Lets Pretend this is Fox News , I'll Post , You Decide .
Like a lot of others on here , We store our finds away from our real address , 45 min. away in our case . We have two 12 X 30 ft. lockers w/lights and elect .
back a few months ago we were cleaning and organizing them , when people started stopping and looking in and asking if this was the Auction

Turns out thy were having an auction , but only advertise in the local paper . An old guy stuck his head in and said , it looks like You two do the same thing I do . He scored two and told us He got one the other day at the one with the TV Film Crew there ? ( I think He said it was in Boylston or West Boylston , Mass. not sure )
Told us the pro's from Ca. won a locker for $ 2600 . After everyone left , He was emptying out His Locker ( near there's ) and they were in there locker re-shooting the auction again , This Time They WON IT for $ 4200.
He couldn't tell Us who they were , as he doesn't watch TV .
We went to a new to us country auction ( went two or three times last year ) and someone asked the auctioneer about the TV shows .
He was there bidding against them , they bragged , We have the money and were getting all the good ones , you locals might as well go home .
The locals pushed them up on every locker , in the end three of them Pooled there money and they took the best locker from them .
He said it was TON and His Skinny Little Friend .
I want to say again , We were not there , this is all 2nd. , hand info , but I wish We had been