Storage Auctions

Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2011, 08:47:29 AM »
I watched the Texas show for the first time last night as my daughters wanted me to watch TV with them.  One thing I thought during the show was - at least the prices are more decent then CA.  Other then that I mostly tuned out the show.

Honestly who thinks that a small unit of rental furniture would contain a 7k ink well in it.  It was the only thing "collectible" in the unit.  At least the hat, belt, snake skin boots were not too much of a stretch for that unit.  Of course the hat being the only thing in the drawers makes you go "ok??".

I still watch the shows online for entertainment value.  Think the original SW is way better then Texas.  However, after seeing a few hundred lockers and doing this for 7 months now I have a better appreciation for my local oldtimers, and people like MovieMan and others that have been doing this for years.  You quickly learn how fake the shows really are.

Side note - I'm interested in watching the "moving wars" show in January.  Part of me was like -- dang they will make a show about anything.  Rest of me was interested to see how they move some of this stuff.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2011, 09:54:18 AM »
Has to be the worst scripted show ever! Some people still belive this show to be all true! I bet the people who think the show is 100% real also think they did a one take when filming the subway commerical they all did! Or could it be they are all trainable actors they were taught to do the subway commerical.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2011, 09:26:07 PM »
Storage Wars Texas…Tuesday, 12/27/2011

Moe…the Barry clone…pulls up in a classic car….just like Barry!

“right here”…..that’s Victor’s call ! (and he gets dumped on by Moe)

I’m guessing the room will pay off big anyway…this IS Texas after all…AND…TV !

“bring it!" Lesa bids but doesn’t get #2

 Victor finds something ..”holy crap” he says…and we break for commercial #1 !

When we come back…he finds 4 old clocks. He does say one thing I found “real”…he comments “unbelieveable” twice…and that certainly pertains to this show !

I’m outa here !

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2011, 06:48:02 AM »
I keep forgetting all about the show being on.  Not posted on the website yet so I'll have to wait for re-runs....if I even bother watching it.  I now get a kick more out of listening to people in the gas station, store, or what not talking about the show then I do watching the show.

I had to re-educate a guy the other day.  He was talking about the 1 show I did watch where they pulled a 7k inkwell out of a locker.  I was like now think.  Everything in that unit was rental furniture.  No papers, boxes, personal items, cloths, or what not.  They don't even have enough money (assumption) to buy furniture so they rent it.   Yet, the people that bought the unit pull out a 1800s something blimp ink well worth 7k.

I could fall for a 7k lottery ticket tucked in between the seat cusions of the chair or couch before a 7k inkwell in that unit.

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 09:15:58 AM »
I take it some of you watched 2 storage wars TX shows last night.  Did you see the 2nd show with the handicapped lady in a wheelchair?  did you see that old guy with the cowboy hat with overalls leaning to the lady in the chair? 

that guy is what I deal with in my town, I call him the $10 dollar man.  He bids me up on every frickin auction there is, nickel and diming when Im going in 50 to 100 dollar increment to shake him off. 

In the other thread, I was griping about him and some of you bashed me for it. 

anyways.    ::)

last night, i saw the 10 dollar man on storage wars and I had to look the auction up.  The auction that took place in River oaks was October 10th (something like that)   

he was on the show before I met him. 



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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2011, 09:57:18 AM »
I take it some of you watched 2 storage wars TX shows last night.  Did you see the 2nd show with the handicapped lady in a wheelchair?  did you see that old guy with the cowboy hat with overalls leaning to the lady in the chair? 

that guy is what I deal with in my town, I call him the $10 dollar man.  He bids me up on every frickin auction there is, nickel and diming when Im going in 50 to 100 dollar increment to shake him off. 

In the other thread, I was griping about him and some of you bashed me for it. 

anyways.    ::) I watched the first 15min of the first episode! The show is so stupid and fake that I won't waste my time on that show anymore.  But you keep watching and fill us in! That way I can do something better for that 30 min time slot.  I would have more respect for A&E if the did a show called storage animals were different breds of animals bid on sheds! It would be better than that have a** show storage texas! What an insult the show is.

last night, i saw the 10 dollar man on storage wars and I had to look the auction up.  The auction that took place in River oaks was October 10th (something like that)   

he was on the show before I met him. 



