Storage Auctions

A little nervous here~3 units bought~

A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:02:47 PM »
I just hung up with Don who went to a 'new' (meaning one we had never attended) auction today.  We called yesterday to verify and was told 'yes there would be an auction and there were 8 units up'.  Don got there about 8:45 (9 schedule start) and there was nobody there.  I told him to hang out as they would show up.  Well they turned out to be the manager and he said there definitely was an auction today.

Turns out that Don was the only one (red flags) and when the manager opened the first unit Don offered him $10.  Nope~I have to have what's owed on the unit which was $275.  They proceeded to look at the rest of the units and went back to the office to discuss.  

There were two small trashy units that he offered up at $10 each.  So Don bought those.  What have ya got to lose???  Another unit was $225 and the guy said the former tenant was in jail and that he supposedly stole jewelry from his folks. thanks!  Don ended up buying another unit for the $275 fees and he is cleaning it out now.

Thus far he has found some (more) Native American items, two brand new in the box pairs of Air Jordans (will have to research as I now have some idea of their value), a box loaded with DVD's (they're in there), a couple brand new ladders (1 fiberglass the other an extension) and tons of boxes, all taped with a quarter inch of dust.

Really have no idea why nobody else was there or what the deal was/is, but figured with what I made on ebay over the past 3 days, might as well roll the dice.  It's an opportunity that I can't imagine comes along too often.  Just hope it isn't too good to be true kinda deal.

Will try to update after we learn more.

I can't even imagine how weird that must have felt being the only bidder~
Has that ever happened to you?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 01:14:15 PM »
Sounds like you don't have to be nervous based on the items you mentioned (and unopened, dust covered boxes).

As to being the only one there, that is strange unless all the other people who used to go there didn't like the idea of having a minimum (payup) bid in the procedure.

Also, in my area there is a sort of unwritten "law" that at least three people have to be there to make an auction. I was at an auction where there were two guys together and me, so it worked out fine. We each got one at $10 and then on the third one they went higher because it was a very good 10 x 10. I got it at $200 as they were new and not well financed. This was some years ago before the shows. Now that place is in the main stream and no bargains to be had.

So, you did well on a couple of separate lockers in just a week.....take 'em when you can !

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 09:50:26 PM »
I'm sort of surprised the had the auction.  Most places in my area want 3 or 4 people.  Sounds like some decent units.  What is "owed" and what a unit is worth can be vastly different.  Glad you are doing well.

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 06:11:24 PM »
The two trashy units were just that.  Trash.  Perhaps a $5 profit, but probably not, after deducting gas/dump fees.
The other unit was GREAT!  
Found lots of Native American items including some authentic Navajo rugs (don't think they're vintage, but still have significant value), a nice set of Cold Steel knives that already have bids ($200 thus far) on ebay, lots of Hard Rock items (a pin lot with bids on ebay), some tools, tons of comic books (some older) and an older Bose Wave Radio.

I had never heard a Bose before.  I fell in love with it, so I listed it high @ $125 opening bid with a $155 BIN.  I figured with the similar models selling for about $125-150 with numerous bids, I'd be safe.  Told Don if the knives hit $300 I'm pulling the Bose.  Son of a gun just sold on the BIN................argh!!!!!!!!!!!

With our last two (decent) units being owned by Native Americans we now have a great collection for sale.  Only problem is I can't find anybody to authenticate/evaluate it.  The two galleries (and a couple free-lancers) I would be inclined to use are away for the summer.  that happens frequently here as many have shops in both Tucson and the Santa Fe area.  I'll keep plugging along, but am guessing we could have upwards of $2K in vintage Native American items.  

Oh yeah....more tennies~we had a few pair of Nike's new in the box of which the facility manager was interested in some.  We took them back to the facility the following day and gave him his choice of one pair for free.....figured it can't hurt to have a manager on your side..........especially since Don was the only one at this auction.  

Can hardly wait until next month!!!!!!!!!

