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Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes

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Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« on: March 14, 2011, 01:55:05 PM »
On Wednesday, March 16, 2011 the new Storage War episodes start with the same 4 guys duking it out
for the goodies! (A&E on Cable/satellite)

Meanwhile, not too much going on in the thread link below where the producers of Storage Wars are looking
to recruit what I think is new talent for auctions in the Florida area...THAT should be interesting as well given what TreasureHawk and some others have posted about Florida.

Here's the SW producer link.

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 04:26:04 PM »
Here's some info from the producers of the series:

Storage Wars: “Get rich or die buyin’” on this A&E hit! We’re expanding to NY, Dallas, and Miami. If you are the best auctioneer in the business, we need you to be featured this hit series where buyers scour repossessed storage units in search of hidden treasures.

Looks like they've presold this for a few short seasons (8 to 12) episodes per season....over several cities. Be interesting to see the NEW personalities... Show me the money (New York) Yee, Haw ! (Dallas) and Pass the Suntan lotion, Earl (Miami)

Let the reality begin !

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 08:13:53 PM »
What about Atlanta?? I can act!!  :)

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 09:04:57 PM »
Great, crowds are only gonna get worse when the new season starts lol

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 09:50:55 PM »
Let em come to Houston, I know a few thrift store owners who recently went out of business that would love five minutes on camera. Perhaps they should do a special episode called "Storage Wars, the devastation and aftermath". :o

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 10:13:54 PM »
Storage Wars and Auction Hunters are a conundrum:  We hate them and love them at the same time.
Well, OK, some people just plain hate them.

Personally I watch them, enjoy them (on several levels) and meanwhile curse them for the crowds they have produced. Just have to live with it and as member-auctionninja-said, -up my game-  until they go away.

By the way auctionninja...where are you...lurking in a black suit in a storage auction hallway ?

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2011, 09:18:01 PM »
New episode starts in about 15 minutes.....

I watched the preview on the network's website. Looks like business as usual as the boys
fight for some good lockers, tools, etc.

Edit: Half way through Darrel has gotten 2 lockers to fill up the big truck his son drove.
After the break coming back to a tool lkr with Dave, Jarrod and even Barry going for it. Barry likes
the duffel bag.

Edit 2: Barry starts throwing stuff out looking for a collectible and doesn't find it.

Darrel finds M-16 rounds and a pistol mag with hollow guns...thank you for REALITY for a change.

Dave risks $60 and says "..if you can't risk $60 in this business you've got no business being here". He strikes out and gives stuff to Goodwill...apparently he did 30 days of community service in 2008 but he doesn't say why.

Not an exciting show, but a bit more realistic than usual.

Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2011, 10:05:05 PM »
Storage Wars and Auction Hunters are a conundrum:  We hate them and love them at the same time.
Well, OK, some people just plain hate them.

Personally I watch them, enjoy them (on several levels) and meanwhile curse them for the crowds they have produced. Just have to live with it and as member-auctionninja-said, -up my game-  until they go away.

By the way auctionninja...where are you...lurking in a black suit in a storage auction hallway ?

He got stuck in a unit, to bad it was a 10x30, now he can't find his way out.

Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2011, 12:06:56 AM »
Did anybody notice when they took a shot of the crowds, the crowd size was triple what it was when they started the show?  I wonder if the money these guys are making off the show makes up for the extra money they are now spending on lockers?

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 12:39:14 PM »
Did anybody notice when they took a shot of the crowds, the crowd size was triple what it was when they started the show?  I wonder if the money these guys are making off the show makes up for the extra money they are now spending on lockers?

I'm sure the non-disclosure clause is air-tight on what benefits they derive.

Can't argue with the success of the show (new cities is an indication of that) but too bad it negatively affects those of us who have been doing it for some time. Yes, I harder, work smarter!

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for them to show the dump run of one of the 4 guys. I would guess a benefit of being one of the 4 is that they don't haul away everything, and that dump runs are taken care of by a clean-up crew.  After all if they can have 3 or 4 cameramen covering it from any angles, they can hire some guys to go to the dump. Maybe some of the buyers who are attending and don't get a locker get to paw through the lefovers.

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 06:25:13 PM »
I have to admit, the Cadillac Barry pulled up in was pretty sweet. It must be a prop, I don't care how cool he appears to be for his age....People on social security don't have hydraulics.

Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2011, 11:43:29 PM »
Watched the new episode tonight.  This new season seems to be at least slightly more realistic.  They aren't making a ton of money, and are even losing some.  Plus, the crowds are a lot larger than they were last season, just like real life!

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2011, 06:11:19 PM »
Watched the new episode tonight.  This new season seems to be at least slightly more realistic.  They aren't making a ton of money, and are even losing some.  Plus, the crowds are a lot larger than they were last season, just like real life!

I missed the March 23 episode as I was out of town....have to find it on the internet....or a re-run on tv.  ;D

Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2011, 11:04:11 PM »
I spoke with one of the guys in production on these shows and they said the way they do it is they have the actual auctions before they start taping and then once all of the units are sold then they come back and "recreate" the auction using actual sales prices, etc. for TV.  So its mostly real, just jazzed up a little bit for TV.

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Re: Storage Wars....Spring 2011...New Episodes
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2011, 10:06:28 PM »
I missed last week's episode, but tonight's (March 30, 2011) hitting the realism button again.

Too bad they didn't show the actual purchase prices on all six of the bag-lady lockers.

Dave hit it good (AGAIN) but when you come right down to it, this was a perfect example of JUST PLAIN LUCK being a big factor. You can't see everything of course and even when you do buy a quality locker for the furiture, electronics showing, there's no guarantee there will be good jewelery (gold/silver).

The locker I bought that yielded a Ruger 10-22 and a Ruger P89 only cost $169 and those two items were buried on the back wall. I bid what I wanted on the locker and JUST LUCKED OUT (not as big as Dave of course). By the way, this was months before the tv shows started.

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