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# 6 locker update

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# 6 locker update
« on: December 14, 2011, 07:05:24 PM »
Had to run back and get another truck and trailer full.  Not many boxes of stuff.  We went through what we had all the gold had been pawned.  :(

This lady had four kids. We have lots of clothes will start that process tomorrow, and Friday, and Saturday.
About 30 large bags full.

So far the few clothing we have found is name brand. Some nice kids shoes too.
Don't have a lot of totes thinking about running to the liquor store to get boxes to help separate. Or just invest in some clear totes for all the clothing.

With $220 of furniture at the thrift we have a high bar table with 2 chairs, need to fix one of the chairs. A dresser we will spray some paint on to spruce up. Two low TV stands. So think if all that sells we should be in the green.  ;D

All the pots and pans are scrap---She used the H*ll out of them. A lot of plates think we have a box of china, did not get to that.  A few nick knacks (dollar store stuff) Will fill up the tables.

I will say this is the cleanest locker we have gotten.  ;D
It had not been there long had food (can goods, spices, and dry goods) in there thank goodness the rats did not find it. Industrial neighbourhood.

Might get some looks with the two Black Angles we have.. (craiglstauction let you know how it goes) LOL

Oh there were to front page news papers she saved. One was (Name of boyfriend) wanted for attempted murder. Glad we live in the sticks.
The other was man goes on shooting spree kills his father then himself and injured five people. Not sure who he was, brother, or one of the kids father?

We did have a lady approach us when we were loading the truck day of auction I was worried it was the owner, but it wasn't. She wanted to buy a bed. Then she asked if she could look in the unit. She was an older lady. She looked and said someone's whole life in there. I said yes ma'am. She said God bless them, as she walked away.

When we get into the clothes will update. Oh and we have a lot of purses. One says Louis Vuitton will go read the post about that I have no clue not into that stuff..Pretty sure it is a knock off.

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 09:08:18 PM »

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2011, 05:35:48 PM »
Lol - you will get some looks on the Angels but this is a great time to sell them at the flea / yard sale.  As for the purse - most of the high end stuff has serial #s in them from what I've learned.  Yet, to find anything like that - just 2 knock offs.  As for pots/pans and such most that I find gets tossed in my scrap pile.  I take the handles off, or with large spoons and such I cut the metal from the plastic handle.  Will sort all the stainless later and take it to yard when prices go back up....hopefully in march.

I also got a unit the other day.  Just plugged up the fridge to see if it gets cold.  If so a good cleaning and that should be my $150 back that I paid for unit.   Lets hope anyways.

Let us know how you do on the cloths.  90% of my cloths are going to goodwill before the 1st.  Just don't move for me.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2011, 06:41:05 PM »
Lol - you will get some looks on the Angels but this is a great time to sell them at the flea / yard sale. 
Will have to go somewhere else to sell them where we sell I don't think I want the looks LOL

  As for the purse - most of the high end stuff has serial #s in them from what I've learned.  Yet, to find anything like that - just 2 knock offs. 

I found one knock off was falling apart the other has a serial # will see most likely knock off

As for pots/pans and such most that I find gets tossed in my scrap pile.  I take the handles off, or with large spoons and such I cut the metal from the plastic handle.  Will sort all the stainless later and take it to yard when prices go back up....hopefully in march.
The locker we got last week had sell-able pots in it.

Hope the frig works.

We did well with some pretty low end kids clothes so hoping most of them are kids. Broke down and bought some Totes. I will sell out of them. we did not even get started on them today. Cleaned up some of the furniture and cleaned up the shed from last locker. Took the furniture to the thrift. Tomorrow is garbage run and a few yard sales. And getting things in order and maybe get the rest of the furniture ready to sell. Not having a yard until after the holidays so plenty of time to get it done (yeah right).

Planning on finally going to the flea we want to sell at and see what the prices are running on some of the things we have. And just getting the scoop. Sunday is still far away LOL.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 02:59:36 PM »
Finally have gone through most of the clothing (think three bags left)

Found $ 130.00 in monopoly money... LOL

Have found $1.46 in real money.  A dollar that had been washed many times in a size 3T shorts LOL

Have ended up with nine (18gal) totes full of kids clothes. Think at .50 a piece that comes to about $50 worth in each tote.  Selling tomorrow. Selling the denim for $1.00 and jackets and hoodiess for $2.00
Have all sizes too Infant to teen.

