my first set of auctions starts thursday. i hope to finally take one home this time. the first 2 are in one of the many affluent sides of town in my city, so im hoping to get one early and use the rest of the day to sort it out. i havent really decided what my max is. ive told my wife one thing, but will probably be taking double what i told her... just in case...
ive been lurking for the past couple of years.. pretty much since the auction shows hit tv. ive used what i learned on there (as much as you can learn on there), from what ive seen people talk about on here and my personal experience buying and reselling on craigslist and the local flea market.
my bigger scores:
goodwill - pair of paradigm v.2 atoms, mint condition. purchased for 10$, sold for 180$
goodwill - pair of bose 301 series III, mint condition (dusty as hell though). purchased 20$ sold for 200$
yardsale - cerwyn vega tower speakers, mint condition. bought 20$ sold 150$
best score - 1994 honda accord w/ jdm h22a motor swap. bought from lady who's son went to prison. he signed the title over to her to pay her back for past debts owed. she sold it to me for what he owed her: 800$. took it to my mechanic who said it needed a rear main seal. 200$ in repair, 1000$ total investment. sold for 4500$ 2 weeks later. fun car to drive. 200bhp in a lil 4banger at 9k rpm was fun.
ive been buying/reselling for around 6 years now, but since my other job lets me work the hours i want and pays a really good wage, i finally found a hobby i can spend my excess $$ on and make more $$

on a final note, its really good that i live in a house thats been converted to a 4plex. i have tons of garage space and 4 city trash cans i can use to avoid dump fees on small/medium items. im really excited to make my first purchase ever and first purchase of 2012