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Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !

Offline MovieMan

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Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:40:04 AM »
We've all read multiple posts about these two shows and their affect on our business, but here's a topic to post anything ELSE you think about those shows (OK, you can vent on the affect too !).

To start it off, here's what I know about their future.
Auction Hunters started with 8 episodes and has signed for 20 more with no date on the new season starting.
Storage Wars still running (as of Jan, 2011) new episodes, so they may have started with a traditional 13 epidodes and already running on another 13 new ones or so.

One possible topic here is your feelings on which show is more "real" (if that's possible).

And for the producers, how about a match between the two shows main characters...the two guys take on the four guys !

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 10:43:16 AM »
I think both shows are incredibly fake and stupid but still can't stop watching

From the start I always like Storage Wars much more than Auction Hunters.

I had another post on this forum from yesterday about something I discovered though. I was watching animal planet and Ton was a snake rangler as well. I highly doubt he's a part time snake rangler part time auction hunter so its pretty clear to me that this show is completely fake and these two guys are actors.

Storage Wars has a story line to each episode and is staged to a point but I'm pretty sure at least those are really peoplel who really do this.

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 10:55:16 AM »
Any good treasure hunter has to deal with snakes now and again. Fortunately, in the lkr area the snakes I have found have only been of the "skin" variety; one was rolled up (with its rattles) in front of a mounted squirrel on a nice wood mount.

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 10:58:49 AM »
The Auction Hunters have a store. It was featured several times when the thinner guy redid a train set and again when a classic bicycle was looked at.
The thinner guy has mentioned several times he had been working with collectibles and antiques for something like 15 years or so.

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 04:13:09 PM »
Here are a couple of blogs from A*E about the Storage Wars show. Both start with very negative posts. I don't know if they are both from the same person or not...didn't look that close.

In the first one the guy (toward the bottom of his post) says to this effect..." partner and I have bought 500 units and haven't made any real money yet."

I guess it depends on your definition of real money, but after a few hundred buys if you're not making any money to speak of, either change your approach or approach McDonalds for a job.

I don't know if I forgot to put in the links or if an admin took them out. See if I can find them again.


Here they are:

Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2011, 10:50:09 AM »
*way behind on this thread while reading another thread, sorry. lol)

I usually don't take wikipedia seriously but near the bottom of this wiki article, it says he was an accomplished animal handler, and him appearing on the show you saw is listed on the IMDb website.

links to both (near the bottom)

It looks like he appeared in 4 episodes on 2 different shows.

I don't think Ton Jones would really qualify to be an actor, he is kind of boring imo.
Alan Haff gets pretty excited sometimes though lol.

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2011, 10:57:50 AM »

I usually don't take wikipedia seriously but near the bottom of this wiki article, it says he was an accomplished animal handler, and him appearing on the show you saw is listed on the IMDb website.

Yes, it's been well-documented since January, 2011 about the acting history of both Allen and Ton.

This link has bio info as well, and I posted it on Wednesday, May 25, 2011.

Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2011, 12:23:40 AM »
I notice a lot of people complaining about how these shows have ruined the art of making a living from reselling storage unit finds because they have caused the prices of units to skyrocket.  All of the complaining is done around the premise that the shows only air the good units, and rarely show the bad.

I hate to give away this idea, but why don't some of you full-time storage auction buyers from the same areas get together and start a youtube channel that shows the "Real" Life of someone who does this full-time.  Show all aspects of it, from going to the auction to the clean up and trying to resell.  Show when you make a good profit and when you loose your a**.   If you get enough hits on the tube, you just might be able to land a contract for it.  Worse case scenario, you had fun doing it.

I would do it myself, but I'm not full-time and have not even bought my first unit.  I think it would be fun though.

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2011, 09:18:02 AM »
I notice a lot of people complaining about how these shows have ruined the art of making a living from reselling storage unit finds because they have caused the prices of units to skyrocket.  All of the complaining is done around the premise that the shows only air the good units, and rarely show the bad.

Well, most of the early posts in this thread were made 4 months ago in January, 2011 when I first started the thread, and since then (in June, 2011) we are starting to see some reports of less activity by newbies though some larger cities still report large crowds.

Your idea about doing YouTube videos is an interesting one though. Now if there were only time to do it; like you, many folks are doing more than one job to keep the bills paid, and those who do it full-time are spending time trying to squeeze out the last nickel too.  ;D

Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2011, 01:08:52 PM »
The only ones who complain about the show's and that it is fake, are the same people who can't handle it in the real world.

The shows made an impact on the market for a linited time, and then it was over. In some places it is still having an effect, but it will even out over time.

Don't blame the shows for all the problems that comes up. There are more factors to look at.
Gas prices, people not storing the good stuff in lockers anymore, less people default on their lease.

One reason for the prices on units to go up, is less units to bid on. Not to long ago, 2 years or so, there was about 50% more lockers up for auction than today, that means that the units that goes to auction today will have higher price.

Blaming it all on the shows is just stupid.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Auction Hunters Vs. Storage Wars !
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2011, 02:18:10 PM »
What I have been hearing from the Vets in my area is if anything there is even more lockers in my area. Now I cant say for sure, since I myself am not a vet. Just thought I put my two cents in.

I'm feelin the new Storage Wars & Auction Hunters in the same day/time slot now

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