Storage Auctions

Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #60 on: January 11, 2012, 06:15:39 PM »
Haven't watched AH since SW started on the same night about 3 weeks ago. Be interesting to see if AH numbers go down because of that programming move on the part of A&E.

The AH boys just find too many great things...I don't even care if they are re-enactments of things they have found in the past; a good disclaimer at the beginning of the show (assume that's still on), but show me one of the 80% that don't make 10K sometime...hell, I'd be happy to see them pawning the rest of the stuff off on some other buyers, or paying someone to make the dump run, but until that happens (and pigs fly) I'll go with the less fake (but still fake) SW episodes.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2012, 07:39:33 PM »
Oh gawd... I meant a picture taken by you... some sort of behind the scenes stuff. Anyway, nevermind.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2012, 01:38:42 AM »
   I would tend to lean towards a " Little Signed Piece of Paper " saying what a person on the show can and can NOT talk about .
 Ex. Gold Rush Alaska
      “I didn’t sign any contract. It was a true cowboy deal. It was just a deal that I’d get a cut of the gold,” says Dorsey.
  With the result that He never got paid .
That handshake “cowboy deal” he’s referring to also meant he had no formal agreement with the Discovery Channel, thus he’s free to divulge details from the series before the episodes air.

  This is the results of No Contract

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2012, 08:20:17 AM »
Haven't watched AH since SW started on the same night about 3 weeks ago. Be interesting to see if AH numbers go down because of that programming move on the part of A&E.

The AH boys just find too many great things...I don't even care if they are re-enactments of things they have found in the past; a good disclaimer at the beginning of the show (assume that's still on), but show me one of the 80% that don't make 10K sometime...hell, I'd be happy to see them pawning the rest of the stuff off on some other buyers, or paying someone to make the dump run, but until that happens (and pigs fly) I'll go with the less fake (but still fake) SW episodes.

I had to laugh onetime when they were in Florida.  They talk about all the stuff they had take to a flea market and in 6 hours they sold just over $3000 worth of stuff.  I want to take stuff to that flea market.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2012, 08:31:27 AM »
I had to laugh onetime when they were in Florida.  They talk about all the stuff they had take to a flea market and in 6 hours they sold just over $3000 worth of stuff.  I want to take stuff to that flea market.

All you have to do is take $30,000 worth of inventory to the flea market and you will sell it for $3,000 in 6 hours! LOL

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2012, 10:38:18 AM »
All you have to do is take $30,000 worth of inventory to the flea market and you will sell it for $3,000 in 6 hours! LOL

Lol, speakin the truth!

Re: Auction Hunters
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2012, 09:16:43 PM »
 I went to an auction / taping today in Covina, Ca. It was pure coincidence as my business is next door to where they were filming and we are friends with the manager of the storage facility. I hooked up with a father / son team who are S.A.G. members (so their faces will be pixelated) and enjoyed the auction, but was surprised at the prices the units went for. I guess people were just trying to buy some camera time by grossly overpaying.

 Everyone noticed 1 very attractive young girl who was by herself and got some attention from Allen. Now, I couldn't say for sure if she was a write-in to stir the pot or just a normal bidder, but she posted herself at the end of the aisle twice and I actually pointed out to the father / son team, that this would give her a direct shot walking down the aisle to confront who she was bidding against, and lo and behold I was right.

 She won one and lost one, and was a very nice girl too. After the shooting and re-do's to get some extra action she stopped in my shop next door (we let everyone park in our lot, as it is huge) and talked for a minute. She was a down to earth 4x4 driving girl, not the usual self centered MBZ driving person you would associate with "Hollywood".

The cast and crew were very courteous and professional, but I know the area and will be disappointed if they seed any of the units. But hey, it is  T.V. so they need to do what they need to do.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2012, 05:07:17 PM »
This is what I caught.  I think it was Early Bird Special - Episode 226. They buy the crates, everyone has 24 hours to clean out their boxes.... But where is everyone else? They "disappear". Everyone just bought a unit they have 24 hours and little daylight to empty it out, instead they leave it? What happens to the stuff they don't take, and why does one show always have cool stuff covered or hidden by blankets and the other doesn't? That tells me it's staged. It's sad and pointless. Reality tv would be awesome if it wasn't so full of B.S. I think, for the most part they all are.I wish I could believe them, but I don't.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #68 on: February 29, 2012, 10:24:05 PM »
Of course some of it is staged... Just like American picker and every other 'reality' show... My father-in-law sold something from his shop in Indiana to a producer of one of these shows that then was 'picked' from a barn... Had to sign a NDA but got 3X what he was asking...

