Storage Auctions

Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2011, 09:03:29 PM »
Warning: this post has "spoilers" if you haven't seen the episode.

It's official, SW tonight, 7 20 2011 in Victorville, CA with Barry getting a guitar and taking it to.....Arrowsmith !

More later.

Barry getting ready to open his locker...pulling plastic off something that looks like a white couch..... he finds guitars in the cushions.

Dave paid around $2750 for a lkr that Jarrod wanted....looked to me like Jarrod was just running him up; A double door frig and a pet kennel being the two things that Dave said made it the whole household....have to be a good one to clear the "nut" then make some profit. I would have gone $800 given my quick TV look!

Darrell finds a skull radio....I'm going to guess the TV value will be.....$400 !

Dave says he can get $700 or so for the my area $400 would be good. Just found something heavy (commercial break).


The clock if an original Oswald from the 30s would be $1500...not original case...worth $150.

Dave pulls out a rusty old pedal old market $'s market as is...$400.

Barry strikes some GOLD with his guitars and amp !

On to the 2nd NEW episode !

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2011, 09:55:59 PM »
2nd episode tonight..7 20 2011.

Some nice lockers for each of the competitors.....Jarrod and wife starting to spend some money on bigger, better lockers.  One good find in a box..a nice vintage camera.

Dave gloats (as usual) about his purchase of vending my area they go for $250 for 6 or more in a lkr.
(at end of show he claims around $30K value for all of them).

Barry....yee-haw...finds some western gear.

Darrel.....the report is still out on him...last thing I heard him say was he needed to stop worrying about Dave Hester !

Offline bwd111

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2011, 10:07:03 AM »
a buddy of mine said he saw a preview for it and there was some guy in an all white suit bidding on every unit just to spend his money and win them all... my buddy said it drove barry crazy and he yelled..."now its personal!!!"  lol, i cant wait!  i love/hate dave, love barry and darrell and jarrod and brandi are fun to watch. overall the best of the three on tv IMHO--

really dislike storage hunters- could only watch 7 mins of it before i thought it was horribly faked and written crappy cable tv.  delete!
ton and allen of auction hunters are at least entertaining
but SW seems the least scripted.

Enjoy the dig!
You mean the show has the good,the bad and the evil? A person for everyone to relate with. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sound like basic ingridents for a tv show. Yes its scripted.

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2011, 10:45:47 PM »
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Two new episodes tonight, and more of the same...showing more losing lkrs now, but still a fair amount of great items.

Here's what I noticed the most editing error in the "Eskimo Pie" lkr that Darrell got.


Movies (and TV) have continuity people who make notes on what is happening, where people are standing, etc. This is more important in movies if a shot is stopped and then reshot (take 2) so that some "continuity" is maintained when editing takes place. In other words, if the woman in red has only one of her two white, long gloves on when the cameras stop, it would be a bad thing if she had on two gloves when the next take is edited in.

WELL, when the door is opened on the "Eskimo Pie" lkr there are three boxes on the right that are neatly stacked. One on top says "medium box". They cut away to face shots of the players. When they cut back, the boxes are NOT neatly stacked ! One on top is tilted half way into the box below it. Also, a white rocking chair (empty before) NOW has a box sitting in it. THIS IS TERRIBLE editing, and also shows that the middle (open boxes shot) was taken AFTER  the lkr was purchased and gone through (that isn't supposed to be shown until later.)

Hope I explained that enough....if you record this on a Tivo or other DVR you can go back and watch this a frame at a time. I expect them to do it of the few mistakes I've seen, but now I'll watch even closer.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2011, 10:12:06 AM »
Anyone eles notice that they have the same auctioner all the time! Even in Vegas. Don't know about you all but I get different ones each place I go. Also do they all travel in a pack and never go to any other auctions? THE SHOW IS SCRIPTED AND IS FOR PURE ENTRTAINMENT VALVE. Unless you beleive everything you see on TV. We did a poll on the radio and took 30 calls and 5 say its real and unscripted and 25 say fake and are getting board with the show. But hey if your out of work this will slove all problems and you will get rich and Robin leech will be doing a story on you.

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2011, 10:25:13 AM »
Anyone eles notice that they have the same auctioner all the time! Even in Vegas. Don't know about you all but I get different ones each place I go. Also do they all travel in a pack and never go to any other auctions? THE SHOW IS SCRIPTED.....

Yuuupp !  Dotson (the auctioneer) is always on the scene no matter where they go, so YES arrangements have been made it would seem....unless Dotson already had the contract to do the Storage One auctions in Las Vegas.

As to the ? do they never go to any other auctions.....In one of the Las Vegas episodes, Dave Hester had gotten up before the rest of the pack and gone to other auctions (presumably from other auctioneers). Otherwise, they may have an agreement with the Storage Wars show to NOT go to other auctions as this might DILUTE their presence on SW. Or, they might go to others and we wouldn't know.

I am interested to see if the SW Dallas show is truly done by the same production company for the same network (A&E). It's unclear at this moment as two posters here ...BigBuyGal and Ronin seem to be at odds about what is going on (whoever is doing it) is supposed to start in the Fall (a month or so away).

