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Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !

Offline MovieMan

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Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:15:05 PM »
Tueday, May 1, 2012

A&E is annoucing on the SW reruns tonight that SW 3 starts June, 2012.

Get ready for another onslaught of newbies once the new shows start popping up.

I do like a few of the characters on this show so I'll probably continue reviewing them without giving
too many revealing details for those of you who want to be "surprised" by all the goodies they find.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2012, 02:12:25 PM »
Shows you how much attention I have been paying to the show.  I thought the new season was already out.  Think that is SW: Texas (season 2) and SW is on 3 come June.  I only watch it anymore when kids want to watch.  I do like Berry's antics and Jarod/Brandy bickering.  We have our own Jarod/Brandy combo in my area.

I still prefer to watch Shipping Wars.  It was a ton of laughs and entertaining to me.  Guess that is why it got canceled.  Most shows I like get the axe.  Exception has been the Big Bang Theory...then again I didn't start watching it till Season 1 was 1/2 over.

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2012, 09:31:26 PM »
It's baaaack !

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 is here and so is the rat pack of bidders from southern California.

I missed the first 10 minutes but can't have been too much. Commerical on at the moment and going
back to see what Jarrod found in a $400 locker. Brandi, b****ing the whole while he's moving stuff out.

Dave didn't buy...says he stuck it to Darrell at $1750...gotta be gold bars of some kind in there.


New show #2 following this first episode and a new series starting next week...Bartering is the subject, but we're not talking "my old guitar" for your "old computer"....nope it's high ticket items.


Jarrod  finds a box of rocks....I can relate to that. Basically some crystals and pyrite.....from the two I saw, I sell those at $2 to $15 depending on rock and size.

Darrel finds a metal detector...didn't see the name brand but it wasn't a White's or Garrett.

A treasure hunter on the beach tells him he might get $800 for it.


Barry gets a martini set. Worth?   Dealer tells him its "unique" .... sterling.... worth? says....$1,000....un-freakin' believable.


Rocks are for shakra (sp?) healing....value....$50.  Quartz value.....$80.   Oralite Amethyst ? Never heard of the first says $250....the box...worth $ of $850.  I would have thought maybe $100 or so.

On to episode 2.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2012, 10:17:28 PM »
This show is now total "cornball."  What's the deal with Barry sucking down raw eggs.... ??? ???  And Darryl saying he was ditching his son......over and over and over again...... ::)  They seem to be starting to focus on the personal drama just as much as the actual auctions. 

Also, was it just me, or is Dave Hester using a different intonation of "YUUUUP."  He said it about three or four different ways - but not the same way as season one or two.  Wonder if the lawsuit has anything to do with that. 

Also see that Jarrod and Brandi's guy Mark is gone - the new helpers are some older guy with a ponytail and a young dude. 

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2012, 10:27:44 PM »
2nd half hour....

Went outside and this time missed the 1st 15 minutes !

Watching Barry now look through totes...nothing so far !

He likes to let a wall of boxes fall down and crash.  Seems he paid $1900 for maybe an 8 x 10.


Brandi and J.   .....  Paid $1400 ....  At least his estimates of the hand tools were accurate.....$25 each.
Whoa...what's that....old 40's radio...I just got one myself and mine works !  Maybe worth $100 or so. The expert says...1941 is....$250 ...restored would be....$1,500 but they would have to pay $650 to restore it.


Darrel got one for $650. Put his son to work sorting in the back end of store....lots of room in the work area.
Dad looks through the "junk" pile and finds "$1,000" worth of stuff. The "whoa" factor comes up after the commercial.
"You wouln't believe me if I told you." Darrel says...he thinks its a Tolusee Latrec (sp?).  What are the chances of that to none. Maybe it's a reproduction.  Nope, not a repro, not a says it sold for $75,000 some years ago...BUT it's a FORGERY...May sell for $3500.


Barry got a Star Wars jacket "Revenge of the Jedi"....worth some bucks...experts say $3,000.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 07:41:01 PM »
New episodes air Tuesday night - and since Darryl and Brandon are "kapoop" - looks like there will be an opening on Team Sheets.   Wonder who will apply for that gig!!??  8) 8)

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 08:20:30 PM »
Darryl and Brandon are "kapoop"

Darryl needs to pull his head out of his ass. All that crying last episode over how Brandon was going to throw out stuff that was soooooooo valuable. As I recall some time back in an episode when they went to Darryl's house, he told the story of one of his first auction wins. It was for a ton of sports memorabilia. In his haste to make a quick buck he sold it off in a lot to someone for like $10K or so. In hindsight he tells us that if he took his time and sold it properly, he would've cleared over $100K on everything. So in my book that makes Darryl a screw-up to the tune of over 100 times that of Brandon.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 08:26:09 PM »
Darryl needs to pull his head out of his ass. All that crying last episode over how Brandon was going to throw out stuff that was soooooooo valuable. As I recall some time back in an episode when they went to Darryl's house, he told the story of one of his first auction wins. It was for a ton of sports memorabilia. In his haste to make a quick buck he sold it off in a lot to someone for like $10K or so. In hindsight he tells us that if he took his time and sold it properly, he would've cleared over $100K on everything. So in my book that makes Darryl a screw-up to the tune of over 100 times that of Brandon.

