't there...AND the security was always closed!!!... told me no way in hell he'd EVER buy anything from me!!!... hmm maybe I shoulda stated that I'm there from 10 A.M. til' 1P.M.

As a top rated plus power seller I always put this in my descriptions " I took a ton of photos ,so please see ALL the PHOTOS as part of the description and to determine condition."...this really helps with condition questions and gives you backup when someone wants to return items.
As for the number of photos I use Seller Source Book ( to present my items, allowing me from 1 to 60 pics on a nice background template ( over 1,000 to choose from) ...costs about $7.00 a month.
For Craigslist I use this FREE  template provider ( ).

I always take upwards of 30 photos for ebay ( and select the best ones),It takes an extra 2 minutes when photographing an item, my logic is 30 pics = THIRTY THOUSAND WORDS

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: A TRUE "Mystery" Locker !
« on: February 21, 2013, 10:45:30 PM »
Totally let's say those round cylinders are new RACKETBALL BALLS... also guessing $390 for the unit

eBay / Re: The price, is it right?
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:22:39 PM »
like movieman says...look up the completed auctions selling price and start around there... I've changed my selling on ebay style in the past few years ( yep I'm power & top rated).. I rarely do auctions..seems like there's just not enough viewers anymore..less traffic/less money...SOOOO... I list everything BUY IT NOW... I start with 10-20% over what others have sold for (with buyer paying for shipping Priority the next day shipping,people really like fast ship))... after 7 days I allow them to make an offer, another 7 days I discount it another 10% ( taking the make an offer OFF), another 7 days allow them to make an offer again,,another 7 days 20% off... so after a month you've really only spent way cheaper listing fee and have had way more exposure... then .. have a blow out sale whatever you've had online for the past month,discount the crap out of it,hopefully to break even or make a little profit,get it gone and go on to the next

The Treasure Chest / Best Storage Locker of 2012
« on: February 04, 2013, 08:51:16 PM »
This time last Auction in my own facility..being tight with management,I asked about former tenants..One guy was a real Biker Type with big legal problems... when the doors went up,mattresses & trash covered the front of the 5 X 10...couldn't see a thing other than what looked like nothing but a trip to the dump...BUT THEN.... against the wall 2 metal lockers both 5 foot tall with double I tell ya it was like that briefcase in Pulp Fiction that shone a bright light when opened....KNIVES!!. mostly New in the Box(es)...3,500 of them...apparently this guy went to Weekend Biker Events and was a vendor....Rented the same unit for 2 months (didn't move a thing,it was real close to my own units) listed every CASE and BUCK knife individually on eBay...listed Everything else on several "Cherry Pickers" that over a few weeks period cleaned out the good stuff...then the remaining "Made in China" 1 Dollar stuff I sold in bulk to Flea Market Re-Sellers... total $ investment $360.00, total time invested about 50 hours... took the profits and bought myself a 2009  Chevy "Box" Work Truck with 22,000 miles.... still smile everyday knowing for 360 bucks and some time/effort I scored this workhorse..

Bad News/Good News...About a year ago I sold 3 items (packed in two priority large flat ate boxes)...tracking #'s said they were delivered... 3 weeks later he messages me " ummm,have you shipped the boxes"?...huh,what?... I say yep they've been delivered per tracking... actually a nice guy after several phone conversations,...( and me going to my Post office several times)I believe he didn't get he got his $263.00 plus $30.00 (shipping) total investment back from me...AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!... but it was the right thing to do...that was in Feb,2012...... sometime in JULY,2012,guess what?... TWO boxes show up on my doorstep  marked UNDELIVERABLE !!!! again HUH,WHAT??called the guy and offered them again,he now the GOOD NEWS... relisted them..all 3 items sold within three weeks ( BIN/Make Offer)...Total Sales amount second time around...$470.00 + shipping  ... karma?luck?who knows...

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