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Messages - Charli

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Horrible. Just horrible.

Reality Shows about Storage Auctions / Re: Storage Wars....Season "X"
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:30:35 AM »
It's common practice to see cast members inflate the price of how much they can resell an item, usually not the appraiser. Oh well, still was a fun episode.

I totally understand both sides here of the spectrum. I suppose I sympathize more with single parents, out-of-work-parents (now that summer is here), and parents who cannot afford a sitter. Everyone has to try to supplement their income somehow, and I can't look down on someone who needs it. That's all I am saying. Consider the "why" the kids are brought more than the kids are there.

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:26:21 PM »
Calcostgal - that's very clever!

Until you read it on the Huffington Post, it's just a rumor. Just when you thought reality shows were slowing down, they are cropping up more than ever. TLC I think lost it's "learning channel" title with some of the odd shows they now have, oh well. I like Barry. So he's marketable for sure.

My dad was a bricklayer and he DID bring me to his job on weekends when he worked for individuals. I had to clean the mortar off the brick before it set, help be his gofer in 100F weather in the South. I also had to go to flea markets with him to help sell stuff.

I NEVER had a babysitter because we were too poor. So please, just because you're annoyed at the lack of discipline of the kids or whatever, you do not KNOW their situation. Everyone has as much right to be there as you, even if a single parent brings their kid, or someone who cannot afford a sitter brings their kid.

Buying a storage unit may help supplement their income and you would be surprised when I mean supplement, it could just mean putting food on the table.

The world is a big place. Let's all try to fit in it.

The Lounge / Re: Forum Spammers Get Sneaky
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:56:21 AM »
This has to do with "back-links" however, the best back-links should be within the same category of your website. You know, people get paid to do that all over the web on the cheap for $5. Good affiliate marketers are more careful where their back-links are placed "intentionally." People even post replies on blogs just for back-links. Bleh.

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Using Facebook to sell. Works great!
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:49:31 AM »
There's an article that gives you the stats on how many people are on social media site globally -

Facebook is a quick way to flip something with the right "audience."

Weird & Wacky Finds / Re: infant coffin
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:45:12 AM »
But why buy a coffin if not for burial? I don't get it.

I would like taking showers more of a federal law. Seriously, sometimes in public I just want to faint.

You're tethered to a child until they are grown and can do things on their own. So if people bring there kids, it may not be a matter of choice. After seeing how many people lost their houses during this huge economic fallout, how many kids had to go live in in-laws and other family members with their moms and dads in cramped quarters, I have a bit more sympathy to what may be going on in their lives.

I think you will see a new trend in more single-parents or stay-at-home moms buying lockers to help supplement income.

I went to flea markets to help sell stuff for family. Not every kid is wild, undisciplined or whinny. You cannot generalize like that. I had to help. Dad was out of work. Before you bash kids, remember, everyone has a story.

Maybe the parents are there with kids to try a new venture or maybe they have to find a way to make ends meet. Times are hard. Baby sitters are not an option. You have to put food on the table however you can. So again, consider, everyone has a story to tell and some are very sad tales.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Old Marbles!!
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:34:47 AM »
I lost my marbles too, uh, not the ones in my head (if there are any there) but the old ones. Dang, that dates me. Yes I played with marbles back in the late 60s, early 70s. I also played with a wooden top. Wow, life was simple then.

I never played marbles for keep because I had some really pretty ones. We just played for fun. I was semi-good, not great. Have no idea what happened to my marbles. I now I threw away my comic books. GAH! I could have made $$$ off of them had I collected them.

"The sun is going down. Time to put on my super hero costume and save the world from bad fashion."

Reality Shows about Storage Auctions / Re: Barry's Auction Angels
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:27:07 AM »
I liked Candy & Sandy. Funny and witty. When Barry asked them if they could read, one of them said - We can learn! *Snap* I know people say everything is scripted in a reality series, but seriously, even good writers can't make this stuff up. I hope he brings them back, they were fun.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: my craziest storage story by far
« on: June 02, 2013, 11:58:28 AM »
Travis - I'm sorry, but as bad as I feel for ya, that story just made me laugh.

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