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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2011, 10:17:40 AM »

I could fall for a 7k lottery ticket tucked in between the seat cusions of the chair or couch before a 7k inkwell in that unit.

The lottery ticket would be a good one, but when thinking about it, the following would need to apply:

1) If it was a scratch off it would have to be unscratched and then the producers who put it there wouldn't know it was a winner...that violates their #1 reason for planting good items in a locker.

2) If it was scratched off revealing a $7,000 win, that would mean the dumbass who lost the locker was even dumber than the producers...a big stretch of the imagination.

3) If it was a regular lottery ticket with winning numbers and the producers planted it, they would be the luckiest sons-of-b**s alive as the odds are in the hundreds of millions just to GET one of those tickets if you bought one, then to be compounded by coming up in the one of 10s of thousands of lockers sold in a month's time across the country!

There's dumb luck in finding the goodies WE find, then there's "manufactured" luck .... producer style!

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2011, 10:58:42 AM »

if you were on the show, you wouldn't mind if we called you inbreds? 

that ll change your tune pretty fast if they came to you and said, we ll pay you to be on the show. 

so knock it off..  If you dont have anything positive to say about the show, then keep quiet.

Not all Texans are inbreds.   I travel all over the united states and I have seen people worse than Texans but I am not going to name names. 

bwd111 - take your bashing and your hate somewhere else.

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2011, 07:18:04 AM »
I must of missed a posting that was deleted by the mods.

I've been to Texas several times for training and once just to travel.  I love the state.  Some very cool waterparks and such are in Texas.  Slitherbauhm (however spell it) outside San Antonio has a cool water coaster.  No other type ride in the US.

Anyways - this is about storage wars, not really about the people that make up a state.  Lets talk about the units, story plot, or prices.  Who cares about the people.  I rub shoulders with worse looking and sometimes acting people then what is on TV at my local auctions.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2011, 10:19:30 AM »
I must of missed a posting that was deleted by the mods.

I doubt the deletion scenario; perhaps post #20 above is the one in question. On the surface it looks like BWD just reposted (a quote), but if you look one line down from the first smiley face and go 10 words to the right BWD says something about farm animals.

My main complaint is not with the show's bidders per se (though some aspects are alarming), but rather with the human beings who are the producers of the show.  It just seems to me to be such an OBVIOUS (attempted) CLONE of the original show that it is insulting to the viewer.

Also, the details of the characterizations of each of the bidders is bothersome. Some producer glommed on to the idea that "yupp" had made its way into our lexicon SOOOO....we now have "Bring it!" and "Right here" as new possible catch phrases for the lookey-loos to shout at the next auction we attend locally.

Also, the very poor ways in which the lockers are set up has been mentioned by several people. I think Craig*** mentioned the very unlikely presence of a $7,000 inkwell in a lkr that had half a dozen pieces of rental furniture. If there had been 20 boxes in there too it would have been more realistic (but still fake).

Then there was the single cowboy hat in a six drawer chest to go along with the separately stored snake hat band and other snake items. Some producer or assistant didn't use too many brain cells there.

Just a show that begs for critical analysis all the way around, and the loopy bidders there are the easiest things to attack first. So this show definitely deserves 1/4 of a "Yee-Haw! on the popularity scale and that would be a limp "ye"  from me.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2011, 10:23:40 AM »

if you were on the show, you wouldn't mind if we called you inbreds? 

that ll change your tune pretty fast if they came to you and said, we ll pay you to be on the show. 

so knock it off..  If you dont have anything positive to say about the show, then keep quiet.

Not all Texans are inbreds.   I travel all over the united states and I have seen people worse than Texans but I am not going to name names. 

bwd111 - take your bashing and your hate somewhere else.