Offline bwd111

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2011, 12:13:54 PM »
Yuuupp !  Dotson (the auctioneer) is always on the scene no matter where they go, so YES arrangements have been made it would seem....unless Dotson already had the contract to do the Storage One auctions in Las Vegas.

As to the ? do they never go to any other auctions.....In one of the Las Vegas episodes, Dave Hester had gotten up before the rest of the pack and gone to other auctions (presumably from other auctioneers). Otherwise, they may have an agreement with the Storage Wars show to NOT go to other auctions as this might DILUTE their presence on SW. Or, they might go to others and we wouldn't know.

I am interested to see if the SW Dallas show is truly done by the same production company for the same network (A&E). It's unclear at this moment as two posters here ...BigBuyGal and Ronin seem to be at odds about what is going on (whoever is doing it) is supposed to start in the Fall (a month or so away).

If the network was smart they would have wwe on right after storage wars. Then thwy can have two real unscripted shows back to back. 100% real tv.

STORAGE HUNTER show has to be the worse. and best setup
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2011, 12:35:47 PM »
have youever seen as may neat lockers as is on Storage Hunters. The other shows do not show the real side of storage auction, but the two on Storage Hunters have yet to have to wipe dust off a box.   How unreal.. At least storage wars leaves some dust for

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2011, 01:49:43 PM »
I thought I noticed the box thing! Glad I'm not seeing things

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Two new episodes tonight, and more of the same...showing more losing lkrs now, but still a fair amount of great items.

Here's what I noticed the most editing error in the "Eskimo Pie" lkr that Darrell got.


Movies (and TV) have continuity people who make notes on what is happening, where people are standing, etc. This is more important in movies if a shot is stopped and then reshot (take 2) so that some "continuity" is maintained when editing takes place. In other words, if the woman in red has only one of her two white, long gloves on when the cameras stop, it would be a bad thing if she had on two gloves when the next take is edited in.

WELL, when the door is opened on the "Eskimo Pie" lkr there are three boxes on the right that are neatly stacked. One on top says "medium box". They cut away to face shots of the players. When they cut back, the boxes are NOT neatly stacked ! One on top is tilted half way into the box below it. Also, a white rocking chair (empty before) NOW has a box sitting in it. THIS IS TERRIBLE editing, and also shows that the middle (open boxes shot) was taken AFTER  the lkr was purchased and gone through (that isn't supposed to be shown until later.)

Hope I explained that enough....if you record this on a Tivo or other DVR you can go back and watch this a frame at a time. I expect them to do it of the few mistakes I've seen, but now I'll watch even closer.

Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2011, 02:32:03 PM »
I thought I noticed the box thing! Glad I'm not seeing things

Yep, I saw that and pointed it out to my wife.  I thought I was seeing things at first, but we rewound it and there it was...

Offline bwd111

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2011, 02:42:50 PM »
Yep, I saw that and pointed it out to my wife.  I thought I was seeing things at first, but we rewound it and there it was...
Its a tv show . In there defense they never stated the show had no fiction. Its all theatre of the mind. Its entertainment. Would you pay several thousands of dollars to place your commerical during a tv show if it was pure crap?

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2011, 02:56:04 PM »
you pay several thousands of dollars to place your commerical during a tv show if it was pure crap?

Nope, nor would I pay several thousand dollars for a load of crap in a locker which is what the reality is at
a lot of auctions these days.

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2011, 09:23:10 PM »
SW, Wednesday, August3, 2011

As usual, the lockers pour forth some goodies...

Darrel seems off his mark (like he's sick or something) but that doesn't stop him from scoring a slide projector
that might actually be worth something.

Dave....paid big for a junk lkr but knowing Dave (and the producers) those old posters will be worth their weight in GOLD....and at today's price for gold ! ?

Jarrod and Brandi....didn't get a lkr.

Barry .... looks behind a couch and even he says "unbelievable"'ll have to watch....I can't describe it.

Another new episode coming up tonight !

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2011, 10:07:17 PM »
  I must confess , I got all set up to watch the New episodes of both Auction Hunters and Storage Hunters/Forbidden Storage ( plus taping them ).
 When I saw the credits with Ton in a $ 40,000. Bobcat , I switched to the "Really Fake Show " just in time to hear the Auctioneer shout out " A Wet Dream Of A Unit "  .
  Instead of His usual " I Can Tell its a Good Unit , My Balls Itch " .                                         Sorry I can't give You Guys and Gals a report , I switched to  a Disney Movie .

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Re: Storage Wars....Summer, 2011...starts.....
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2011, 10:25:24 PM »
I missed the first 10 minutes of the 2nd half hour of SW, but it's looking interesting anyway....

Barry got into a bidding war with a guy on two lockers...he got one of them and has just found an interesting box of vials of.....something... and an old penny arcade machine.

Meanwhile Dave lays out $9K for a lkr with maybe 90 or so boxes of ..... some kind of light show boxes (maybe disco type). All new in boxes from China....end of show will give us an idea of his outrageous profit.

Darrel....leaves saying he's not here to be in a "p....." contest.

Jarrod and Brandi....paid $2,800 for a lkr .... not full at all. Knott's Berry Farm ...will it be the key to a fortune.

Auction Hunters....Summer, 2011....Starts

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