Well my streak of only 2 units a month avg continues. Struck out last night (didn't even bid) and didn't win any of the 4 units just now. Today's auction is one that only holds auctions every other month. Normally the lockers are not great but ok, and the prices match. Today was a mix story. I was # 17 on the bidding sheet. We were using the back of the page which is a first. Saw only 3 other regulars. The rest were new faces to me.
Unit 1) Particle board furniture, table w/ no chairs, odds and ends - $175 (noob)
Unit 2) Washer (coin op), Dryer, 1 tub with looks like a blanket, couch, and boombox - $85 (noob)
Unit 3) Bed frames, guitar, plastic trees - $50 (I didn't bid to give one of the regulars chance to win)
Unit 4) 3 matresses, 2 box springs, dresser w/ cloths, round table w/ 2 chairs, stack of CDs and various DVD cases. - $200 (regular I think)
I bid on unit 2 and 4. Passed on 3 since regular liked it. He has lost money his last 2 units. As he said I could of bid $60 and gotten it. Told him it was ok - other then the guitar ($50), not worth the cleaning w/ chance of rain.
Unit 4 I liked - was about the best looking unit except for the matress/boxspring. I stayed in till $100 and quit. Cost me $20 to dump the matress/box and the furniture looked marginal.
Previous auction I may of been able to get #2 for $50, #3 if had wanted it, and #4 for 100 or less. Is why I love this place. Can normally get cheap lockers that don't have a WOW factor, but make you money.
Calling to confirm the auction on Sunday. However, I think it will be as much of a circus as MLK monday and Saturday auctions are.
The regular that bought #3 - talking with him about yesterday afternoon at the Public Storage auctions. He said there was moderate (50+) crowds at the 3 facilities. He paid $300 for a unit and said he will loosse $200. This on top of his $120 loss from our caravan at start of the month. Told him he was skunking out. He is one of the old regulars that didn't give me a hard time when started and even told me some of the companies to watch out for. So I try to re-pay the kindness when I can. So on a marginal locker I'll pass on it if he is winning.
Forgot to mention: Place has 1 other location near where I live. Can't make it as too far from work so called father to hit it up. Only 1 small unit there. If none of the noobs go, we may snag it for cheap. Waiting on a phone call now