Yep, he claimed to have one of the largest comic book collections in the world....and sold it for pennies on the dollar......that's a lot of lost "poop"!!   :P :P

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 09:32:50 PM »
First half hour on 6/12/2012…

A room with a view….you can see through a window to the outside..Barry gets it.

Second lkr..antique items. Jarred…sick as a dog…jumps in against Darrel at $3K.
Dave gets it at $4.1K.

Third lkr…Jacuzzi showing. Tools…let the battle begin.

Darrel is an idiot…after all these years he doesn’t realize that none of us can control what kind of lockers come up?  And he didn’t seem to bid on anything for any length of time.

If you recorded this with a Tivo or other device, catch Brandi revealing her TRAMP STAMP at 16” into the show (right after the boat compass shows). They end up getting a lot of old navigational equipment (reproductions but worth something).

Barry finds…..the view is nice. Gets into tubs. Oh yeah…tools for ice sculpting by chefs!
Got one of those just last week ! Expert says….$1500.

Dave looks over a good looking bronze statue. Overvalues everything he touches. He paid $4100 and estimates it at $7.5K (maybe ?) Bronze says…$3500.

Going to Tivo the 2nd half hour and review it later.

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 10:13:56 PM »
2nd half hour...

Only highlights:

Darrel bids against his son...and takes the lkr. Gets a scuba device that pulls you through the water.

Dave bids everyone up and goes home empty  handed.

Barry bids high against Dave...gets glass eyes...for dolls ? Value from expert: $0.00. 

Jarrod and Brandi...paid $1350...they get....bedroom set, dining table, couch, dishes, not looking good for the doofus, but WAIT....nope, no biggies !

So, the wars continue with us or without us !

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 09:04:54 AM »
Yep, he claimed to have one of the largest comic book collections in the world

Yes you're correct that's it, comic books, not sports memorabilia.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2012, 08:47:09 AM »
First half hour on 6/12/2012…

A room with a view….you can see through a window to the outside..Barry gets it.

Second lkr..antique items. Jarred…sick as a dog…jumps in against Darrel at $3K.
Dave gets it at $4.1K.

Third lkr…Jacuzzi showing. Tools…let the battle begin.

Darrel is an idiot…after all these years he doesn’t realize that none of us can control what kind of lockers come up?  And he didn’t seem to bid on anything for any length of time.

If you recorded this with a Tivo or other device, catch Brandi revealing her TRAMP STAMP at 16” into the show (right after the boat compass shows). They end up getting a lot of old navigational equipment (reproductions but worth something).

Barry finds…..the view is nice. Gets into tubs. Oh yeah…tools for ice sculpting by chefs!
Got one of those just last week ! Expert says….$1500.

Dave looks over a good looking bronze statue. Overvalues everything he touches. He paid $4100 and estimates it at $7.5K (maybe ?) Bronze says…$3500.

Going to Tivo the 2nd half hour and review it later.

i enjoyed the tramp stamp

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2012, 09:41:19 PM »
Tuesday, 6/19/2012....

Two new episodes tonight...the usual bidding up by Dave. The couple get a big bar and something special after the commercial.

Barry gets one of those black kitchen wall clocks (a cat with moving eyes and a waving tail). They still make them, so not like it was a relic from the 1950s.


Recording this on TIVO and will come back and make notes on 2nd half hour later.   Going to my storage lkr to sell the wood lathe I got May 9th in a big locker...first of big tools to sell.


Barry gets a tip there might be Harley in a lkr paid for since 1997 !  He gets the lkr for $1200 or so...does he get the Harley?

Mark (from prior shows) shows up and ....... nothing for him.

Dave didn't go to the auction for this show...spending time reorganizing his 2,000 sq ft warehouse. Got rid of his store last year he says. Now he's up to something else...little undisclosed unless I missed it.

Darrel gets one.....nothing special...paid $700...worth less than half that.

Barry ready to get past the old couches to the possible Harley......he rips the locker apart as he usually Harley.

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Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 09:33:31 PM »
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Episode #1 tonight....
Now the values are on par with Auction Hunters.

New buyer (taking Dave's place ?)....Jeff.....doesn't impress.

Episode #2 tonight.....

Jeff...wants a level playing field.....wise up's every man for himself and the auctioneer plays favorites !

We have several auctioneers who "didn't see" that last bid that buyer "B" placed, so buyer "A" gets the lkr.

Jeff ?  :P (rasberries !)

Barry: flies to Vegas to check out his car parts...price will be so inflated he won't lose money this time..or will he?

Next new episodes, July 10, 2012.

Re: Storage Wars Season 3.....Here we go again !
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 10:15:36 PM »
Since Jeff appears in the preview for the July 10 show....he might be the new Dave Hester!! ??? ???

Guess they need a "bad guy" - but HOLY CRAP - enough with all the corny, hokey sayings and comments!!  

BTW...I sold THREE of those tables for FIVE GRAND EACH just this his price estimates are SPOT ON!!   :P :P :P

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