One tote of adult clothes $25

Also have about the same amount to wash maybe more. Not into spending money on it but think will be ok sense most of it is kids and pretty nice shape some name brands, Fubu, levis, apple (?).

Have to go back through the smalls and see what that is at.

Just looked at the date of last post on this. Felt like it took me a month LOL  CLOSE LOL

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 06:23:20 PM »
Really hope you do well with the clothing.  I have every only sold 1 jacket, 1 shirt, and the rest shoes in regards to clothing.  Just can't seem to move the stuff.  Gave Goodwill a trailer load of clothing just before the end of year for the tax write-off.  Still have 4 huge boxes (like 3.5' x 3' x 3') with clothing to sort.  Mostly adult clothing.  In last unit my 16th with the fridge I found a bunch of sports related kids jerseys and hats.  Need to sort and take pictures of them still to post.

Fridge worked but doesn't get cold, prob no freon.  Going to try and sell it "as-is" for $25-$50 on CL.  I know many appliance repair people look for such deals.

Good luck Saturday.

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2012, 07:59:18 PM »
I usually take the time to sort out all the clothes and sell in lots at flea or on craigslist, higher end stuff I usually sell on ebay. One trick with a whole bunch of clothes if its average and in decent shape is to sell it on ebay as "MEDIUM PRIORITY MAIL FLAT RATE BOX FULL OF ASSORTED CLOTHES." Take a couple of pictures of the clothing stuffed in the box you can usually pull in $10-$15 sometimes more on just the clothes (Nicely folded items sell for higher) and then the flat fee for postage.

Might not work for everyone, but it's proven effective for me.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2012, 04:58:04 AM »
Well Adult clothes I don't really move either unless mens LG shirts for work, and pants.

@ Buy-Low-Sell-High yes someone else on here does the same thing I am thinking about it. I still don't have a handle on my ebay stuff (mainly procrastination). Need to get it going again and move that inventory. Only a hand full of name brands the one pair of kids levis has a whole in the knee.

I sorted mine into sized bins. So what size? it is in that bin go digging.
Once I got my bins set up it was pretty fast sorting. Decided the trip to the laundry mat could wait have enough to take to the yard today. And really don't have space in the bins for those anyway sometimes less is more.

We are going to the flea next weekend (first visit). One of the regulars at the auction told us which one she goes to and it is close to us (we went there a long while back and nobody was there) She says she can't keep kids clothes either.  So will take the left over clothe inventory from previous yards there. Will mix them in with what is left from this weekend yard sale. Keeping it fresh.

The size thing drives me nuts.
Small, Med., Large, in kids and teens, and adult. Then you have x small.  ???

When we started loading up good grief have a lot of inventory. Don't think we will do to bad. We will see. We usually have the yard on Friday and Sat. And Friday is a killer day. Opted to attend auction instead so hopefully we will do well today. Could be Sat slow because we are picked over by then.

@ Craiglst  Sorry the fridge is almost a bust. And yeah adult clothes are a lot harder to sell. (friend of ours had some really large mens dress pants (3X) sold on ebay for $25.00 a piece.).

Forgot ended up with three bags for rags. Sell those to my neighbour for $5.00 a garbage bag full. 

Sure am glad we don't have to be there early. : ).  We set up by the time the store opens at 9:30.

Will let you know how we do.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2012, 07:08:21 AM »

Will let you know how we do.


I admire your tenacity when working with clothes. I couldn't do it. I sell leather jackets, sports related jackets, work jackets, sports jerseys and that's about it. Better shoes  (mostly with boxes). Best Jordan's go on eBay where I recently sold two for $70 something and the other for $150 area.

The amount of clothes each of us gets certainly lends itself to a selling opportunity though. Some of the guys I know just dump them out on the ground or leave them in the totes they come in and let people burrow through it.  There are several vendors who have them all arranged on hangars and those "x" type clothing stands...I try to keep an eye on how they are doing, but hard to tell; I guess the real tell is that they keep coming back, so must be making some money.


Today (Saturday the 7th of Jan, 2012)....only 42 degrees here in central California at 5 a.m. .... that's an improvement on about the last 3 saturdays when it was 32 or so.  I have to be at my reserved spot before 6 a.m. or they sell it to a "daily" seller. Will warm up today to about 55 to 60 by noon or so.  

Good luck with your clothes...I'm taking none today.