I Think you might have read the wrong post! cause I never have even used the word inbreds or anything thing bad about Texans as my grand-ma is from texas. I did how ever say the show is stupid and that I did watch first 15 min of the show tuesday. So you might want to re-read all post. Think your upset cause we all can't stand the show and you feel left out. Sorry for the confusion. Nice try thou. The show sucks

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2011, 10:30:28 AM »
I doubt the deletion scenario; perhaps post #20 above is the one in question. On the surface it looks like BWD just reposted (a quote), but if you look one line down from the first smiley face and go 10 words to the right BWD says something about farm animals.

My main complaint is not with the show's bidders per se (though some aspects are alarming), but rather with the human beings who are the producers of the show.  It just seems to me to be such an OBVIOUS (attempted) CLONE of the original show that it is insulting to the viewer.

Also, the details of the characterizations of each of the bidders is bothersome. Some producer glommed on to the idea that "yupp" had made its way into our lexicon SOOOO....we now have "Bring it!" and "Right here" as new possible catch phrases for the lookey-loos to shout at the next auction we attend locally.

Also, the very poor ways in which the lockers are set up has been mentioned by several people. I think Craig*** mentioned the very unlikely presence of a $7,000 inkwell in a lkr that had half a dozen pieces of rental furniture. If there had been 20 boxes in there too it would have been more realistic (but still fake).

Then there was the single cowboy hat in a six drawer chest to go along with the separately stored snake hat band and other snake items. Some producer or assistant didn't use too many brain cells there.

Just a show that begs for critical analysis all the way around, and the loopy bidders there are the easiest things to attack first. So this show definitely deserves 1/4 of a "Yee-Haw! on the popularity scale and that would be a limp "ye"  from me.
Sorry for the confusion. The animal thing I was talking about was I would have more respect for  A&E if they did a show called Storage animals where you have differant breeds of animals like dogs,cats,lions,bears,deer,beavers bidding on sheds. Its a parday thing on the show. Jarred would be Squirrel, Dave would be the panda bear, Darrel would be the bear, Barry the dog. Meaning the show would be as riddiclous as the texas show. So have no idea why the person got mad!

Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2011, 01:58:50 PM »
The cowboy hat, snake boots, hat band, and belt buckle was a stretch...but I could see it as a remote possability.  I think it was more of a poor joke or play on the show being in Texas.  Texas isn't the only state with 1/4 of the population wearing a cowboy hat.  Any of the states in that area has people that wear them.  Not for a fasion or style sense but for practical purposes.  Those places you wear either a cowboy hat, boonie floppy hat, or sombero (sp).  Baseball cap is good for your face but your neck gets burnt.

I know people have already mentioned New York and Miami as other locations they may or are doing shows at.  I just really hope they just stop.  Is what kills many a show I think....the over saturation.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2012, 09:31:29 PM »
Tonight, Jan 10, 2012....

I'm only going to report on the most OUTRAGEOUS thing I see on SW Texas.

Be back when it's over.  With 10" left in the show the best part so far was the two Smith boys going back home (a fair distance from what they said)...with...NOTHING! Now THAT'S reality in the storage biz.


The Barry clone gets a Ms. PacMan cocktail table game..value about $1200. In 8 years of doing this I've seen three pinball machines come up...I got one of them.

Lesa scores a Davy Crocket tent from the 1950s.   Value  $100.

Promo for next week shows back to back episodes of the original Storage Wars. I wonder if they didn't make all that many episodes of Texas and if this is their way of spreading them out until (hopefully) they die off.

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Re: Storage Wars Texas...Fall, 2011
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2012, 07:42:14 AM »

The Barry clone gets a Ms. PacMan cocktail table game..value about $1200. In 8 years of doing this I've seen three pinball machines come up...I got one of them.

I have seen one arcade game in a unit. It was a Donkey Kong, looked original from the 80s. Well the facility manager put a minimum starting bid on that unit at $3000. Nobody bid on it. Never saw the unit come back up for auction so don't know what happen to the unit, it's contents, or the arcade game. The facility manager probably just kept the unit and parted out the contents himself. It's legal to do that in Tennessee.

Storage Wars....Fall, 2011 Escapades !

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