Storage Auctions


How many more seasons do you think the original Storage Wars has left?

2 (50%)
1 (25%)
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1 (25%)
Who cares? I only watched for Barry and he has his own show now.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

How many more seasons do you think the original Storage Wars has left?

Offline Travis

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Is this the last hurrah for the original Storage Wars? Let us know what you think and be sure to vote in the poll.

2 years ago this question would have had 30 replies by now.  You would expect it would be signaling the end but based on the crowds I"m seeing and the prices shooting through the roof again it appears we are in the next wave of storage war noobs.

A&E is obsessed with storage wars because they pay very little for it, compared to other shows they run, so as long as they make x from advertisers and pay y to the production companies and can make money from it, it can last for another couple of seasons.

All of the people they have brought in after Dave and Barry don't have a combined salary of what Dave made per episode let alone the entire season so they can continue riding it out and being profitable as long as the advertisers are interested and based on Darrell's subway tie in I can only assume they are.

Storage Wars NY has the lowest production cost out of the 3, due to the casts salaries, but it also has the lowest ad buy ins which is why this will be the first to go.

Storage Wars TX is a wild card and I don't know much about it.

The format as a whole is moving away from the ensemble casts and moving towards single or team shows, i.e. barry'd treasure and the yet unannounced show that I can't mention (no spoilers). These are even cheaper to make and don't rely on auctions.  They can film the entire season in 2 weeks rather than 2-3 months (waiting on auctions to come up), they don't have to stage units (getting them out of those legal binds), overall salaries plummet ...etc.

Storage Wars LA will be the last one standing but for how long is a mystery.

Offline Charli

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As long as they're is an audience, it will continue on. The fact that there are spin-offs, I think it will outlast those. (Remember CSI's spin-offs? They were cancelled, CSI kept right on going.) This franchise is a big money maker for Original Productions and A&E. Jarrod & Brandi are now the new stars, now that Barry has his own show.

As long as they have viewership, they're not going anywhere.

Offline bwd111

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I say for as long as people lust after cheap entertainment. People like things they can relate with and lets be truthful its its a cheap mindless show and easy to follow and not much intelligence is need to follow the show. Not trying to be rude but what demo do you think A&E is trying to reach to sell the show too?

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