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Something I found about storage bors

Offline bwd111

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Something I found about storage bors
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:33:56 PM »
 I think I'm done with the show! What a sell out this show has become. --Something I found about storage bors.STORAGE WARS FAKE???
In my opinion, Storage wars is as fake as a three dollar bill. Yes, I know I said that it all looked real, but as I see more episodes, I am picking up on the game. Last nights show in Las Vegas called auction Royale was the icing on the cake. I never share an opion until I am sure. So in my opinion Storage Wars must be put on the shelf with all the rest. After living in Las Vegas for 9 years of my young life, and working for casinos in managment postions, I can tell you alot about these Las Vegas epsiodes. In part one, you need to watch to see the cast and crew are staying at the Golden Nugget downtown. ( Wow a hit show and they don't even get the Palms Hotel uptown, instead they are downtown ).

If you watch the show, Jarrod and his side kick Brandi find $712.00 in poker chips. Wow, what a find!  Let's all get on a plane and go to Las Vegas and buy units. NOT! After living  and working in Las Vegas I can tell you one thing, poker chip must be cashed in at the casino they are from.  You can not take a Palms chip to the MGM and get cash.  The chips are made for one reason to keep you at the property they are from. If you watch the episode at you will see that Jarrod and Brandi cash in their found chips at the Golden Nugget.  Now people listen, Las Vegas is all about odds. What do you think the odds are that someone could go out into the 40 mile wide city of Las Vegas, purchase one shed unit of about 30,000 units in the city and find a stack of poker chips, and that those chips just happen to match up to where you're staying. Let's all play Megabucks because we have a better chance to win that one then this chip fantasy.

I also ask you if you were going to lose your belongings for owning 300.00 in back rent (shed rents are cheap in Vegas) would you not go to your unit and cash in your chips and get your stuff. COME ON ALREADY! The definition of reality is: real.   The new definition by reality TV must be real with a twist of  B.S. Unfortunitly, the B.S. is growing.

Another thing I need you all to be aware of is you might hear the cast members saying, "Well this won't fit in the car so I need to take the valuables.  Not how it happens folks.  If you buy a 10 x 10 full of crap you own 100 square feet of crap.  You own it all and you haul it ALL. Watch the shows for fun  but beware it's not real life. And the casted Auctioneers will have to answer soon as to how they are placing these items in legally liened units. Thats right  the units are part of a legal process and no one is to ever enter into someone elses stuff prior to it being truely sold. The owners of that stuff have up to the time they raise that door to pay the rent and pull it from sale.If you want to learn this business this is where you need to be on Wednesday nights:  reading my blog and learning the true in and outs of the business. Is A&E Storage Wars auction a staged, Fake program?
I was telling my friend about the show and he told me it's not real, and he goes to auctions. If this is so I find it a pity since I was interested in the show when incepted and feel duped having believed the treasures found. Don't the producers have to state that it's just a scripted program?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Sorry gotta burst you're bubble but yeah, scripted. I know this auctioneer and people that attended the set of it. This whole thing is faked. They paid many long time "regulars" 12k each to participate in up to six episodes. They also staged units with goodies to make good TV. They are just trying to make these auctions look way better than they are to increase the foot traffic and jack up unit prices. Because by making people "think" a treasure is hidden these auctioneers make higher commisions with higher sales prices. Shame on you DD for participating in this fraud.