Silly people think reality tv is real...


Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #69 on: April 04, 2012, 08:33:59 PM »
The one hour live special last week could not have been more staged if they had tried.  I believe it is fake, it is entertaining, but I buy storage units and there is no way they are that lucky.  Plus, Alan is a smart ass and he would keep a black eye if this was real.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2012, 08:59:31 PM »
Filmed in denver back in febuary.  I was their was going to leave before aution started  but producers wanted me to stay and I was curiouse I admit.    Talke dto both ton and allen off camera for quite awhile as a 11 unit auction took 3 ****ing hours   they both real auction buyers but they really arent now.  They owned by producer and they now can do whatever as producers giving them stuff for their so called units.    Its all TV...I dont like it but it is what it is.
They wanted me to create drama and their was after shoots and the absolutley seeded unit.  I just never used to fighting over a unit back in the day  we would fight not to take a crap unit.
These auctioners now think they got it made  and they do..only ones making money.  they love this their going to ride this wave as much as they can as they work on a percentage.
The managers love this for one reason   no more  NO bid units   explaning to their bosses why they had to pay to clean out a unit that had $500 owed on it
Also     their is no doubt some manager taking advantage ..staging units  to pocket the money
Big companies like PS   they dont care about auctions   they dont care what they get out of the unit   Its all about rerenting the unit immediately as their a publicly traded company and a rented unit is a gurentted money.
Also for newbies...if the unit sells for more then whats owed money supposed to go back to renter..
however...theirs laws that change state to state...some states have to hold it in escrow for 90 days (like the police) if no one claims theirs.  Some states have to immediately send a cashiers check to last known adress  if it comes back they then can keep it.    Used to be  all mail had to be certified and ads put in paper...but thats changing ..they just passed a law in colorado to get rid of newspaper  notification... No one noticed except the newspaper industry   and they hit it right   with the popularity of the auction shows they made a beef in local media.  Normally no one would have noticed but print newspapers hurting and this was another thing they were losing so the mounted a defense using storage auctions to keep them to print notices in paper.   all it did was move it more to internet as the storage places said they would post on internet sites and the papers lost here.

Re: Auction Hunters
« Reply #71 on: April 08, 2012, 04:52:12 PM »
I went to an auction / taping today in Covina, Ca. It was pure coincidence as my business is next door to where they were filming and we are friends with the manager of the storage facility. I hooked up with a father / son team who are S.A.G. members (so their faces will be pixelated) and enjoyed the auction, but was surprised at the prices the units went for. I guess people were just trying to buy some camera time by grossly overpaying.

 Everyone noticed 1 very attractive young girl who was by herself and got some attention from Allen. Now, I couldn't say for sure if she was a write-in to stir the pot or just a normal bidder, but she posted herself at the end of the aisle twice and I actually pointed out to the father / son team, that this would give her a direct shot walking down the aisle to confront who she was bidding against, and lo and behold I was right.

 She won one and lost one, and was a very nice girl too. After the shooting and re-do's to get some extra action she stopped in my shop next door (we let everyone park in our lot, as it is huge) and talked for a minute. She was a down to earth 4x4 driving girl, not the usual self centered MBZ driving person you would associate with "Hollywood".

The cast and crew were very courteous and professional, but I know the area and will be disappointed if they seed any of the units. But hey, it is  T.V. so they need to do what they need to do.

Wouldn't the manager or anyone else that worked there know if they the film crew accessed/staged  the units before they filmed it? I'm sure the manager had a lock of there own on it to secure it while it was delinquent.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #72 on: April 08, 2012, 05:28:02 PM »
Has anyone thought that perhaps the show has already purchased the lockers, did or didn't stage them, and are auctioning them off themselves?

This scenario would cut a lot of problems for the producers out.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #73 on: April 08, 2012, 09:05:29 PM »
The next auction hunters, Wednesday, April 11, 2012....

....features a pair of dueling pistols the two find in your ordinary crap locker.

Hell, I find dueling pistols about once every six months; I trip over them in my living room I have so many !  ;)

Offline Cobia

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #74 on: April 09, 2012, 07:30:11 AM »
Yea I think I accidentally dropped and broke the Holy Grail that was in a storage unit I was cleaning out. Oh well, I guess I will just have to make my money on the lost 12th crystal skull that was in there!

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Auction Hunters

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