Edit to note: I forgot the stereo equipment.  It's all older but pieces like Kenwood, Technics, Teac.  Haven't had a chance to see if they work or not.
Still haven't looked through all the comics, but there are over 4 large boxes worth.
Probably about 150 cds/dvds and all good, salable titles for a change.
Oh yeah and some 80's rock posters including a playbill for the Cars and another for AC/DC with Humble Pie and some cheeky, cheesy girl posters.  I looked at one and told Don 'That is so 80's!'..........sure enough 1984.  He recognized the ski boots one with 'I used to see that one at Tommy's Ski Shop!' 8)

Offline MovieMan

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2012, 07:16:49 PM »

The other unit was GREAT!  

Great ?  In our business that qualifies as Nicholas Cages' NATIONAL TREASURE !

Next thing we know there will be a show about finding Indian artifacts.  

Congrats on those two GREAT lockers. Numerically, how many have you bought so far and what's the ratio for greatness? Would it be 1 in 50, 1 in 25, etc. ?


That $155 you got for the WAVE was GREAT considering it was the RADIO ONLY. A friend who sold one of those on eBay a few months ago got $95 after paying $50 for it at an estate sale....if I had been there 5 minutes earlier it would have been me holding it under my arm.

I've gotten 4 I think over the years (with the single CD on top) and that included two in one lkr...I kept one of them. I think the going price (pretty much anyway) is around $150 to $180 when they are of that vintage WITH the single CD player. Just about any BOSE item goes though I did have a beautiful new remote (lighted) that ran three times and NEVER sold.

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2012, 11:03:27 PM »
Great ?  In our business that qualifies as Nicholas Cages' NATIONAL TREASURE !

Oh please......that's like when I found the Pablita Velarde and the gallery owner said (and I quote) "That's like finding a Stradivarius (sp) at a garage sale!"  Well two months, several phone calls and finally a threat to go public with it...........I landed $3500 after delivering it to Santa Fe.   :D

No it is a GREAT unit and totally unexpected.  We desperately needed that.  Our sales locally are nil.  I've been doing ok on ebay lately, but Tucson is like a ghost town and it's been over a month since we made it out to the flea.  Did do a prosperous yard sale 3 weeks ago, but monthly bills have depleted that.

and as far as the wave~I really didn't want to sell it.  Packed it up and almost cried (kidding of course...sniffle....sniffle), but as my sis said "you'll just have to find another one and the next time it'll be the cd kind!"

As for percentages......I'd say we've had far more hits than misses.  Of course our most expensive buy was also our biggest loss, but that is so far gone now.

If I had to pick a #............I'd say 1 in 15 has been very good to great~

We're doing well and since we just started back in Sept.........I think we've learned enough to weather the year~

Offline MovieMan

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2012, 11:14:17 PM »

No it is a GREAT unit and totally unexpected.  We desperately needed that. 

And I'm not kidding either...anytime you can net $3K to $4K on a unit IS like finding a long lost treasure. It doesn't matter whether you paid $200 for a unit or $2,000 for a unit...if you NET $3K it's great and doesn't happen all that often.

A 1 in 15 ratio is great for getting a great one. I don't buy anything (quantity wise) like I used to but in those days I figured 1 in 50 was good.  Now I am so picky I guess that ratio would get smaller. I haven't even bought a locker since May 9, 2012 (and it will be August 9 in a few weeks) so my stock is pretty slim. Been working on all old stuff in two lockers so need to buy something new somewhere.

Flea has been down last 3 Saturdays or so. eBay has dropped off in last week or so and Clist dead for maybe 3/4 weeks now.  These things seem to come in cycles rather than be a level, consistent thing.

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2012, 07:54:52 AM »
I think I may have misrepresented here.  When I said 1 in 15 is very good to great, I meant a 5 to 10 time investment.  Like my Air Jordan unit with all the hip hop items.  I bought it for $120.  Sold the Gucci hat for $125.  Then the jeans started flying off the (ebay) shelf and now finally the Air Jordans are selling.  I'm going to net close to a grand on that unit.  To me........that was a GREAT unit.