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2012, 08:03:41 PM »
Ya - let us know how the clothing went.

I just spent an hour sorting cloths that I got in my last auction from Dec.  Did find a number of "jersey" type kids clothing from Rebook and companies like that.  Also 3 golf flags - no logo on them however.  If had been Masters stuff I'd been in some money.  Going to do some research on ebay and see if can sell them there.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2012, 07:10:57 PM »
Sorry for the delay in response. Did not make it on Sat. Weather was not good in the morning and cleared up after noon so held off until today.

Not a bad day moved some inventory we usually do better.

On the clothes did not sell a one. Gave $15 worth to the thrift lady, for using the parking lot.

My opinion is I think the totes did me in. (new method of selling) did not work. Also feel time of year/ and possible day.
Will try and set out the three sizes that sell the best (3T, 4T, & 5T). leave the others in the totes. Hitting the flea market next weekend.


I admire your tenacity when working with clothes. I couldn't do it. I sell leather jackets, sports related jackets, work jackets, sports jerseys and that's about it. Better shoes  (mostly with boxes). Best Jordan's go on eBay where I recently sold two for $70 something and the other for $150 area.

Good luck with your clothes...I'm taking none today.

Well if we were getting better lockers may not have the tenacity to do it either. Unfortunately this unit had bags and bags and bags. So to much money to just give away.

But over all the kids clothes usually sell like hot cakes. There is some regular auction buyers and that is all they buy, sell at the flea market.

We did have a guy donate some things to us. Just pulled up and said I have some stuff I want to get rid of I said sure. Woofer box, Speaker in box, set of golf clubs. Sold the speaker and box for $5.00.
And had a good week from the thrift too.

I will let you know if do better at the Flea, and the first of next months yard.

Craig if you price it low enough people will take it. If mostly adult put in a tote and put .25 each. I would only put one out not to take up your table space, Could take more and just refill it.

Remember our first locker was all clothes and tripled our money on it and still have a lot left and they are gross.  ;)

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2012, 07:51:45 AM »
I think I'd sale cloths better at a yard sale then flea market.  I'm mostly keeping any high-end stuff and jeans right now and just donating the rest.  Don't want to have cloths in boxes in the sheds during winter.  That just invites the mice and squirrels to make nest.  So what doesn't fit in the totes is going to Goodwill.  I plan to do a large yard sale come late March / April when it warms up.  Noticed saturday that I didn't see the first yard sale in my local area.  So think the current market is just on break or something.

I'm keeping an ear out for when people start getting their refund checks.  Mother works doing taxes for one of the large companies in our area.  So when she says people are starting to come pick up checks I plan to sell at the flea that weekend if decent weather.  By then decent weather will be 50+ degrees and no wind.  I'm super glad we have a short winter in the south.

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2012, 05:25:37 PM »
I think the clothes do better at yards too. Will find out this weekend when we go to the Flea.

We have to many Hawks, Owls,and Bald Eagles, too worry to much about mice. LOL
But it does happen. Dog attacks the squirrels.  ;D

On the tax thing can count two weeks after the 18th. the money will start rolling in. Our Thrift wants to start stock piling for that time. She has had a lot of people saying they want that or this and will come when they get their tax money.  ;D

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Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2012, 06:16:02 PM »
I will keep my hopes up on the clothes sold a total of $2.50 worth at the Flea today.

We did not have as much room as we needed. Have rented two spaces next weekend and have another plan on how to sell them. Still trying when, I figure out the winning combination I will let everybody know.  ;)

If does not work next weekend will resort to Ebay lots and see.

Still feel it might be the time of year all new threads for Christmas. 

Still Optimistic.  :) :) :) :) :)

Re: # 6 locker update
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2012, 12:17:42 PM »
I'm just starting to hate cloths.  I've donated a ton of them to Goodwill now.  Finally went over the 3 huge boxes I had in the shed.  Many of them hit the trash, the rest to Goodwill.  Now I have 8 trash bags full under my main sorting table to look in.  Trying to figure out how to sell the kids jerseys and things I have.  Most of them are football which is about over.  So try and sell or hold till next fall?  I spent some time to take pictures.  Think I may use up the last of my free listings next week and post them for $3 each on ebay.  I don't care if only make $1 after fee's I just want these things gone.

Cold has made me lazy - keep trying to sort the cloths for Ebay lots and then find something else (almost anything else) to do :)

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