But if you like the show, just realize it's as fake as "Wrestlemania", "The Hills" and "Gene Simmons Family Jewels"...fake reality shows are very good money!
Edited 7 months ago Report Abuse 4 people rated this as good
Asker's Rating:  Asker's Comment: They should say it's scripted at the beginning. Not the right answer? Try Yahoo! Search
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 JEN MYOB I watched the show seems fake for sure. What a buzzkill. another scripted show.
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 gringomi… Autonomous, if you know them tell us is Brandy as hot as I think?
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Other Answers (5)
 by Blatantly true Member since:
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if you see these guys at an auction you better just go home or enjoy being a spectator. The units are also staged. The show was also caught filming a supposed “auction” at a facility on a day that in reality an auction was not held. One of the best known Riverside auction buyers caught them red handed. This show is about stuffing the Dan Dotson pockets two ways. First with TV revenue which Dotson enhances with fakery. Second by enhancing storage unit values with planted items. Dotson has attracted huge new crowds to his auction circuit and caused a bidding war over treasure that was never there previously. Then Dotson gets higher commissions. This is skullduggery in its lowest form. Dotson is filling people with false hope and preying upon their dreams in this horrible economy. People are throwing money away based on the false image Dotson has portrayed.
7 months ago Report Abuse 5 people rated this as good  by Gogreen Member since:
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Unfortunately yes it's scripted. My girlfriend occasionally goes to Bulk sales/Storage auctions and happened to mention that she was observing the taping of "Storage Wars" and told me it's totally Fake. She said that she overheard the direction given to these bidders to argue and bicker about a storage unit and then afterwhich it was announced they needed to move on but would come back later fresh to re-shoot.
7 months ago Report Abuse 5 people rated this as good  by MadeinUS... Member since:
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Yes. Would've been nice if they made it real, but they wanted to insure that it got an audience and decided to stage surprise items hidden & underhanded competition, exaggerate personalities too. So they gave each bidder certain to be the cut-throat guy and the couple who are nit-picking at each other, etc. Too bad they wouldn't do it the right way and try to keep it interesting on it's own merits.

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 05:24:17 PM »
I'm confused. After the words STORAGE WARS FAKE? in your post above, is all that follows YOU saying those things or is it from somewhere else?

I see later in those paragraphs "ASKER" or some such which makes me wonder if this is a cut and paste from some comments section somewhere. Please provide some clarification/attribution.

I also ask this because at one point there is this statement:

"I was telling my friend about the show and he told me it's not real, and he goes to auctions. If this is so I find it a pity since I was interested in the show when incepted and feel duped having believed the treasures found"

and I was under the impression that YOU attended auctions and even started lkrs high to draw in the newbies to spend their money unwisely.  The statement I provide in red just above doesn't sound like it would come from YOU. Could you clarify? Thanks.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 05:29:15 PM »
Never mind, I found your source:

Everything is clearer now.  That blog was posted in February, 2011 and written by a fellow named Chad Wesley.

Some of the comments in the latter part of Post #1 above appear to be cut and paste from this link:

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 07:03:48 PM »
Its just a shame that more people dont catch on that those shows ALL OF THEM are for entertainment only. Good for TV, but terrible for educating. More people will go broke before they pull these shows.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2011, 09:52:30 AM »
I'm confused. After the words STORAGE WARS FAKE? in your post above, is all that follows YOU saying those things or is it from somewhere else?

I see later in those paragraphs "ASKER" or some such which makes me wonder if this is a cut and paste from some comments section somewhere. Please provide some clarification/attribution.

I also ask this because at one point there is this statement:

"I was telling my friend about the show and he told me it's not real, and he goes to auctions. If this is so I find it a pity since I was interested in the show when incepted and feel duped having believed the treasures found"

and I was under the impression that YOU attended auctions and even started lkrs high to draw in the newbies to spend their money unwisely.  The statement I provide in red just above doesn't sound like it would come from YOU. Could you clarify? Thanks.

YesI cut and pasted it it all.

Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2011, 07:43:27 PM »
Next thing you'll say is Professional Wrestling isn't real.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2011, 12:18:11 AM »
Next thing you'll say is Professional Wrestling isn't real.

WHAT?!?!?! Wrestling is not real, schucks :'(

Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 02:27:02 AM »
I was pissed when I found out Operation Repo was fake! I really got into it for a few weeks, then started noticing funny things about the show. Now I laugh at myself whenever I see any of their commercials. :D

Offline bwd111

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2011, 10:32:10 AM »
Next thing you'll say is Professional Wrestling isn't real.
What! But  Wrestling is on tv, isnt everything on TV real??

Offline ChefJ

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2011, 11:48:57 AM »
My wife was pissed when I told her that teen mom was scripted and the people are paid per season.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 03:40:00 PM »
I was pissed when I found out Operation Repo was fake! I really got into it for a few weeks, then started noticing funny things about the show. Now I laugh at myself whenever I see any of their commercials. :D

Umm, whats Operation Repo?

Re: Something I found about storage bors
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 04:41:41 PM »
Wrestling is fake? Cool, I'll just jump down fifteen feet from a steel cage and everything will be just fine. Riiiiiiiight. You first sir.

Now we have confirmaation Storage bors is fake

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