As far as netting $3k.......that would be about 1 in a 100.  But again, I'm a relative newbie.  Bought our first unit in September and have bought about 50 since.  And again, I'm easily impressed.  Remember I'm combining all the Native American stuff from two units into a lot that could be worth a couple (to few) grand.

One of my favorite units was my 2nd pool table one that I bought for $225.  Found enough gold to cover the cost (still can't believe that, as jewelry was the last thing I expected to find  in THAT locker) then sold the pool table, speakers, jbls etc.......netted just over $900.  To me that is pushing great~

I feel like I have to quit talking as I sound like I'm bragging.  Do not want to come across like that.  Just so ecstatic at some of our finds and I can't talk about them with other auction buyers locally as there is always somebody 'listening in'.  And let's face can only listen (and understand) so much of it~

Offline Cobia

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2012, 08:30:05 AM »
I think I may have misrepresented here.  When I said 1 in 15 is very good to great, I meant a 5 to 10 time investment.  Like my Air Jordan unit with all the hip hop items.  I bought it for $120.  Sold the Gucci hat for $125.  Then the jeans started flying off the (ebay) shelf and now finally the Air Jordans are selling.  I'm going to net close to a grand on that unit.  To me........that was a GREAT unit.

As far as netting $3k.......that would be about 1 in a 100.  But again, I'm a relative newbie.  Bought our first unit in September and have bought about 50 since.  And again, I'm easily impressed.  Remember I'm combining all the Native American stuff from two units into a lot that could be worth a couple (to few) grand.

One of my favorite units was my 2nd pool table one that I bought for $225.  Found enough gold to cover the cost (still can't believe that, as jewelry was the last thing I expected to find  in THAT locker) then sold the pool table, speakers, jbls etc.......netted just over $900.  To me that is pushing great~

I feel like I have to quit talking as I sound like I'm bragging.  Do not want to come across like that.  Just so ecstatic at some of our finds and I can't talk about them with other auction buyers locally as there is always somebody 'listening in'.  And let's face can only listen (and understand) so much of it~

Don't feel bad about being enthusastic, thats what will keep you in the business, especially with all the junk, strange customers, ever changing marketplace, TV gambling bidders, etc.

Offline Cobia

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2012, 08:32:29 AM »
Flea has been down last 3 Saturdays or so. eBay has dropped off in last week or so and Clist dead for maybe 3/4 weeks now.  These things seem to come in cycles rather than be a level, consistent thing.

hmm, seems the drop in customers at the flea market , yard sales, & Craigslist is a national trend. Having the same experience here.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2012, 08:51:44 AM »

I feel like I have to quit talking as I sound like I'm bragging.  Do not want to come across like that.  Just so ecstatic at some of our finds and I can't talk about them with other auction buyers locally as there is always somebody 'listening in'.  And let's face can only listen (and understand) so much of it~

As Cobia said in his reply #8 above, don't feel that way.  I call this "sharing the joy" when my auction/ebay friends and I exchange stories of good buys or good sales.

Only people here on the forum can truly relate to what it feels like to have a good score, find something one wants for oneself, etc.  Spouses (unless really involved) can't relate that much either, or get tired of hearing about the biz.

So, enjoy while you can...remember whether it's 1 in 15 or 1 in 50 the good ones only come along once in a while.

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2012, 06:08:41 PM »
Rockin my friend please feel free to brag away.  Is good to hear when people make it big or even a decent victory.

Only thing I would like is some of your luck.  Around here I'm not bleeding money but I'm not really making much either.  Like the trend all over most of the units up for auction now just suck.  Add that to the lower sells like others and things are slow.  I have done more yard sales then auctions of late.  For my area the trend will change in another few weeks I think.  Kids go back to school mid-Aug.  So we expect the noobies to come out in force again at the auctions.

Not sure about other area's but from what I hear Sunday has turned into a better selling day then Saturday.

Re: A little nervous here~3 units bought~
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2012, 12:54:23 AM »
Rockin congrats on your Ebay auction I saw the knives went for 355.00. Sweet ;) :o

first units bought!!

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