Storage Auctions

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The Treasure Chest / Anyone had any good finds lately?
« Last post by Travis on July 01, 2021, 07:05:19 PM »
Anyone had any good finds lately? Bought a unit last week with a couple sets of kitchen cabinets in it. Paid $400 for it. Posted ads on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist for $1,750. Sold it the next day. Didn't even have to move anything myself.
So, what storage auction reality shows are still on the air? Haven't watched them in quite a while, but I don't really watch much TV nowadays.
Laws about Storage Auctions / Re: South Carolina Storage Auction Laws
« Last post by AlexInhex on March 20, 2021, 08:20:04 AM »
As far as I know, there is no legal requirement for lock up. There is however laws that charge people for improper storage when a minor gets ahold of a firearm and does something bad with it.
Donations & Taxes / Re: local bookkeeping services
« Last post by Storage on December 08, 2020, 06:45:27 AM »
As a business owner the cost of a unit can be written off as expense.  You write off gas, dump fee's, ect....local bookkeeping services from compnay Your Books On Time. You end up making a profit but have a bunch of items that for hat ever reason you don't sell. As stated in another thread, if you donate the goods you are only allowed to write off donations up to what you paid for unit...

But you already wrote unit off as a business expense.

Can you write off again?  Or how do you value left overs?

how the issue was resolved???
Storage Facilities / Re: storage companies near me
« Last post by Storage on November 27, 2020, 07:00:21 AM »
Americans buy more stuff, then have no place for it.

there is always a place to store things)
Storage Auction Resources By State / Re: Virginia Storage Auctions
« Last post by Storage on November 27, 2020, 06:58:17 AM »
Fred Reger Auctions - Upcoming Storage Auctions

Thanks! Any new information?
Unit B15 at Cubesmart on Altura Boulevard, Aurora, CO, 80011: This is a longshot but please ask around; I accidentally missed the auction on our storage unit that was in auction for non-payment due to a family emergency-- if anyone you know buys storage units and bought Unit B15 at Cubesmart on Altura Boulevard please call me! There are just a few very precious personal items we need to buy back and we'll pay the buyer for them. I won't bother you about anything else in the unit, most of it was from our vending business. Thank you so so much! 720-278-0617
New to Storage Auctions? / New to storage auctions. Private Seller! Everything to go!
« Last post by zdw12 on January 24, 2020, 01:41:54 AM »
I have two 10 X 15 drive up units in Houston, Texas.  I recently closed a clinic before it opened! Much of the furniture and other items are new and never used. There is much more office equipment and supplies in the units.  I decided to add in some antiques and other items I did not wish to travel with. There is approximately 15-20K of inventory, easily.  I want to let it all go for a reasonable offer or more.  Any recommendations?
Hi Thanks for the tip.
I think I actually have a couple of these.
Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / Re: New from Indiana
« Last post by Travis on October 26, 2019, 10:36:27 PM »
Hey, welcome to the forum. What sort of items are you trying to sell? Have you tried having a garage sale?
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