Storage Auctions

Baggage Battles

Offline MovieMan

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Baggage Battles
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:21:59 AM »
I first have to say that I haven't watched any of the storage auctions shows in about a year, and I had never watched Baggage Battles or similar shows.

Anyway, I recently started watching "bulk" tv shows (binge watching) on a free tv service via computer, and discovered Baggage Battles.

I've watched one episode of I think three seasons worth and already the old familiar format from Storage Wars is setting in.


I couldn't believe these buyers ("professionals" for the most part who have stores, etc) were paying huge prices for something like a single piece of luggage.

First, they had flown in from across the ountry to Miami where they had a one hour preview of the auction items. They each found a piece of luggage they liked (or a bag of jewelry) and away they went.

One youngish guy bought several bags of jewelry and cleared $10,000 or something. One couple bought a MonteBlanc piece of luggage for I think $1200 and it had a couple of old first edition "valued" at $7,500 by a dealer.

Another guy bought a heavy bag (70's vintage...which he noted) but why he thought it would contain 70's vintage stuff is beyond me.  He lost about $700 on his three or four purchases.


Bottom line, there were hundreds of people in the room. The professional buyers got the screen time. There was a fantastic find, a few medium finds and a loss.

I may watch a few more episodes, but the enjoyment factor is in the disbelief at what they would spend on "weighing" a bag or viewing a 3 pound plastic bag of jewelry.

I know when I fly I never put anything valuable in checked goes on board with me and stays at my feet; cameras, laptop, etc.

So, another buying/selling show...this one only lasted 3 seasons...and I think I know why.

Offline Travis

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Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2013, 10:59:00 AM »
I thought airport auctions were neat when I first heard about them but it they don't seem to be very lucrative. Plus, they're very rare and you have to spend a fortune on travel expenses. I stick to storage auctions. That way, not only will I get their luggage, I'll get the rest of their stuff too.

I don't see the point of going to a baggage auction...unless the airline lost your luggage and you're trying to get it back.  :D

Offline dbr831

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Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2013, 10:05:58 AM »
They filmed an episode at an auction house near me last year. The auctioneer announced that they were comming a month or two ahead of time and the auction house couldn't take in as much stuff to auction from the regulars that month because the show was bringing a truckload of their own stuff to auction off. I didn't attend but did watch the episode. There were lots of sealed boxes full of mystery stuff that sold for hundreds of dollars. I don't remember where the show claimed all these boxes of stuff were supposed to have come from but it was definitely not the norm for this auction house so I would assume that is what they do for most or all of the episodes, just bring stuff to a location and stage an auction.

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Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2013, 10:11:11 AM »
I've been watching BB for the 3 seasons it's been on. Despite the description, they go to more than just airline unclaimed baggage auctions. They also go to shipping containers auctions and the like.

Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2013, 08:25:27 AM »
this show, out of all of the auction based shows is by far the most ridiculous.  The premise, as an actual job of flying all around the country/world to buy 1 or 2 items is clearly not a sustainable business practice.

"Mark won the day by making a cool profit of $1,200 ..." yeah but he flew to scotland to buy a suitcase, stayed in a hotel for a couple of days, ate, transportation/rental car, custom fees if any ..etc.  It would really say "Mark made poor life decisions and lost several hundred dollars in his latest endeavor.  Mark has since declared bankruptcy"

Obviously I know its a show but I would rather watch storage hunters where they "find" cars or guns in every unit as that is at least a possibility and I have seen it happen many many times than a bs show like this.

The funny part is that they spend more on 1 mystery box than I do on a 10x30 and people actually think its real. 

These shows will be gone soon enough.

Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 02:15:04 PM »
Speaking of Baggage Battles, anyone else see the American Pickers episode where the guys are in New York City and visit Billy (who is on BB) to get a value on an old carnival/circus poster?

Seems Billy sported an eye patch and long scraggly hair in the American Pickers episode.  My guess is this episode was filmed just prior to Billy cutting a deal to be on Baggage Battles.

Anyway, just made me curious about what happened to the eye patch...

Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2014, 01:32:53 PM »
here ya go .. no beard just a weird dude wearing an eye patch.  He does own a prop house in NYC so maybe he was just having some fun

Offline Travis

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Re: Baggage Battles
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2014, 07:24:54 PM »
Anyway, just made me curious about what happened to the eye patch...

He doesn't need the patch anymore, he started smoking again.   :D

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